Why are liberals so fucking evil?

Why are liberals so fucking evil?

why is OP always an offtopic shitposter

the answer to your question is to stop assuming the person creating a problem is being honest about who they really are

they hate themselves and want to bring the rest of the world down

I don't know mang

Sup Forums - Television & Film

Why do americans call socialists "liberals" and liberals "libertarians"?

Its easier for them

You mean niggers.

this is too important for you to be playing forum rule lawyer

we are in the middle of a great cultural war. On one side, idiots and evil people fighting to destroy the western humanoid species (aka the human races), on the other people fighting to preserve western human species

(btw I don't believe the bullshit of races, humans are genetically different enoguh that they can be classified as multiple species)

i have an image that answers your question

>that kid just sitting there

The power of BBC it makes you do crazy things

Because whites haven't been voting Dem so they are trying to rile up the brown base against them


i thought that was fake and another meme twitter thread hahaaha

It's true. I do.

>Sup Forums unironically believes this

gave me a solid laff mate

I thought they wanted America to become even more segregated by continuously ignoring actual social issues started by non whites and blaming whites for everything bad that happens in their lives while people who aren't brainwashed by MSM get alternative news sources.

Because there's no actual left

democrats and republicans are the same

they will both take you to a black site and infringe your rights, bush and obama all infringed your fourth amendment rights

only a cuck would disagree prove me wrong

That's a beautiful strawman you just defeated there. Good job, Billy-bob.

Good thing it was a nigger. Had it been a white sociopath, the kid would be hanging from her tonsils right after.

Well yeah they're both center right parties. Why do Americans act like this isn't well known?

"liberal" became synonymous with social democracy in the USA after opponents of FDR's new deal declared themselves "conservatives", and those for it cemented their support by calling themselves liberal. Neither term has anything to do with social democracy or the new deal really, but that's how labels fly.
Meanwhile the actually politically literate in the US do not tend to use the term "liberal" to describe a group at all (with the exception of historically to describe classical liberalism to describe a focus on liberty or "neo-liberal" to describe laisse faire capitalism), but opt for more precise terms such as "social democrat", "interventionist", "keynesian" etc.
Long story short, it's shorthand brought about by partisanship and laziness.

democrats are progressive communists. do a little research and figure out who comitted the largest genocides. pro tip: it wasn't hitler, he barely breaks the top 20. also hitler was a communist. national SOCIALIST party.

Because their politics are showbiz and it's more about narrative than policies, it's why Trump and Obama won.

Sup Forums also wants to genocide entire races of people and has no problem with it lmao

>genocide one race for the greater good
whats the problem?

hahaha jesus