after warcraft I really can't get hyped for his shit anymore
Carson King
>after warcraft I really can't get hyped for his shit anymore
he was a very promising director, and Source Code is one of the best sci-fi stories, but
something happens to you after you make a movie like Warcraft.
(see Nolan: super promising director, makes batman, becomes shit)
Angel Jenkins
Looks like another boring nostalgia trip. What are they contributing to the established cyberpunk visuals here? They're just repeating stuff that 30 years old.
Daniel Sanders
Where does the "punk" come from in the cyberpunk aesthetic. It doesn't really look like it's taking much from the punk one unless I'm an idiot.
Daniel Morales
>doood neon lights in a city
>so cyberpunx xD
Andrew Jones
If you have to ask, you havnt seen enough punk or cyberpunk to make a connection
Josiah Powell
Trying so hard to be Blade Runner.
Why can't modern sci fi invent its own look?
Aiden Green
I haven't seen much cyberpunk. Thats why I was asking friendo.
Owen Gutierrez
Punk is supposed to come from a rebellion against the establishment.
Blade Runner, the replicants that Deckard hunts down are really the punks. Mr. Robot (which I firmly hold is a modern day cyberpunk), you have Fsociety (it's right there in the name). In Neuromancer, Case is the punk.
Cyberpunk tends to show that the establishment is fucking everything up by making everything grimy and disgusting, offset by the neon lights and high-tech nature of everything. I don't remember where the phrase "High-Tech, Low-Life" came from but that describes it perfectly.
Luis Morales
When they try they get Apple Future looks, all white walls and clean polished surfaces. Everything's minimalist and shit.
This is why I dig cyberpunk: it feels used up, broken down, it's society now. Apple Future feels like they're trying to sell you something.
Matthew Jackson
lol nigg swag. my cyberpunk diaper broke down and smells like doo doo now. smells like shit. bur s my anus. burs. i love god king swG. blade runner sexy body.
Benjamin Nelson
Are you okay
Do you need some water
Jeremiah Sullivan
Except Nolan only directed 3 movies before Batman and only one of those 3 was any good.
Henry Lewis
Fallen Angels and Chungking Express are the patrician cyberpunkinos
Jeremiah Bennett
A good middle ground would be everything minimalist and sleek but also grimy and dilapidated because nobody can afford the most up to date iWall.
Daniel Long
Thanks. That make a lot of sense actually.
Christopher Young
Landon Russell
no just a new diaper. need to change my cyberpunk diaper. i shit myself and it broke down, blade runner turtle. you find a cyberpunk autist in the desert in need of a diaper change. you dont change his diaper. why?
Jacob Walker
>Cyberpunk is making a comeback
Caleb Williams
>Spiritual sequel to Moon >Sam Rockwell will be playing the character that Sam Bell was cloned from.
Adrian Perry
Kayden Miller
Thiua movie ia happening? I didnt realize they had even started filming. I figured it got canned after he fucked up Warcraft so badly.
Jack Williams
Any idea of when it might be done?
Nicholas Mitchell
2046 and his short film/ad Only One Sun show he's got potential to make scifi, it would really be cyberpunkkino if he allowed himself to be a bit more aggressive and gritty.
Ryan Reed
>Cyber punk Noir >Cast Paul fucking Rudd
Jayden Lee
warcraft was awful but moon is one of my favorites
Benjamin Fisher
Computer load up Cyber tayne.
Alexander Lee
Or a sharp juxtaposition where everyone is using VR goggles to see the iFuture but in reality everything looks like shit.
Matthew Jackson
member the eighties?
Levi Kelly
>yfw you realize cyberpunk existed before and during the 80's.
Brayden Collins
How about an interview with Mike f*cking Pondsmith ?
Cyberpunk is to traditional SF (like Larry Niven) as Punk is to 60s Rock and Roll.
traditional SF hero: engineer, scientist, astronaut/explorer
cyberpunk hero: drug addicted criminal
see where it's going?
Julian Hughes
Have people kept reminding Mike he has a sexy voice and needs to voice an NPC in the game?
Parker Diaz
I'm 100% certain he know hes has a decent voice and will probably voice an important npc.
Asher Anderson
In the alpha version : Should be the voice of Arnold speaking in your head.
Ryan Martinez
I also heard Joe Cornish was doing Snow Crash. I wish he'd go back on the radio with Adam but I'm glad he's doing something, Attack the Block was ages ago