Psychologizing KEK

The kek religion is the funniest and most creative thing that the Sup Forums community has ever come up with.

On some level, isn't it because we wish we had a religion that stood for "fuck the left" and mysticism? We crave a religion. What does it all mean?

What's the psychology behind the frog?


None of us keklets know the interworkings of his meme magick. We simply observe

But what has drawn us to the great KEK and its wisdom? What force has brought us into its mighty fold?

Or perhaps just having some religion that hasn't been completely co-opted and that we've lost faith in.

Also it's all about the dubs. Praise Kek!

A frog deity from Egypt is the last true defender of the White race and Western civ in 2016....... current year....... BAKA senpai


let's get this party started





mfw mothafuckas dont praise kek around me

That's a "Problem", When Spectators only "Observe". When "Actions" is "Called".

Kek is gathering the worlds armies for armageddon, and the return of the messiah.

He's pretty much the green light to get this shit started.

have fun getting rekt normies, because Kek dont love you.


Praise Kek.

The image board site format allows for tons of numbered posts about current events. People write posts and when it's numbered with a series of the same digit () the post is usually perceived as extra significant or fated; that is, if the content of the post is good. The KEK frog image lovable and relatable to any post. I don't know if the Egyptian and religious motifs were originally attached to the PEPE frog meme or if it was adopted in 2014-15. But it makes sense since there's a mysterious and prophetic quality to the Sup Forums "rolling" game (ie, replying to a post whose end numbers are the same).

Kek worship has nothing to do with hating the left.

It's just meme magic senpai.

we are all the frog my friend

If you're looking too deep into it and not having a laugh then you're not really getting into the spirit of Qek.


>What's the psychology behind the frog?

>mexican kekist
fuckin dropped