
Did They Mean By This?

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silence goyim, don't question it

Flag as inappropriate like everyone else

They were saying "were a bunch of homos so its k"

i hate westerners

They were making an easily abused hashtag.
I am #ProudToBe a fucking, white male.

you have no idea how faggy westerners are. They love homo cock. Islam would be a blessing at this point. At least having a family would be considered normal again, instead of these fucking hipsters


>I am #ProudToBe a fucking, white male.

You fucking #Racist #Bigot #Homophobe ! #ProudToBe #Gay #LGBT #FuckMeInTheAssNigger

There has got to be a conspiracy behind this, nobody in their right mind would support degeneracy to this level. I don't have a reaction image which could properly describe my emotions when a fucking black tranny faggot tells me he's normal. Why are so many companies supporting this shit? Is this some sort of first step to the control of free speech on the internet? I have never been more disappointed in the world and I hope with all my heart that peoples' minds will change on this subject and these cunts will finally get the normal treatment they should be getting anyways. Fuck this disgusting shit and fuck the forced acceptance. Finally, fuck indoctrination.

>the top rated comments on the video
>that downvote count


same. we're all degenerate faggots, the west needs a cleansing.

Fuck off to Arab land then you cuck

shilling my response video, spread this like AIDS goyim

capitalist elite pushing this shit to further debase and confuse people, disempower, distort and destroy any semblance of connection to reality within one may find himself. basically it's an attack on authenticity.

>Look at us how accepting and progressive we are. Please like us for more ad revenue
Aaaaaaand done.

wow that was gay as fuck

May I ask what does that elite gain from confusing people with this bullshit? It's usually all about the money but I don't see any big monetary gain in pushing such degeneracy. Do I fail to see it in the long run? Am I missing something?

wow that was embarrassing
are you 14?

spouting old Sup Forums memes is fine when you're on Sup Forums
but if you're gonna make a youtube video then try to come up with something original
that video was cringe tier and im embarrassed you're on our side

jesus christ am I drunk

genuinely disgusted
didn't think they'd go that far

Daily reminder that this is a Hillary/Democrat false flag operation designed to mitigate damage done by the Orlando terror attacks. It's all designed to remind the LGBT population that their "real" enemy isn't ISIS/terrorists/muslims, but republicans/homophobes/racists/Sup Forums, and they'd better not think about voting Trump, or else.

If you absolutely have to post comments, have them focus on how PC culture is being shoved down our throats, that's something that most of the population can understand. But if you have to say "I hate gay people" or some dumb shit like that, then keep it on Sup Forums. Anyone who posts that dumb shit on youtube or facebook is actively working to get Hillary elected.