Sup Forums will defend this
20% of Donald Trump’s campaign spending goes to Trump businesses, filing says
At least it doesn't go to OP's fagginess.
Isn't he financing his own campain mostly?
>Trump prefers to use his own resources when applicable but still has to pay a "fair market" rate for them per election rules
#wow #whoa
Sadly user, that's where 80% goes
That's because he holds press conferences and other campaign events at his own venues. Those venues also serve his products.
I'll give you a lesson in logic, OP.
He's self-funded.
Where does his money come from? His business.
What does he need to invest in for his campaign to grow? His business.
By putting money into his business, he's actually increasing the capital available for his campaign.
Stupid Cuckenland. Get schooled by a leaf.
It's really fucking smart to operate that way.
>Isn't he financing his own campain mostly?
He was until he got the GOP nomination secured. Now he accepts money from anybody.
100% of US spending goes to zionists, whats your fucking point u retard.
Its a capitalistic society, he may do what the fuck he wants
get fuckin rekt shillOP
Hol up. So you be sayin... you be sayin Trump water and Trump steaks are actually companies Donald Trump has invested money in?
An illegal alien tried to assassinate Trump this morning in Las Vegas. MSM shills want to talk about this non-issue instead.
>Trump is diverting his campaign funds to line his pockets.
>Continues to dupe sucker Trumptards into thinking his candidacy is anything but a blatant self-promotional stunt.
Trumpfags will defend this.
just wait until he raises hundreds of millions and spends half on himself
topmost kek
This, OP Meanwhile, on the Hillary side.
He has to pay market price for everything he does, it's the law.
He's just paying himself and putting that money right back into the campaign.
>Trump scamming people
What's new?
If he feel like investing money in his own pocket is gona help his campain he's allowed to do so IMO.
His money, he can spend it on whatever the hell he wants.
Anyone actually donating money to a politician (and who isn't a corporation expecting favors) is a God tier cuckold. Those who donated money to Jeb and Bernie are lower than cuckolds.
Top fucking kek, you goys are so easy to fool. He is running a low cost campaign with the sole purpose to make profit, and you retards are voting for him while he has an increasing chance of not winning. You dumbfags make it so easy for Hillary, get flooded by mexicans you deserve it
with 1/40th of funds, he is doing what hilllary cant with 60 fucking million dollars. how incompetent must she be?
bogniggers have been so salty lately
>an increasing chance of not winning
Netherlands being as retarded as usual.
Oy Vey Ezra! What are we going to do about this Goy Donald Trump? He won't take our money and the people love him for it!
Don't worry Chaim, our friend Rupert Murdoch owns lots of press sites, including MarketWatch. We'll just have him cook up some good shill bait that completely spins Trump's strength into a weakness!
>Donald Trump’s campaign is almost broke. The report provided a number of rather shocking facts, including that his campaign raised just $3.1 million in May compared to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s $27 million.
>easy for Hillary
Already spent 100 times more than Trump. Try harder.
Trump is the victim of a vicious media. The only way to defeat our opponents is to demonstrate our passion. I've already donated $150, and this latest attack has motivated me to sell my Pokemon card collection in order to make another donation. I'm so glad that I found that Charizard in a booster pack as a child. I never traded it because I knew its fire was destined to Make America Great Again far brighter than ever imagined.
Go ahead and laugh. I do not expect a Crooked Hillary supporter to understand patience and sacrifice. I am glad that you think the fate of our country is funny, but some of us are willing to part with our prized possessions and dedicate countless hours in order to create a better future. I believe in this man, and I will not let your twisted sense of reality keep me from joining the revolution.
Why would he run a presidential campaign to make money? He could have just sat back and made more buildings. He was already one of the most successful real-estate moguls in the world.
What you're saying is, with every liberal MSM network bashing him 24/7/365, hundreds of thousands of angry hispanics rioting and looting in the streets, and now britcucks trying to assassinate him (and maybe his family too now), this is all done just to collect a few million extra from rednecks? An amount of money that totals to less than 1% of what he already made last year before running for president?
I think you're the easy to fool retard, if you honestly believe this shit Shillary and her MSM lapdogs stuff into your brain.