I have social anxiety. I'm also an actor. The only way I can interact in social situations is by acting out fictional characters that are naturally sociable.
Post the normies and chads of television and film so I can learn from them
I have social anxiety. I'm also an actor. The only way I can interact in social situations is by acting out fictional characters that are naturally sociable.
Post the normies and chads of television and film so I can learn from them
how do you make enough money as an actor to pay bills
I play the cuckold in blacked.com films. it pays very well.
Cool Story Bro.
try /therapy/ or /scientology/ actorfag this is Sup Forums
>le social anxiety meme xDDDD
>not using the parts of base actor training that deal with staying calm and grounded
>social anxiety
Do Americans really have a medical term for just about any sensation of discomfort?
What would you call it? Being an autistic spaz?
No, just being shy. No pills required.
How do you stop being shy? Inb4 bee urself :^)
You don't. You were never meant to be with people. Let your shy genes die.
I always pretend to be Tony from Sopranos. I've started wearing bowling shirts and trousers with polo tops (from Goodwill). I might be autistic at ease but im comfortable
You dumb or somethin? Being shy and anxiety are different things
By easing yourself into social situations bit by bit until you can handle regular social interaction. You don't have to enjoy it you just have to get to the point where you can successfully navigate social conventions without sperging out.
The only choice.
>Social anxiety
Is there a more cringe way for autists to feel special and make up excuses for their inability to be liked or be normal?
>I hab anxiety pls feels sorry for me like OMG im so anxiety i cant even!!
>I don't feel comfortable being around people
Social anxiety
>I don't feel comfortable being around people
Come on.
>force yourself into social situations
>become used to how social interactions work
>acquire friends
Simple as that
>Social Anxiety isn't a thing
>replaying the same scene of yourself making a social faux pas from years ago is normal
>thinking Social Anxiety isn't more of a burden than it is a token
>furiously overanalysing each motive of everyone you encounter which always inevitably leads to believing the person dislikes you/sees you as a burden in some way
>avoiding friends in supermarkets
>drinking before social meetups
>giving ZERO eye contact
>walking to the nearest available corner at parties
>convinced everyone thinks you're weird and doesn't wanna speak with you because you're too awkward
>Mentioning you have social anxiety and immediately regretting it
>being this anti-intellectual, regressive, and dumb
waaaaaaah stop discovering and quantifying things so we can better understand them! waaaaaah! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
The ugly truth it, people only think about themselves. No one cares more about your flaws than you do.
And assuming people dislike me is something I do all the time, it's just a precaution. So fuck off with your """"""condition""""""
There's no cure for being a basement dweller.
Social anxiety is a choice.
Depression is a choice.
Stop making excuses.
There is a lizard in this picture that many people miss. I point it out every time I see it.
You poor special snowflake. Awwh it's okay baby. You're a very unique boy yes you are.
It's real m8 I've had it since I was 19 years old and I used to be the UK equivalent of a chad when I was a teenager so I know the difference, and it's fucking huge. It's ruined my life.
Oh woah everyone look at this guy!! Woah!! You're special too!
Wanna tell us how "based as FUARK" it is to stay home and play "vidya" and then make up some green text story about your anxiety preventing you from getting "the one" at some party you were never at to begin with?
OP here. Don't know why you guys are being dicks. I'm not asking for sympathy or a handout, I just want to get out of my situation and become a functioning sociable person
what are you actually talking about m8
>believing people dislike me is a precaution
>being totally irrational
>being automatically irrational in spite of your voice of common sense
No I refuse to believe that you can disregard this as some sort of attention plea rather than an actual problem to be dealt with, believing most people you meet(even friends) dislike you for reasons only you think about, is not beneficial or smart or helpful in anyway and wilfully employing this is either a heavily misguided attempt at cynicism or a faulty pattern of thinking which can be labelled under social anxiety, people don't chose to act this way in order to seem cool or unique. It sucks.
Alright you can stop any time. No one gives a fuck about you or your made-up autism.
Objectively wrong. This is why religious upbringings should be legally regarded as child abuse.
Explain how either aren't a choice.
>Special snowflake needs a hugbox for being a socially inept loser
>starts blogposting for sympathy points
Nobody cares about you. fuck off
>underproducing seretonin is a choice
*tips fedora*
I agree, m'sir.
excellent thread
exactly the type of content i want to see on my teevee
Oops! Someone's upset. It's okay sweetie, we all think you're one of a kind "m8". You've had it really hard "m8" and your life is way different and unique because you have "anxiety" because you shit yourself if someone tries to talk to you.
Please keep posting, we here at your personal blog are glad to help since that's clearly what you're fishing for.
Not everyone is dumb enough to trick themselves into being happy in whatever shitty circumstances they're dealt. So if you're ugly, for example, the only way you won't be depressed is if you're also retarded.
Honestly you're right I did write it because it pissed me off enough to warrant my reply, I'll let the trolls have their day ;)
>In a totally liberal sexual system certain people have a varied and exciting erotic life; others are reduced to masturbation and solitude. Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. On the economic plane Raphael Tisserand belongs in the victors' camp; on the sexual plane in that of the vanquished. Certain people win on both levels; others lose on both. Businesses fight over certain young professionals; women fight over certain young men; men fight over certain young women; the trouble and strife are considerable.
>It's been fucked for a long time, since the beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl's erotic dream. It is necessary to come to terms with this; such things are not for you. In any case, it is already too late. The sexual failure that you have known since your adolescence and the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen has left in you an indelible mark. Supposing that that you could someday get women - something which I very frankly doubt - that will not be enough. Nothing will ever be enough. You will remain an orphan of those adolescent romances that you never knew. In you, the wound is already painful; it will become more and more so. An atrocious, bitterness, without remission will end up filling your heart.
>thread asking about Chads in movies
>40+ posts
>only on-topic post is The Driver
So you make excuses to make yourself feel depressed because you don't want to go outside your comfort zone, correct?
Literally only read the first 3 words of your post. You couldn't be more predictable you prat. Why are you so triggered by this? why are you so quick to respond with your bullshit lmao?
Yes. But remember the PC term is "anxiety"
A word that people with two digit IQs love, along with "lazy." Here's hoping you get cancer.
You do realize when you wish bad luck upon someone, it comes back to you ten fold, right?
lmao m8 idk bruv. that dudes a fuarken tosser yo, m8. im here for u dude, we both have anxiety and we both are the most special people here, yo!!
never forget m8, the sun shines through our hearts like the most bright stars!! we can do this yo!!!
Can you show me a peer reviewed study on this magical phenomenon? I hope it's terminal and the most painful sort imaginable.
Again, stopped after 3 words. cya lmao
>triggered autist becomes threatened and lashes out
Ten. Fold.
lmao yassss slay m8!!!! THese mean fuckin people m8.....they just dont get it dude......
>point proven
You're so retarded that you believe in magic luck particles guided by human feelings and wishes. This is, in a nutshell, why you have to be stupid or lucky to not be depressed.
I have what I will call a mild form of autism to make it easier to explain, and I had action calsses for a few years to learn how people were supposed to act. By know I don't even know anymore where my real personality begins and where the character I made for myself ends
Honestly, I'm completely fine with it
You sound like Don Quixote.
Damn dude.....ur rly mysterious....
>it's the worst type of ironist
You don't look smart clever or witty, boring tit for tat trolling with shitty overblown irony is classic Sup Forums hivemind, please stop embarrassing yourself if you're that fueled to have a petty spat with this guy you're probably just as autistic as the caricature you're describing, stop m8.
I cant believe no one actually gave you any suggestions. Man, people are self involved!
Not caring what anyone else think of you is the first step to becoming a chad. Just watch normie comedies like neigbours and stuff like that
Thanks for BTFO'ing that faggot for me, m8. He's been making fun of me this whole time dude and it's not fucking fair m8.
I have social anxiety, as I mentioned earlier m8, and this kind of stuff is so upsetting for me
Sounds pretty edgy desu
Ask me how I know you have no friends.
Stop getting trolled mate
Yeah fair
Perhaps I got carried away. How exactly can you act like a fictional character? They're reading off a script more often than not, and what you'd be doing would essentially be improv.
You'd be surprised to know how much of the script can improvised. Elite Squad had literally zero dialogues and was filmed as improvised.
I'm fairly solid at improv, plus its easier for me to go "how would Batman react to this" than "how would a normal person react to this"
What are you looking for exactly? That everyone should like you? Just girls? Guys?
Mostly girls, of course. I can talk to guys after meeting once or twice but it takes way longer for girls. But also looking for generally smooth
The main actor from Lucifer
Keep in mind, what girls like won't necessarily be pleasing to you. Take The Notebook for example.
holy shit that's a good idea user
Oh boy this is almost going to be too much cringe.
Some 300 lb neckbeard fuck waddling around trying to be normal because some retards on Sup Forums tried to teach him their concept of social etiquette
was this written by the pre-eminent elliot rodger scholar?
nice dude you should have an honorary phd in clinical psych. just set up your own business you're going to make millions fixing all those shy guys that just need to go out more.
Everyone's social after two beers.
seriously why in god's name would you ever come here to ask how to be a normal person