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I agree. Only lynch fanboys call this film a "classic."
It's just okay. very inaccessible
If you think that's bad, check out inland empire.
Turbo plebs. Is like Un chien andalou. It uses the language of dreams.
And unaccessible my ass, one could elaborate possible meaning. For me is a movie about the fears of paternity.
Thanks Wikipedia. :)
Poor mans Pi
If is even in wikipedia, I have no words to describe how retarded you people can be, then.
it's not inaccessible at all, it's fucking obvious
>baby is a negative impact on his life
>literally a fucking nightmare sequence with sperm raining down from the sky
>the main character is terrified of the baby and having an intimate relationship with the girl
>wowee could it maybe be about being afraid of being a parent?
What do people get out of surrealist stuff like this? What is the point in making your movie not make sense?
People with fucked up imaginations forcing their mental refuse on everyone else.
>t. woman
>movies have to make le sense
fuck of back to r*ddit you fucking nigger. you probably watch starshit and capeshit you waste of space.
And eraserhead makes perfect sense. There is nothing really that weird about the story itself. A man is afraid of being a parent and the suffocating world around him. Are you fucking stupid or something? It's not hard to get you loser. You disgust me
I hate his films so goddamn much
Bet you cried at The Elephant Man
Lynch's best film is The Elephant Man
>listens to industrial music once
Yeah, but Lynch's best work was Twin Peaks.
Or maybe that ringtone that goes "I like to kill deer"
have any of you seen play time?
the sounds in it are so strange, worth a watch just for that
its not supposed to be an abstract film or anything but it kinda weirded me out
>very inaccessible
Is that supposed to be a criticism or...?
This. Eraserhead is incredibly clear about its meaning and themes, hence why nearly everyone who sees it interprets it the same way. Its also a pretty straightforward narrative. The actual eraser sequence itself is the only part that might be challenging, but after a couple watches most people seem to get that its about becoming a wageslave.
>dude FRACTALS lmao
yeah i was expecting this to be a pretentious clusterfuck but was surprised how straightforward and enjoyable it actually was
its the Fibonacci sequence pleb
It makes perfect sense, it just doesn't tell its story in the same bland way as every other film in the world. People who get all blasted about this might as well demand that all songs follow a I–V–vi–IV progression.
Its endlessly amusing listening to plebs call Lynch "abstract" and "confusing". Lynch is great, but his films are just straightforward narratives told in an unorthodox way. Calling his work abstract is like calling mayo spicy.
same thing fucking dumbass
Pi is an okay stoner movie but it obviously borrows so much from eraserhead i dont see how you can see it as superior
I honestly don't get how people can't follow this movie. It's pretty clear, just with very strong surrealism.
>stoner movie
k, I see it about kabbalah-istic ritualism
>all words have a numerical value
>the word of god can be calculated
>gods name is a number
compared to eraser head which is about a weirdo with stupid hair
All this "ritualism" crap that frauds like Jodorowsky lean on is just obsession over meaningless esoterica. You might as well read Wookieepedia for all the value it will have.
I'm still not sure if Pi took stylistic cues from Eraserhead or just attempted to make a western version of the japanese Cyberpunk movies that were inspired by Eraserhead.
No, this is Lynch's best work
>meaningless esoterica
that is what it is, well, unless you assign meaning to it
either way, some people like that
Then tell me what the man in the planet represents, what exactly the disfigured cheeks of the dancer in the radiator signify and why Henry has mounds of earth in his place.
No shit it's about Lynch coping with being a father in a shitty postindustrial ghetto in Philadelphia, noone will argue with you on that, it's not the general theme of the movie that's hard to understand, it's the smaller elements.
playtime is great but i dont remember any weird sounds in it, but i do remember some things looking very polished, almost like miniatures or very smooth CGI, especially the cars.
>listens to industrial music and sees eraserhead once
Tbf, Eraserhead's sound effects are crazy good.
Man in the Moon/Radiator Woman I couldn't give you a cohesive answer to; I could guess that it's a physical manifestation of personal projection (Man in the Moon being a face in the moon that's imagined by the perceiver). Yet, the fantasy is a bit subverted by the ostensibly malevolent figure that actually is the man in the moon. Cheeks = part of the moon, I would assume.
That is all a mere guess. Sort of ironic though, since I'm PROJECTING my intuition about manifestations of projections.
The dirt and shit is easier to discern IMO. Seems to be a constant reminder of mankind's primordial or primeval origins (swamp, mud, etc). As sophisticated as we can become, we still have to stick our body parts into each other and force out a baby covered in slime. We aren't that far removed from these origins = the point of the soil..
What was the point of the coffee scene in Mulholland Drive? Or the cowboy scene? Or the triple murder scene? Or the Winkie scene? Or the audition scene? The whole movie felt like a prolonged episode of Twin Peaks, you could see it was a failed TV show.
lynch is about atmosphere and letting you make your own sense. he also uses expectations to change your perception and reevalue what youre seeing all the time.
It's all supposed to be aspects of her real life manifesting in the dreamconsciousness. It doesn't advance the plot at all but those scenes are so fun I don't really care.
Coffee scene = they're awake now. How did you miss that? The entire first half of the film is a dream sequence.
What do you get out of unique dreamlike atmosphere that capeshit, actionshit and all the other overdone shit can't give you? Gee, I don't know man. Only thing I wish that there was more surrealist films out there
There's so many, though. Not necessarily in the same realm as Lynch, but plenty of surrealist films to be watched.
I meant the coffee scene with the suits and mobsters.
That fucking baby though. It's literally the only thing I understood through out the film. At least I think I did.
Oh I thought Lynch was just picking fun at Frenchies and how Hollywood will bend over backwards to please towering, intimidating producers only to get spat on. I didn't read too much into that one.
I'm still not sure what the fuck they made the prop out of
It's clearly some kind of dead animal but what kind I have no clue
Is there anything as surreal as music video for black hole sun? I mean disgusting and off-putting surrealism set in some consistent world.
Gummo was maybe something like that
So in short, it's about becoming a member of "society".
Lynch is all about creating a dreamlike atmosphere in his films. It's like he pulls cameras into dreams.
People who can't into arthouse either take it at face value and get frustrated that you need to engage the film rather than the film engaging you.
I will agree that a lot of people who are into arthouse just overanalyze every detail. A lot of my artsy friends will say the lady in the radiator scene is supposed to represent henry wanting to commit suicide. Which I just don't understand. Not everything has to have some direct meaning, and there isn't some illuminati tier meaning behind entire films.
>It's like he pulls cameras into dreams.
*into his own dreams
and that's why most of his movies are shit no one seems to understand
no one cares about other people's dreams
Eh that's not entirely clear though. I don't think all of his movies are great, and most of them are far too long. But he has some great movies here and there. I think at least the average cinephile can respect him for creating some really masterful scenes.
>Eveything has to make sense or have a meaning
How pleb can this board be?
Stitched together from a bunch of different ones, possibly. He always did like to cut up animals. With how long the movie took to make it's reasonable to assume that they haven't been using the same one throughout, it would have rotted at some point.
>mfw nobody actually got it
the film takes place in a post-nuclear-apocalypse world. the child is born with horrifying deformities and ultimately dies of its own complications along with the neglect from its distant and depressed father. proof? take a look at the scenes outside on the streets.
couldn't have said it any better
>movie about a man who learns the name of god and can't comprehend it so he drills a hole in his head to forget it
>similar to a movie about a dude and his baby
I really feel you're taking it too literally. I mean, it obviously has some visuals that are meant to invoke the post-apocalypse but I don't think it's meant to be a straight-forward vision of a post nuclear future. There's too much in there that only makes sense if you take it as a metaphor.
>A lot of my artsy friends will say the lady in the radiator scene is supposed to represent henry wanting to commit suicide.
Why do they say that? Surely she's just Henry's conscious wanting him to kill the baby - hence the stepping on the sperm, and embracing him in the end.
Yeah, i mean there is nothing wrong with that statement, i mean Henry even has a framed picture of an atom bombing in his apartment. But it does not matter at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on thematically and emotionally in the film.
It only shows that that user has a very shallow understanding of film.
because they want to watch lynch like they'd watch any other director, and they think filmmakers before they shoot a scene are basically like "hmm this scene will b really obscure and weird and only the patricians will understand that it's really about this".
That particular theory is actually pretty popular on the internet.
>That particular theory is actually pretty popular on the internet.
What I said or what your friends said?
What my friends said. It's a really dumbass theory. But hey I think that really is just a testament to how groundbreaking lynch is. People go to no end trying to come up with what everything means.
Well out of interest, what do people say about Blue Velvet. Rotten Tomatoes seems to say it wouldn't be surprising if you don't understand the film once it's finished, but it seemed rather straight forward to me.
And I don't mean that in a pretentious way, I genuinely mean I don't know what there is to not understand.
Yeah me as well but I'm used to watching arthouse. I wouldn't know what people say about Blue Velvet. Most of the people I know have shit taste and probably only have watched Eraserhead and maybe mulholland drive.
Honestly people with wes anderson tier taste can't into good arthouse.