Pic related is about the 4 of the latest polls, all done after Orlando and after Hillary secured he nomination and Obama's explicit endorsement:
> CBS (ended 13-06): Both Trump and Clinton lost 4% comparing to the previous CBS poll. Thus this poll continued Clinton +6 (still within the margin of error of 4%).
> Rasmunssen (ended 15-06): Clinton gained 2% from the previous Rasmunssen poll, Trump gained 1%. Thus Trump's disadvantage increased by 1% to go to Clinton +5 on this poll (within the margin of error of 3%).
Then, the most recent polls:
> Monmouth (ended 19-06): Clinton lost an 1% from the previous Monmouth poll, Trump gained 3%. Thus Trump's disavantage was reduced by 2% to go to Clinton +8 on this poll (barely outside the 3,7% margin of error).
And then the most amazing result of them all:
> CNN (ended 19-06): ** Clinton dropped a staggering 7% ** from the previous CNN poll, that, added to Trump's 1% increase reduces Trump's disavantage in 8% to make this poll Clinton +5 (well within the 3,5% margin of error).
Three things that are notable:
> 1) Despite of all the dirty and malediction thrown at Trump in the past two weeks he is not only not dropping in the polls (as the shill much like to imply) but is actually rising and rapidly approaching Clinton's numbers.
> 2) Despite clinching the nomination (June 7), being officially endorsed by Obama (June 9) and being endorsed by Oprah (June 16) Hillary not only is not rising in the polls but is actually dropping, keeping position at best.
> 3) Despite of all that the media is actually talking about how Trump is dropping at the polls and silent about how it is actually Hillary that is dropping or, at best, failing to rise.
In a future post I am going to explain how, by combining polls by different pollsters and methodologies the media gives the impression of a permanent cycle of drop in the polls followed by a rapid rise and fabricate the controversies they need to keep their lights on