Star Trek is a liberal propaganda

>Space communism
>everything is solved through talking and practically holding hands
>multiculti crew and token minorities everywhere
>giant ass flagship of the fleet that is used primarily for research
>shitty same unisex clothes and
>weapons come only in matchbox size (fazors) and have "stun" mode

Other urls found in this thread:

Its set several hundred years in the future where shit like that should work


They have literal magic that can print ANYTHING they need out of nothing. Socialism maybe could actually work if you could press a button and have infinite food, infinite clothes, infinite everything.

I'd also quite like to see a star trek reboot where they go around calling exterminatus on worlds they discover because they have primitive life that might one day become a threat.

Well yeah.

tng was one of Timothy McVeigh's favorite shows

Basically they have free energy and can turn energy into matter.
Cross species tensions often crop up and if they are part of Starfleet and the Federation, they get told to stfu and conform to Starfleet standard
The flagship is armed as fuck and one of the most powerful vessels in known space

Picard on Borgslims

Old SciFi writers like Roddenberry and Clarke did not write multicultural propaganda

In fact their version of multiculturalism was very admirable

it was a future utopia show
yeah it was multicult/race but notice they were all smart and hard working
its a wishful what could be dream compared to the real world where blacks are lazy and dumb and human contact with intelligent aliens would be pretty scary since there's no telling if we could get along well enough to coexist much less work together on a ship

We have travelled 100,000,000 light years to bring you communism, pogroms and multiculti.

It didn't really work for us but you alien freaks might like it.

i'd be all for communism in a post-scarcity society

who are the borg? for 1000 alex

>No Muslims (except Cardassians)
>No Jews (except Ferengi)

If you actually watch it there is constant conflict amongst various fuckers.
Shiiiiiiit, you know the best part is always when you here the angst ridden last resort phrase of "fire everything!"

It's way deeper than that

Science fiction as well as all of NASA is brainwashing to get you to accept not only one world government but the idea that aliens exist at all and aren't demons, and promote technology as "freedom" rather than slavery.

Quite the contrary

Races live only with their own unless at work
Standardized clothing
Militaristic control
Only the strong survive
Prime directive is to not interfere

Yeah totally commie bullshit. It's fascism at its finest

Free energy is a lie to make man think he can become God on earth.

>Space meritocracy
>everything is solved through mutual understanding and respect for each others issues, instead of forcing everyone to conform to an alien way of life
>the federation isn't a military organisation, and yet their ships can stand up to the purpose built warships of incredibly militaristic races
>they wear the same uniforms
>phasers are enough to completely disintegrate things as well as being able to stun, they can also generate heat. They are multipurpose tools. They also come in rifle form.

>why doesn't Star Trek have any gay, bi, or trans people??
>forgetting Odo
>forgetting Dax
>forgetting that its the future and mental illnesses have been cured

Basically how things should be:
>outsiders integrate and adapt into singular culture of Starfleet (even aliens!)
>no money no nasty banking shenanigans (Ferengi of course)
>people work to better themselves and explore
>policy of no tampering with outside cultures

Sadly in the real world people are simply too corrupt and selfish for such a society to function

TOS is better

its easy to have a skewed vision like that, as all of the Star Trek series have been about the military of the era

>Against space communism

Are you defending the misinterpreted idea that tng is some commie utopia?
Watch it again

>religious conflicts are always about what color shirt to wear or how many days it took for the world to be made

Is this Star Trek why liberals think Islam is just like Christianity only brown?

it is a commie utopia. its also meritocratic and as you said, run by an elite group.

the Maquis(sp) are the prime example of this, as they are persecuted for leaving the federation

Bejor was based Kurds.

>dat picard


No because in order for Star Trek's society to work morals need to be deeply ingrained - exactly what is lacking in the modern world.

Phasers, you in bred.

you can't compare those 2 to humans

Odo is genderless non humanoid creature
Dax is a symbiot and is genderless, the host bodies do have a gender


and you know whats funny bout this, they don't give a shit about there sexual identity, the characters are not defined by it.

It's really a meritocracy with a gigantic social safety net.

What's never really described in Star Trek is that 90% of the population must be NEETs. They stay at home consuming media, playing video games, jacking off, withdrawing into their virtual reality programs & holosuites, and contribute absolutely nothing to society.

But if you're driven, if you're talented, if you're smart, you can be a starship captain. You can see the galaxy. You can colonize new worlds. The sky is the limit.

It's also shown that not very many people reproduce. Crusher has 1 kid. Worf has 1 kid. Sisko has 1 kid. Obrien has 1 kid. And that's all that I can think of.

Huge families are not the norm so the population of TNG era Earth might be smaller than it is today.

Really there's a LOT about Star Trek human society that isn't really talked about or expanded upon.

It's a series of isolationist fascist regimes who coordinate and work together

A true utopia. There is nothing Marxist about the federation and its outliers

>Humans & the Federation=EU
>Vulcans & Romulans=Christians (A house divided)

Classical liberalism not sjws.

Star Trek only works because it is a fantasy universe where matter/antimatter reactions release several times the energy they do in real life, and replicators can create energy.

Without total bullshit science, the world of star trek is fundamentally impossible.

klingons are Mongolians.

Augments are Muslims.

starfleet - america
suliban - arabs
klingons - chinese/orientals in general
vulcans - EU
romulans - Warsaw pact nations
borg - japanese
ferengi - jews in general
cardassians - israel
bajorans - palestinians
andorrans - turks

did i do good?

>They have literal magic
what is 3d printing.
>out of nothing
says who? When you have FTL travel resources aren't very scarce.

Klingons aren't Mudslimes, klingons have a concept of honour.

Cardassian are Mudslimes because they are sadists.

Compared to the shit on tv these days, game of feminists? sigh, tng is awesome

Borgs are sjws.

I'm a big fan of Star Trek but space communism is obviously just a TV fantasy. Space communism cannot be attained by scarcity being eliminated through the use of replicators and incredible amounts of energy. If that were how economics worked, we would already be there, since virtually no people work with the things that virtually the entire population worked with just 200 years ago.

The presence of scarcity is even apparent when you watch star trek. Some people are captains of giant spaceships, others work as redshirted ensigns. The computer can obviously take care of the whole ship by itself, so why is it that not everyone has their own spaceship? Why is this something that is only afforded to starfleet captains? Oh, that's right, there are also those who work as civilians, with stuff like transport. Tell me, what do you think they're being paid in? Do you think they fly their old cargo ships full of dilithium just for fun?

Space communism isn't even a coherent idea when watching the star trek series, and it sure as hell wouldn't work in reality. Great scifi shows though, under the suspension of disbelief.

>Space communism

They get the hull defuckulated at a giant space carwash thing in one episode. Commerce is an integral part of Star Trek, the Federation is just a postwar economy.

Augments are terrorists because they were created by the government

>Space communism
There is no economy. They are post-scarcity
>everything is solved through talking and practically holding hands
>giant ass flagship of the fleet is used primarily for research
They're all free to do what they want and have unlimited space, time, and resources to pursue their interests. Only the Federation forces deal with inter-species conflict, and it usually ends violently or at least aggressively. A show of force, then a resolution. They are space police at peace time otherwise. They do what navies always do during peacetime: go on expeditions and patrols
>multiculti crew and token minorities everywhere
niggers relegated to tinkering and shooting, whites command and operate advanced technologies, asians and gingers do health 'service' work
>shitty same unisex clothes
a military wearing uniforms? oy vey
>weapons come only in matchbox size (fazors) and have "stun" mode
phasers almost always set to kill, can melt through foot thick steel in seconds

it's pretty racist if anything.
>nigger race are violent space africans
>jew race are constantly made fun of
>women are universally naive and useless

They're persecuted for killing people and possibly causing war with the cardassians not "leaving the federation" as you put it.

And yet its creator was a serial philanderer and greedy bastard.

3D printing is good for exactly nothing. The replicators in star trek create energy. That's impossible, bro.

>says who? When you have FTL travel resources aren't very scarce.

FTL travel is impossible. It violates causality.

Inb4 your god of the gaps retort.

>There is no economy.

They are people flying around buying and selling stuff throughout the series. Stop the bollocks.


>causality is 100% correct
>we totally didn't invent dark energy and matter to keep a jewish physicist's theory alive despite mountains of evidence showing something different

Remember that third gender from TNG. Progenitors or some shit. Whole episode was about how they're discriminated against. It seemed like Riker was going to bang the creature throughout the whole episode.

Yeah yeah, tell me all about how the earth is flat.

>the replicators in star trek create energy.
No they dont, they use energy to reorganize already existing matter in the area of the replicator into new forms.
> That's impossible, bro.
>he thinks the universe is a closed system and you cannot create more energy than what is here already
top public consumption physics friend.

>FTL travel is impossible
lel, there was just a thread on this board today talking about why that isnt true.

Leftists think they're the Federation when they're actually the Borg.

>What's never really described in Star Trek is that 90% of the population must be NEETs.

Star Trek humans are not real life humans. They have evolved mentally.

To get to their Star Trek state, they:

>Went through a period where civilisation basically collapsed
>Had WW3
>Fought an incredibly brutal and bloody Eugenics war that almost destroyed them again
>Went through a paradigm shift

Picard elaborated in one of the earlier episodes that humanity has changed and that the desire to better oneself replaced the selfish consumerism of the past.

Basically, Most humans will be pursuing goals they are genuinely passionate about. it's why so many in the series have a million hobbies, because that's how humans are in Star Trek. personal betterment is at the core of their being.

So that means WH40k is the redpill of sci fi?

Commander. Tell me about your sexual organs.

>le reddit pop science

Go back to religion.

earth isn't flat. but the theory of relativity is shaky at best nowadays. we broke the light barrier about a year ago. by a billionth or a second or so, but its there.

the math is correct, but the numbers plugged into it are wrong

do you realize how many stars there are? Enough for essentially unlimited energy

>and promote technology as "freedom" rather than slavery.
technology isn't inherently good or bad meaning it could be a source of freedom rather than slavery if used that way.

I think with the proper upbringing it would be possible to get people get there. I mean there are (were) islanders that were peaceful and not really corrupt.

>That's impossible, bro.
mass is energy, that means its theoretically possible to go the other direction and turn energy into mass.

>FTL travel is impossible
that's not necissarily true. Space-time can move as fast as it wants, so if you moved it around your ship you could move FTL. Think of it like a wave of space-time behind you and a hole in front of you that causes you to move forward.


>he doesnt read books
>he thinks the universe is a closed system
>he isnt even aware of research done in the 20s that prove him wrong
Tell me more of your public consumption science friend.

40k is actually a satire of 'redpill' if anything.

Roddenberry also cheated on his wife

kek, that's the one.

It was a society that enforced genderlessness.

One of them identified as a female, which was forbidden on her planet, and fell for Riker.

Riker actually fell for her too.

Her SJW government forcibly reeducated her into being a bland genderless freak again.

Riker fucked everything. He would have fucked the wormhole if he could have got near with without triggering the mechanism.

>personal betterment is at the core of their being.
it really wouldnt be that hard to shift to that mindset.

sounds like jews and govt bringing in Muslims

star trek is space fascism, military government based on service with state issued currency
>b-but they are liberal faggots
they only act like liberal faggots as a soft power, realistically they kill anyone who doesnt conform to their ideas and aggressively expand across the galaxy

I like Romulans

>the math is correct
>the math is corrrect even though they are based on Maxwells edited equations that dumbed the concept down so far that scalar vectors are totally ignored
>the math is correct
Jesus fuck.

The math is flat out wrong.

>no scarce resources for anything but space travel
There is effectively no economy. There's near limitless energy, they can print anything they want with just energy, teleport, and have 100% realistic simulations for entertainment on the cheap. No humans outside the Federation have to have a job. There's a colony for every type of person, and so on. It's as post-scarcity as you can feasibly get, and communism is based upon the concept of scarce resources.

The only transactions they do are with capitalist societies like with the space jews, and they only want the GOLD pressed latinum

more on the klingons:
>race of niggers with constant frown and tiny brains
>animalistic and cannot control emotions or instincts
>women are manly horny sluts
>grunt and have dirty, impoverished technology
>strategy is to be a stealthy nigger with cloaking and mug people with powerful weapons
>pretend 'we wuz kangs' when they're dirt poor and have an empire of dirt
>always told they're wrong
They are space niggers in the most insulting sense

not that user but what research are you referring to? Sounds very interesting

It's a faaaaaake!

>earth isn't flat.

Hey, you can't say that while shitting on relativity. You "can't prove" that the earth is round any more than i "can prove" that ftl is impossible.

This is what refuging in solipsism gets you.

>that's not necissarily true. Space-time can move as fast as it wants, so if you moved it around your ship you could move FTL. Think of it like a wave of space-time behind you and a hole in front of you that causes you to move forward.

You do know that alcubierre's thought experiments on warp drive are rhetorical and not meant to be taken seriously? Do you think schrodinger actually had a n experiment with a cat that was half alive and half dead too?

Fucking reddit science has made the whole thing into a pseudo-religious joke.

>practically holding hands

Did you even watch the show?
Do they even have fun in your country?

>le exotic alien women with big tits, and weird skin

Riker is a cool guy

>nonsense that cannot be tested

Keep reading the bible.

>earth is flat
>ships gradually disappear into the distance with the top being the last visible part for no reason

Gabriel Kron.

I didnt know the bible makes use of tensor calculus or scalar vectors included in normal vector equations. Pray tell when did that happen you historically illiterate idiot?

>furious Romulan senator
>(Garak bombing shuttle not shown)

The ultimate false flag.

Fucking Riker. The dude got mad pussy and even made me blush at times.

So the likelihood of something is directly proportional to how easy it is for you to understand?

Loved the character story arc for Kira, she's a crazy terrorist but portrayed as a war hero on the show, rofl. Bombing hospitals and slaughtering Cardassians since she was 9 years old.

the new series better not be inspired by current trends and pop culture

And no muslims in sight. Sign me up.

isnt the captain a negress?

>I didnt know the bible makes use of tensor calculus or scalar vectors included in normal vector equations. Pray tell when did that happen you historically illiterate idiot?

No, your logic is no different than someone who is devoutly religious. It has nothing to do with the bible itself. You're using the god of the gaps argument for science.

Have some fucking integrity.

>Slavshit wanting war destruction wherever he goes

Not surprising at all.

yeah watching the episode nowadays just shows you want all the gender mainstreamers want for the future.

>I have never heard of Gabriel Kron before or even read his work, but I can assure you that you are wrong.
well I better tell my bosses then that some random person on the internet who likely doesnt even have a degree in tensor calculus much less quantum chemistry knows more about my field of study than myself. I dont want them wasting money after all.

Stay retarded and willfully ignorant about the world around you though.

What else would even explain that? Also yes that's occam's razor for you. Typically the least complicated answer is correct

Picard knew how to keep order between races, not something any irl Anglo politicians can ever accomplish, but Slavs can.

>space communism
>implying that humanity wont just drop capitalism once science takes the lead on governments and scarcity disappear

Interesting, but I think it can easily be achieved with post-scarcity. In the trek universe, they say that the drive to work is no longer dependent on the acquisition of wealth... minor forms of scarcity will still exist, but nothing you need.

>Transportation - Free anywhere
>Food - Free
>Material Goods - All free if willing to accept replication
>Land and housing - This is still semi-scarce, but by being a multi-planet species land itself is not scarce. Only location would be scarce.

I think what drives people to work is the acquisition of power and the drive to progress oneself and the species - with aliens terrarianism would elicit a lot of drive... in the same way communism did to the US in the 60s.

I think its completely possible, but only if scarcity is mostly eliminated -- it could never be completely eliminated but I think there is a threshold where people would no longer desire to work to squire things.