Why are so many Jedi stupid looking, non-human filth? Like this guy. What's his fucking deal? Why is his head a dong?

Why are so many Jedi stupid looking, non-human filth? Like this guy. What's his fucking deal? Why is his head a dong?

t. newbabe

What was he thinking Sup Forums?

Why did he care so much about the fucking wookies?


I know, right?

That those are some big floppy gloves he's wearing.

>tfw too intelligent for the droid attack on the wookies

Wookiees you stupid FUCK.

This was why Dooku left the Order and wanted to drain the swamp.

They were keeping him off the Council with their affirmative action, and Qui Gon, too.

Humans are the majority of the galaxy and the known human force users are literally all the most powerful and smartest ones. The only one on their level is Yoda, who gets an honorary human card on the day of the rope.

>tfw Sheev racebaits him though
>"My little green friend."



Wasn't dooku on jedi council?

Who's the jew here?

One of the alien species?
Secret human-looking (ie white looking) aliens that are pro-alien and maybe a bit smarter on averages than humans?

So... Chiss? Muun?

No, syfo-dyas was. Dooku was a maverick racist aristocrat.

He is actually the most hilarious character in star wars.

>Name that sounds like Dracula
>Black cape/costume
>Played by actor famous for being Dracula

Vampire plus:

>Leader of the 'Confederacy'
>Played by an actor with last name "Lee"
>Racist Aristocratic Gentleman
>Respected by his enemies
>Looks like General Lee

Southern Gentleman.

He's a Vampire plus an Ante-Bellum Southern Gentlemen. He's more of a cultural pastiche than Gungans or Neimoidians but he just slips under the radar.

If Sheev hadn't put a stop to him it would have been fucking genocide when he finally took hold of Galactic power.

>Why are so many SW fangirls stupid looking, non-human filth?


What the fuck is this supposed to be?

He has a second heart in his skull. I didn't even search wookiepedia for this, I got a Phantom Menace book when the movie was new and it was full of pointless trivia like that.

An alien from another planet

you tell me

the thing that annoys me about nu starwars designs is the impracticality of most. like nothing would evolve to have a second heart exposed above the brain

Tapeworm final form

Conehead Jedi was so based that he conned the Jedi Order into letting him fuck his five wives.

hes thinking everything is going to be alright, the tides are turning in his favor, truly happy even when hes in the shit...if only he knew

>cut fags always jelly of the superior ant eater dick

So is this dude a meme now? It's always either this thread or the "why wasn't his chair a hologram too?" one

>That Ithorian Jedi in the 2D Clone Wars final episode.
So fucking based.

What about the droid attack on the wookies?