Daily reminder that the Mexican invasion will never cease

Daily reminder that the Mexican invasion will never cease
Fucc Trump

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Ethiopia wtf

What state is Canada?

none of your fucking business



Could Ben be a Canadian?

Shh delete your post

>nobody gets the Minnesota reference

the map is fake lol

Actually I find ethiopians really cute

Nobody cares what Mexicans think

it's not a meme, im minnesotan and somalis are our largest migrant pops

but yess hurr durr swedish diaspora taking somali dick

No it isn't, white boy.

go lick your dog

>Cuba both charts

I don't know many Cubans, so I don't know if they're better or worse than Mexicans.

lmao wtf Bhutan

what business does the thunder dragon have in North Dakota

I don't have a dog, maybe you could bring me one from the million dog fights that happen in your pathetic third world country

once Canada stop burning

Worse. Although the two groups dont usually get along. They look down on eachother.

We let Alberta burn because they're Cucks who kept making "pls annex us America" threads

We gave Cubans the boot years ago.
Faggots couldn't hang. My brother Little Man is currently doing time for smashing those lames.

I can send you one, tell me:
is your name Xi or Li?

>10.4 m immigrants in a state of 30 m
holy fucking shit


Florida is for the Cubans
Which are a much more Based, much more secluded, much better group of people than whatever creature comes from Mexico

Poor America...

Nicholas actually, I don't live in Hongcouver



what's with the philipines and alaska? i thought darkies were allergic to the cold?

Nobody likes you fags.

Really surprised about Bhutan. I might have met two people in my life that have heard of the place.

But really, the current wave of immigration is easily the worst it's ever been. Mexicans don't deserve to live but it's not like the Flips and Guyanese we keep getting are much better.

It's like 1 or 2 people


Okay, how the fuck do we fix Mexico so these people don't feel the need to flood us.

Canada has to be a close second for Florida.

It won't stop. Thought you knew it was like that.

5 point plan to fix Mexico:

1) Invade country
2) Annex all territories
3) Shoah mestizos
4) Repopulate with coolies
5) Build wall

You're next

Should've taken all of Mexico


My god, Mongoloids don't know their role

You that in a given state there is one immigrant, and this one immigrant is mexican, there will be a mexican flag in the state. Because of one immigrant.

So, the map basically says nothing.

That would be some states


The 52nd.

Can you just fuck off from this country already? I Fucking hate Albertans even more than the Queerbecucks I'm glad your stupid province is on fire

Not even Albertan, Justin.

What state is the most powerful race migrating into?

>canadians doing quick runs to our southern neighbours to buy stuff cheaper or in greater variety
>someone asks if they live there
>too polite to say no

Literally what the fuck. I've lived here my whole life and never seen anything straight out of Africa. This is rigged
Yeah no I doubt that


I didn't vote for some queer Muslim French communist faggot

That's montana.


>mfw China immigrant state


According to my ID, I might of.


Muslim french don't exist we're either catholic or atheist.

ethiopians right next to somalians.

fuck this gay predictable earth.




We can invade you guys if you want


I'd rather be 100% spic and Catholic then 10% Muslim

Go lick the feet of your twice elected nigger muslim president, Paolo

Daily reminder that America is importing millions of 3 foot tall manlets with 88 IQs. We will no longer be a first world country in a couple decades.

You can't be a Super Bowl team with shit players.

You can't be a Super Power with third world people.

Mexicans are filthy people in every sense of the word.

Did you know Mexicans wipe their asses with their bare hands and then they just smear the shit on the wall?

No toilet paper. They don't even wash their hands!

And then they EAT with their hands!

Filthy, nasty people

wow, pajeet is doing well it seems (kind of surprised by the Somalia flags though, i thought the niggest parts of burgerland were in the south east).

Trudeau will cuck your fucking country anyway fucking anglo canadian scum

How is this not an invasion?

>Legal Immigrants
I don't see a problem here.

I'm not even Anglo I'm Eastern European, France is the most pathetic nation in the world all you're known for is being the loser of Europe, you're one of the most Muslim countries in Europe, Paris is basically Baghdad at this point statistically I'm probably speaking to a Muslim right now.

daily reminder

>Eastern european
>Not slavs

You are called "slave" because this is your only function and goal and your women i.e. our whores perpetuate this function which is to please our cock.

Nice dubs, but I would love to see your faces once Trump gets elected.

You on the other hand...

>Trump gets elected.

Keep dreaming Obongo... and you're still only 60% fucking white

Hungarians aren't Slavs

Ain't happening. The elections are rigged by the Jews and Hillary's the one.

Deport all illegals and stop all government aid to non-citizens and their children, and they'll stop coming.

You're trying wayyyy too much.
Tone it down loser.

Deport mexicans.

Mexicans are an inferior race, and we will always rule over them. Just as we rule them in Mexico.

Can't escape genetics.

>all that Canada until the 80s

You have no genuine nationalist in your country, paolo.
Oh wait you have genuine nationalist in your country but they are mexicans :)

What the fuck. All those shitty countries can send people legally into the US yet if I were to try I probably wouldn't get it.

Pls let me in, I want to join the US ;_;

Mexican is not a race, it's a nationality.

you still believe he'll do such a thing? poor delusional burger

The funny thing is that Mexicans know they are inferior. They won't argue that point. That alone makes them 1000% better than blacks.

Also, they are smarter than blacks. And harder working. And the fathers stick around more often.

Whoa Bhutan? Im moving to that state, those people are awesome



Game over, America

tfw you're part of the last great white generation of the world's greatest superpower ....and the SJW religion will burn it all down before you die

Why the fuck are there so many poo in loos all over the country?

Tech jobs

More loos.

>mfw you're a Michigander
>mfw you're 10 minutes away from Dearbornistan.
>mfw when you have to choose between beaners, niggers and sandniggers

Why does Montana have so many Chinese?

>implying ethiopians weren't put there to keep the somalians in check

It's fine as long as they're legal, which is what the map is showing.


fuck off leaf