Saw this the other day, can't help but like it. Had real feels at the end despite everything
ITT: Shitty movies that you feel alone in liking
sw prequels
Somewhat on the same boat. I will defend Revenge of the Sith as a net positive movie, not great, but more good than bad.
Attack of the Clones is overall bad and the Phantom Menace is irredeemable though
You're not alone. This is probably my favourite feels film, OP.
I usually don't emphasize with Chads either, his character is all that I envy yet I still feel sorry for him. I think its a testament to the film's potential
Good writing and good acting (I unironically believe Tom Cruise is a fine actor) goes a long way. I haven't watched it for a few years now but I've very recently had a brush with heartbreak and I can't handle the feels right now.
>Vanilla Sky
>Shitty movie
Wew... Ok then...
Yeah the actors really carried that movie actually. Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise, usually giving so-so performances, are really at their best here. Only Penelope Cruz isn't great and even then she was cute enough to make up for it.
I am a deeply romantic man though, a sucker really. So take my opinion with a grain of salt. Sorry to hear about that user, I haven't had anything romantic or sexual happen since high school but I remember that pain still.
>Godfather II
bad acting, needs some more extra sazzle like HIMYM
Saw this one in the theater twice, user. Really touched my feels too. I still listen to the soundtrack, which is awesome. Just a very emotive (if that's a word) movie. It gave me emotions.
I know for a fact that I'm alone on this.
why does he wear the mask?
>Size does matter
Originally it is to cover his face, later I think it represents the ambiguity of his situation. You don't know if he is sane or not, whether or not he is actually scarred, or if any of this is actually happening
>Originally it is to cover his face, later I think it represents the ambiguity of his situation
The scene where they first show him the mask is probably my fav part of the movie. TOm's reaction is just perfect, imo he is at his best when he is shook as fuck but trying to keep his composure.
My favorite is the end, when he last talks to Sofia. Even typing about it now gives me a fluttery, yet hollow, feeling in my chest
Not nearly as alone as you think you are.
Better then any Jurassic Park sequel.
Tom Cruise usually gives so-so performances? Am I being memed?
Dude gives 110% every movie
Why does everyone hate this? I thought it was great, it's very pretty and has a very nice atmosphere to it. But story cucks keep going MUUHH CHARACTERS and MUUUH PLOT.
So-so in quality, not enthusiasm.
I don't remember anyone calling vanilla sky a shitty movie
Never even heard of this movie and I really like all 3 of those actors
Subpar shit compared to the original
I enjoyed it too. I know exactly why as well. I walked into the movie expecting nothing but utter trash, but I found it to be more of a mixed bag so I enjoyed it
Top tier cast and premise killed by sappy-ass cliched to the bone writing
you should watch the original, it is better that this one.
I caught it on tv late night in the early 00's and was surprised how surreal it felt