2015 to 2017 on disability for depression while smoking weed and playing WoW accounts for about 35k Grimes plays...

2015 to 2017 on disability for depression while smoking weed and playing WoW accounts for about 35k Grimes plays. Back in school now and have an hour long commute and listen to Grimes basically the entire time. I almost have 60k Grimes plays and they are real. What have you soyboys accomplished? Nothing. Your minds have been dulled by garbage music and you simply cannot comprehend all that is Grimes. It's not your fault though...you were born this way. You can't help it that you are this stupid. You cannot see the 10 dimensional fractals within her music because you can barely comprehend basic shapes. I feel sorry for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Grimesfag calling anyone soy


t Canadian

this has to be bait

Jealous soy who listens to MGMT and Tame Impala.

Canadians dont scare me. You guys are the biggest pushovers.

Do people get depressed by playing WoW? And then not depressed cause the hear grimes?

unironically jealous


I get depressed when I remember WotLK is long gone

here's your (You)


>55k listens of lazy bork ripoffs constitutes "accomplishing something"

>pretending like anyone sounds like Grimes or that Grimes sounds like anyone


there's vanilla servers

Nice 78s.
Your post really reminded me about how truly pathetic some people are and I am now vomiting out of disgust.

everyone skipped over this fsr and it the funniest thing
>2015 to 2017 on disability for depression while smoking weed and playing WoW accounts
you are every deluded teenager, who's parents have no clue how to raise a child or administer discipline. as a result you were slapped with a label to circumvent their shortcomings as parents, while at the same time giving you some faux identity.

now you're fatter and older than all your classmates, but still cling to how you think you're more intelligent or more woke than they are.

my sides.

not even that user, but how sad is your life that you think you're harder than people on an anonymous music message board?
just tragic bro.


Kek kys kid. Stay mad.

How sad is your life as a Canadian you have to post to an old reply?

Seriously thank god I wasn't born in Canada.

Y so mad



You return to school at a time later than immediately after high school so you may as well kill yourself!!!!

You're not wrong about grimey




>it doesn't matter though...you were born this way
My sides


If I started the church of grimes would you be the pastor?

Maybe. I'm too autistic to preach to a crowd though with enthusiasm. I have a PhD in theoretical Grimes though and would likely be the scholar that the pastor speaks to for advice or debates about the true nature of Grimes.