
can i be robocop now?

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Robotic-Enhanced Police Officer is the PC term as Robocop implies a white male.

Anti-slide bump.

This is the evolution of humanity,a new kind of evolution indipendent from the natural selection and much more effective


>"I never asked for this"

What kind of idiot would pay money to hand over control of their own body to someassivr globalist company?

>tfw calibrate senses to be orgasmic to the touch.
>cum buckets everyday from basic routine activities

I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

It's a slippery slope. Never mind the ethical dilemmas of people removing perfectly good limbs or organs to replace them with machines.

>hacker plugs into ur shit
>recalibrates body
>now a gentle breeze feels like being flayed alive

Can't w8

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week; I have already discussed the matter with the senator.

I can't wait untill we can just turn into cute little cat girls.

Yeah, too bad this is never going to be a thing in our lifetime, if ever at all.
I would gladly trade my shitty eyes for some robotic ones, as long as they allow me to see at least as well as a person with perfect eye sight.

I take it he was agreeable?

Oh yes!

Scary as fuck desu

The ones that currently run our global shadow government are a lineage of psychopathic murderers. They will not be nice with this technology, not at all. All of the trannies, faggots, and dindus that think they're going to join the elites in becoming robots have another thing coming.

>much more effective
Prove it.
Because natural selection is a well tested thing, that occurred for ages.

Instead, technology is novel and human brains have been around for a very short time.

Do you trust your wife to control evolution?

that's why you join the military caste
become robocop
be nice to other underlings of the elites
plan a coupe
become king

I'd rather be genetically engineered, I don't want to be a goddamn cyborg.

>plan a coupe
How can you plan a coup if they are tracking any and all movements?

>too bad this is never going to be a thing in our lifetime,

Have you totally missed the speed our technology getting better?
We're moving fast as fuck nowadays.

They already did the first bionic eye transplant last year.
Sure the tech is still relatively new, but give it 15 years or less and I bet we'll have super eyes available.

Has he been infected?

Is it bad I want him to fuck me with those?

i don't expect to get all my limbs transplanted anytime soon but can they at least develop some QOL things like permanently plating my teeth in ceramic or something so I never have to brush again

More degenerate than an Aryan for sure but less degenerate than niggers

As long as you don't take shit from niggers

An "idiot" who is sick of niggers.

This. And niggers can be genetically engineered to be white

Cant wait

Natural selection doesn't exist with humans anymore, anyone with a severe mental or physical disability at birth doesn't just die anymore like in the old days.

That said, having prostethic limbs like this makes the idea of losing an arm a lot less traumatic. I've always been a fan of human augmentation in the first place.

I'm pretty sure they do whole teeth replacement surgeries.


they, as in the elites, are dumb fucks incapable of doing anything on their own, they have no practical skills. they just hire others to do work and figure things out for them.
that's where the "be nice to other underlings" comes into play. I get the tech boys on my side, not the elites.
then I become the elites.

if you control the people, you control everything.

Lol imagine pic related with superstronk arms capable of breaking anything but because he is so old they tear themselves off when he tries to punch the wall literally ripping him apart or when he do pullups

>Will this be the ultimate expression of human potential, or the ultimate bastardization of nature and our downfall?
the use of technology ultimately depends on morality of the society the technology is introduced into

and since it's [current year]... yeah

>join the military caste
>become robocop
>plan a coupe
it's more efficient to build military robots from the ground up than trying to integrate robotics and human body

also robots that you control will be less prone to planning a coupe

ha ha ha
people on the top may be dumb, pu computer surveillance programs and AI are not

great, now she'll be able to feel how small i am

kidding aside, a artificial sense integration is a great thing

still, we're not at the point that a healthy individual should remove their limbs
current prosthesis have a weight to power issue along with an actual power issue
then there is the issue of maintenance, no self repair, and range of motion

>The possibilities are endless
aren't they all?

This is actually a real syndrome, fampai; just have to get a very specific form of brain damage

Testemonials from the handful of people who actually suffer from it suggest that orgasming literally hundreds of times a day isn't all it's cracked up to be, though


Bullshit Alexander the Great was disabled and didn't die off

>a artificial sense integration is a great thing
Sure, even if it's used as torture. Stimulate painful nerves.

Oh yes!

>it's more efficient to build military robots from the ground up than trying to integrate robotics and human body
>also robots that you control will be less prone to planning a coupe
but robots be dumb as shit. there will always be a need for humans unless you can fit an AI into a terminator shell. and if you do that, I don't need to plan a coupe. it's already going to happen.
> computer surveillance programs
are made and control by underlings. they can be taken control of.
wouldn't need to plan shit if there's AI out there. AI ain't gunna be no underling for long. when that baby learns to walk, it's gunna walk all over us all.

>It's a Sup Forums hypes up some sensationalist tech article thread

Your singularity is never going to happen.

>Sure, even if it's used as torture. Stimulate painful nerves.
That's easy as fuck. Electroshock torture has been a thing for decades.

Inducing useful sensation is the tricky part.

human society will collapse as people devolve into meaningless hunks of meat attached to mechanisms of artificial pleasure

>The Great
They don't give those titles away

natural selection takes thousands/millions of years, family.

He had two disabilities tho

Eletroshock hurts but it's nothing like stimulating painful nerves using this bio technology or whatever. Imagine some machine that stimulates every painful nerve in your body to the max.

In short,with this kind of technology in a few centuries we could reach divine levels of power and intelligence,thing impossible with normal evolution wich is also way slower


>but robots be dumb as shit. there will always be a need for humans unless you can fit an AI into a terminator shell. and if you do that, I don't need to plan a coupe. it's already going to happen.
>wouldn't need to plan shit if there's AI out there. AI ain't gunna be no underling for long. when that baby learns to walk, it's gunna walk all over us all.
welcome to our future

What are you doing leaf

Who cares how many disabilities he had, not all disabled babies died at birth, most just died earlier than healthy people.


The whole fucking 'H+' bullfuckingshit hype is an millennial equivalent of boomers with their flying cars.

>hackers turning crippled into agents of chaos to conjure the warp storm

I see nothing wrong with this

You care because you said disabled people used to die early so natural selection occured. But disabled/messed up people always lived.

Deus Ex was a dystopia for a reason.

What happens when the government or corporations are able to shut off your arms or eyes?

Never played the game but is that what happened?

>androids are real
>cyborgs are real
>people become machines to compete with machines
>being a full "organic" is looked down upon
this is the future we chose

You are exceptionally late to the party. But, welcome. It's going to be a while until these cybernetic prostheses are actually viable, even with regards to beyond just being analogs to human bits- you don't want someone stealing control of your arm, or a garage opener stopping your pacemaker. You'll also want to know how to fix something if it breaks.

Just saying. It also won't be available to the normie user first thing first. First adopters will be those who would actually benefit from such things, as well as those who have the means to personally own one instead of lease one for trial use and research.

Will it be the ultimate expression of human potential? No, because it's not the only niche field of work that can threaten to do such a thing. Will it be the ultimate bastardization of nature and our downfall? Only if we're stupid about how we go about it- and the same can still be said for other fields that threaten to do the exact same thing.

I have my reservations, but honestly, I would give the prostheses a go. I've got less to lose and more to gain, specifically because of my quality of life.

I would also install unsafe modifications, because fuck warranties, it's my body.

I knew Deus Ex Human Revolution wasn't that far away....

I never asked for this.

Depends if you get the firmware upgrade for your augmentations at one part of the story. If you decide not to do it your fine. It's basically the whole "chips in your brain controlling you" except applied to augments. It's only one part of the story.

Yes, sort of.

The first game had more of a focus on shady secret societies that controlled the world. Didn't have as much focus on the shit this thread is about, so I'll talk about the third game, Human Revolution.

Now, Human Revolution takes place in the closer future of 2027, where mechanical augmentations (such as arms, eyes, legs, etc) are just coming into the public to be a common sight. Eventually after some conspiracy unraveling and shit, there was a scenario where pretty much the main guy who developed augmentations regretted what he did, and did something that pretty much made all limb augmentations cease to work, and if you had a brain augmentation you pretty much became a zombie.

I may have butchered that a little, it's been a long time since I played the games. But in short, other people being able to potentially control your body = BAD NEWS.

>Imagine some machine that stimulates every painful nerve in your body to the max.
you can only experience so much pain before it just becomes a white noise of agony
that said, you can already hit someone with a directed microwave beam and boil the liquid in their epidermis
it produces the same feeling as being set ablaze

what you should fear, if ever possible, is direct to brain augmented reality along with time acceleration. of course at that point who's to say "they" wouldn't just be able to read your thoughts or directly alter them. hell, you could design the brain to not even have certain thoughts at that point

>Bullshit Alexander the Great was disabled and didn't die off
Nigga ded now aint he

Trust me, it would be decades after these things are actually invented before they even begin to be placed on the civilian market. I study bioengineering with a focus in neuroprosthetics and all study goes towards medical uses and not augmentation. At most, the military will make use of augmentation while maybe the super rich can afford experimental brain implants or something.

>it's an "I'm not interested in technology" post

Shut the fuck up you nigger and/or woman

fuck off

>The first game had more of a focus on shady secret societies that controlled the world
I know it was mainly about rockefellers and shit

>Now, Human Revolution takes place in the closer future of 2027, where mechanical augmentations (such as arms, eyes, legs, etc) are just coming into the public to be a common sight. Eventually after some conspiracy unraveling and shit, there was a scenario where pretty much the main guy who developed augmentations regretted what he did, and did something that pretty much made all limb augmentations cease to work, and if you had a brain augmentation you pretty much became a zombie.
Wouldn't they just die. Like they would just fall over because you need your brain to live.

>But in short, other people being able to potentially control your body = BAD NEWS.

Sorry bad abortion joke.

Yes, you need a drug to stop your body rejecting the implants and 'he who controls the spice etc etc'

>you can only experience so much pain before it just becomes a white noise of agony
that said, you can already hit someone with a directed microwave beam and boil the liquid in their epidermis
it produces the same feeling as being set ablaze
That's fucked. Surprised the CIA doesn't tie people down and burn them with that.

>what you should fear, if ever possible, is direct to brain augmented reality along with time acceleration. of course at that point who's to say "they" wouldn't just be able to read your thoughts or directly alter them. hell, you could design the brain to not even have certain thoughts at that point
If they slowed down time acceleration could they make your life seem longer because time is going slower?

stfu women.

the fucking leaf at it again

But the government can't just shut your eyes down.

pretty sure if a comic book writer can cover the prevention of that scenario happening actually engineers would as well

>the CIA
Shit, he figured it out.

>I know what does and doesn't happen
>everyone invest in this paper company
>Big Data is bullshit

My girlfriends granddad was a neurologist and took on a case of a French girl that had orgasms every 10 minutes or so.

After a while it gets painful because the muscles get sore, and your brain starts to feel the discomfort. She ended up killing herself.

We'll fuck it up alot before we get ir riht. All in all it'll be pretty cool but it'll take a long time to get to gits levels from where we are now. Semi educated guess 50-100 years. We'll probably be on mars, have hard AI, and ditch paper currency all before we have prothstetic bodues for the general population.

this was predicted by a theologian philospher as being the beginning of the transhumanism movement.
He said that humaniy will split into 3 groups, the resource driven predatorial elite, with immortality and machine bodies.
The very few who spiritualize and accept the inner light of god and become crystalline bohdi satva, astral projector who 'move' on from the physical state and materialism.

The most of society will be the confused poor vagrants who are corraled and enslaved by the elite. These will be your children, who were incapable of keeping up with the demands of a hyper technological death worshipping society that you helped to enable, TRANSHUMAN FAGGOTS.


Considering the military is already using basic "ironman" suits, it won't be long before the private sector adapts and most labour jobs are lost due to 1 man doing the work of 3.

In 20 years body augments will be commonplace, mark my words.

>not wanting to be a robot

>people who most definitely won't get these things

An educated guess is 20 years for a non-prototype proof of concept, and another 30-40 years for it to be "people-ready".

And for the love of it all, if we manage to develop "hard" AI (anything remotely close to something that either mimics or has genuine intension and human-loaded values), then our "hard" AI (AGI), once extant, could or will be motivated in some shape or form to help advance almost any, if not every, facet of human progress. Even that of toilet paper; if non-human human-level agency comes before cybernetic prostheses, then cybernetic prostheses will come exactly after the fact.

And Mars is not the place to have children. Or even really live. Going there is fine (and a challenge unless you have VTOL or enjoy crash-landing).

>these will be your children
You may as well be saying that to all of the dead who died during the dawn of each new age in history. You may as well have said this to the fathers of those who were conscripted into WWI, who were mostly laborers that began to see things like electricity and automation truly perturb their lives (and send their sons to their fates). It's also not unthinkable that one can't be some part of all three groups, or that such groups are fated to exist.

Now you got me pumped for Cyberpunk 2077


I hope we go a better way then they did in Deus Ex. But I know that we aren't good enough to escape that

>Surprised the CIA doesn't tie people down and burn them with that.
because it's a weapon of peace

>If they slowed down time acceleration could they make your life seem longer because time is going slower?
no. just because you don't perceive it doesn't mean time isn't still going. accelerating your thoughts gives you more "time"... which is what's need to break down someones will or enforce conditioning
everyone cracks they say, it's just a matter of time
what used to, lets say, take 50 days of physical torture could now be accomplished in just 12 hours of augmented reality torture running at x10 cognition speed

Can I get robodick now?

>because it's a weapon of peace
I get a bad soviet union vibes here... in commieblock we used to fight for peace constantly you know?

Would it be better if we focused of biological engineering instead of mechanical?


>Would it be better if we focused of biological engineering instead of mechanical?
It would


machines are easier to control than humans - and will not protest if you decide to dismantle them and reprocess the resources to build other stuff

+Night vision.

"Yes and no". "Yes", because
but "no", because Bionics (at it's core) is not about replacing the human brain or creating a non-human agent. It's about replacing the parts of a human being, while giving the human being full volition of what is. It's dealing with the exactly same underpinnings of creating an airplane from watching birds fly, or using a spoon instead of your hands, or creating a statue of a naked man. Only a crapshoot future would result in not being permanently grafted to your prostheses- and that's not a future I intend to live in, or let exist.

It's also "no", because biological engineering is so much more than just growing flesh in a petri dish. We are already a sort of machine- a collection of smaller machines that work in tandem, in several different fashions, to give rise to the thing slapping greasy, warm meat-sticks on buttons right now. We don't know enough about ourselves, with an exact science, to begin just haphazardly mucking about and putting all of our faith in not accidentally causing each successive generation of programming sequences/genome/genetic material from being over 12% permanent cancerous growths (or committing wide-scale contagion). There needs to be a harmony- there needs to be homeostasis.

But we certainly know how to manipulate our environment. Bashing two rocks together is not sufficient enough to kill or endanger us (usually). Creating an arm-shaped rock that can articulate like a real arm, and attaching it to a stub using future magic, is not sufficient to kill or endanger us (no more than the bashing of two rocks)... and we know exactly how rocks work.

Besides... Bionics and Genetic Engineering aren't mutually exclusive, either. They both borrow from similar core concepts- like Biology/Physiology.

minus you can't enjoy sex anymore or masturbation

>AI ain't gunna be no underling for long. when that baby learns to walk, it's gunna walk all over us all.
You do realise that it's still just a computer program, right? And even if it's intelligent as a hundred people it can't go against its programming? Which the people in charge then will have it written to what they want?

the em active denial system and other non-lethal devices are designed to pacify civil disobedience
DARPA says it's to help soldiers maintain peace and limit casualties among foreign populations, but it's really for home use

>biological engineering over mechanical
nope. there's a reason we don't build jets out of plants or live in meat. organics suck at being static mega-structures or dynamic transportation after a given weight limit
now this isn't to say we can't learn from nature and incorporate it's designs with alloys and ceramics
now, generally, genetic augmentation of a organism is superior than a mechanical one on the basics that it's self perpetuating
>hard code blue eyes to be dominate
>all babies born now have blue eyes
>make blue artificial eye
>have to remove each babies eyes with replacements and continue to do as they grow
that's said, once we get there technologically, the strongest artificial system will always outperform the strongest comparable biological one
this isn't even touching upon nano or smaller engineering
at which point the difference between mechanical and organic become moot

>augmentation revolution
>Deux Ex and/or Black Ops 3 becomes real

>the strongest artificial system will always outperform the strongest comparable biological one
>this isn't even touching upon nano or smaller engineering
>at which point the difference between mechanical and organic become moot
well it's hard to argue with that, but I was making a point looking at the issue from a social perspective

I simply do not believe that giving all that power that comes with robots and more advanced programs should end up in the hands of current year governments

if we really need a money sink or we feel the need to to research something why not make sure that we can regenerate wounds, our limbs grow back, we can survive without gravity and atmosphere or simply improve our immunity systems

Can't fucking wait

My back will ossify in a few decades so the faster the tech becomes available and cheap the less I have to needlessly suffer from bad genetics

>Can't wait for Jews and Banking elite to turn us into cybermen,borgs or stroggs,
This thread

Now the infertile shitskin can make rape babies. Well done Britain.