Was it really this bad Sup Forums?

Was it really this bad Sup Forums?

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Why does he care, he's fuckin president

Arnie is finished

A presidential term's four years in length. Do you suppose he'll be knocking this sort of shit out every day?

it's not as good that's for sure

Holy shit, Arnie BTFO eternally

He's on twitter again. What bad news is going to be released today?

>it's real

Jesus fucking Christ, anyone else starting to think Trump was a mistake?

As a non-american I sure as hope he does. Entertaining as fuck.

He's being mean to Arnold! Wtf I hate trump now.

> think this was a well constructed shitpost
> it's actually unironically fucking real

wtf Trump?

I hope so.

Stop crying, pussies. It's 2017.

the president is 70 and writes English to about the same standard as a child one tenth that age. that's bad news right?

Didn't NBC realize Arnold isn't a draw anymore after all this movies have flopped the past few years?

I actually liked the episode, just finished watching it. I thought Boy George did really well. Still think he fired the wrong person though

he's getting top secret security briefings from CIA people

You could say...
He'll be back.

is anyone suprised?


I thought he was still producing the show?

>Trump wins
>Arnold makes a nice vid about working things out and extending olive branch, isn't bitter about his candidate losing

You know trump probably gave Arnold more views by tweeting about it. So of he really cared about beating him he'd keep his mouth shut It's more about showing off I suppose, further comparing him to another republican celebrity gone politician.

He's giving you a raw deal, Arnold. No-one gives you a raw deal.

>he takes Trump shitposts at face value

What's it like living in a mere 3D world, pleb?

Obama is quite the wordsmithithithithithithithithith


I can't believe someone as great and accomplished as Arnie ended up becoming such a bargain bin conservacuck.

>still riding off something you said over 20 years ago

That's just depressing.

>I just now realized he's rude on twitter.

Reminder that your president-elect eats pizza crust first like an uncultured swine.


I'm betting you're one of those guys who is amused instead of embarrassed when the chimpanzees at the zoo start masturbating in front of your dear old granny.

That's it, I don’t support him anymore.


Remember when you guys were actually good?

Wtf, reddit really hates this guy. I just went over because their take on things is usually interesting.

Eating pizza at all makes you an uncultured swine.

Cheese crust pizza
Not our fault you don't know what that is in Europistan

>Trump is elected president
>he still shitposts on twitter

/r/politics is butthurt faggot HQ

cheese crust pizza is shit.

He's not yet in office.

Reddit splits the subs up based on the candidate. And both subs manage to be equally cancerous, cringey and gay.

don't you dare attack Arnie!

>As a non-american I sure as hope he does. Entertaining as fuck.
He's a national embarassment lmao

>"I just went over because their take on things is usually interesting."
Why don't you stay there then?


commercial kino though

>He's a national embarassment lmao

Not as much as Obama.

German cuck

Cause I hate them.

>If you kill your enemies, they win.


you mean stupid

do you, sammy? or is that your esoteric bog-trotterish idea of a joke?