The Ultimate Alt Right MEP of Poland

here is the ultimate alt right candidate from Poland.

> brings up the IQ statistics when talking about immigration from Africa and the Middle East.

> Openly anti communist calling them cancerous.

> Openly anti feminists and anti gay, claiming that there are no benefits to such beliefs.

> Believer in the idea that the west is failing and we are slowly dying and being taken over by Muslim immigrants.

>rejected by Marie LePens collective at the European Parliament for being too radical.

> using the word Negro in front of the whole European Parliament.

> Taking away the voting rights of Women due to being overly emotional.

> The enemy of talking about terrorist on TV and giving the terrorists any sort of recognition.

> Fairly Pro Putin and Anti EU.

Other urls found in this thread:

someone has the webm when this based man talks about immigration in Poland ?

His name is Janusz Korwin Mikke -- there is a TV program called Mlodzierz Konta, or something like that, in which he openly mentioned the lesser IQ's of Africans when discussing foreign aliens. When it comes to the video clips, I dont have any saved, sorry

this one?

Don't forget, he loves anime!

literally worthless individual


>let me tell you about your country

This was not even one of his best ones, but yes, he got fined for that one too. :))

I dislike his social darwinism. When you have social darwinism you end like Russia or Brazil

I like his monarchism though. I think it would be good for the polish state to reintroduce the constitution of 1791 with minor changes

You forgot one of the best:

>Pro free market, thus not a socialist scum.

Dlaczego tak uważasz?

No Mate, he loves pussy.
Mikke is knows as a open pervert, anime cosplay whores or not he doesn't give a fuck as long as it has cunt.

diaspora please speak in English

your Polish is most probably shit

national socialism was a great system, however, I think that in order for socialism to work, there must be a unity, at least on national, and perfectly on racial grounds.

ever hear of immigration, mate?

Takie tam gadanie, nie badz cebula Szczepan.

if you're Polish from Poland and still can't spell our language properly then your opinion is worthless anyway as your IQ is below 90

Don't forget

>called """refugees""" human trash and triggered women in the European Parliament

>not a single argument made

yeah I feel massacred


Like a second katyn?