Anyone else not buy it at all?

Anyone else not buy it at all?

Everything about this story screams set up.

>The Target
Young, reportedly energetic and strong woman, induces maximum amount of sympathy across the board, no one would give a shit if some old white male was killed.

>The Killer
Conveniently gave his name as "Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain", even muslim terrorists give their names in court. White, right wing male, apparent Nazi sympathiser, No close family besides a brother who didn't visit him or know all that much about him, loner. Kept his "beliefs" secret. A real Grey man, the perfect candidate for an assassin. No one to give a description of character that would contradict what he's done. Plead insanity in court, gets 6 months in a looney bin, comes out to a nice payment from an unnamed bank account in his next bank statement

>The Timing
A week before the referendum, the perfect amount of time to milk it for all it's worth, enough to force it into people's heads but not long enough before polling day that people will forget.

>The Reaction
Family members showing no signs of distress on television interviews, husband was interviewed, looked fresh faced, well rested and gave some barely convincing crocodile tears.

None of this adds up.

Who's behind this guise?

Nobody buys it. Not even my bluepilled dad. People only pretend to believe it to get remain going. In less than 5 years this will be a "conservashits killed her for the 1%" talking point

>Everything about this story screams set up.

Because it is.

You have no evidence so all you can do is guess.

who cares? One more dead muzzie scum. If you think this brexit shit matters, you're a mug. The EU is fucked, and the UK will pull out within the next few years no matter what.

Well yeah, I don't have any evidence, but the story still doesn't add up. It all seems a little too convenient

>UK will pull out within the next few years no matter what.

I imagine so, but I'd like Britain to be the first, we've got a responsibility to crash this EU with no survivors.

Its so setup its crazy, but all the brainwashed goys believe it

As a rightwinger, wanting the Brexit to come true and they actually damaging your cause this hard, you can't be this dumb.

This is how i know this whole thing is fake.

It would have been her birthday tomorrow too :^)
>day before the referendum
>pure coincidence

Are you implying she's still alive or was she a sacrifice?



So maybe she is alive somewhere else?

No, I imagine she is really dead, but her death is way too fishy.

I buy it.

>thinking the EU and the globalist socialist Jews would allow you to vote to get out

This isn't something democracy can solve, you either fight and force them to change or they will never relinquish power and will keep pushing the same shit.

Do not buy it. Classic British establishment. Think David Kelly, Robin Cook...Diana.

>fight and force them to change
Hope I'll see you out protesting reform of our FPTP voting system and unelected second chamber. Not to mension our unelected head of state - who's a fucking monarch.

What does a dead muslim have to do with brexit? Why would it affect the vote?

>The Reaction
This is the one that sits most uneasy with me. I don't buy it was a false flag or anything but their reaction was absolutely fucking weird.

Well, you've done it before with the Magna Carta right? This time kill the tyrants.

Answer this question.

Ian? Nigel? Ringo?

>Not to mension our unelected head of state - who's a fucking monarch.

Who has absolutely no power apart from in writing.

The day the Queen steps in to stop politicians is the day the Politicians pass a law that strips her of her power.

And how do you explain the lack of emotion from the husband that you mentioned implying that is all set up?

the husband got paid and he doesn't care??

David Kelly, Robin Cook - against Iraq War
Jo Cox - Pro EU, killed for sympathy?
Diana - No reason (embarrassment to the royals?)

Have you been listening to Stefan Molyneux build straw men from Lizard Man websites again?

And your opinion of FPTP and our unelected second chamber is?..

Maybe one or the other or both.

He just didn't show any distress or any signs that he was actually upset, I've seen people more upset over pet cats.

Obviously I can't quantify how upset someone can be or how upset he needs to be to show he cares, but his reaction is definitely not normal.

Stupid systems, not arguing that, just saying, the Queen doesn't have any real power.

Maybe, just maybe. Just maybe. Yeah. I've seen people more upset over pet cats, yeah. You know you're right user.

Answer the question, Barnaby, or I'll take you to the dentist.


Diana was killed because she was going to run away with Al Fayed's son. If she did this she would have legal rights to Will&Harry (heirs to the throne) to take them out of the UK into the Middle East = Philip didn't like this and bumped her off.

Whatever the reason Dianna was killed, it turned out the best. Can you imagine the kings mum married to a dune coon? Disgusting.

>dune coon

All killed so establishment could get their own way. They can rely on our reaction so well they can murder.