What are some twists on television that genuinely caught you by surprise?
What are some twists on television that genuinely caught you by surprise?
2016 US election results
dude, this was so obvious i don't think it's even considered a twist
this desu. The whole night was a huge surprise and Trumps speech was was the icing on the cake.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business."
What was the twist here?
When they had to go back to the island.
When it turned out Peter was alternate universe Peter whom Walter stole because his Peter died.
When it turned out that Fry had been frozen on purpose in Futurama.
When that season of 24 started with David palmer, Michelle and Tony dying in the first 5 minutes.
They had just had a conversation about letting crazy 8 go, and then Walter figured out the guy is planning to kill him.
>When that season of 24 started with David palmer, Michelle and Tony dying in the first 5 minutes.
RIP in peace President Palmer
Tony wasn't even dead, double twist
Frys brother in futurama
Dead locke in LOST
uncle ju being a pussy eater
I'm pretty sure I fell for literally every twist that popped up in Futurama
because you never expected that shit, even when it happened before I thought oh thats a one off
Then they get me again. And frys fucking dog. Fuck.
I was amazed.
I was with Trump through thick & thin, but honestly expected Hillary to cheat her way to the top with voter-fraud and propaganda.
I went to bed early that night and woke up at like 2:00 AM, and all over the Internet news-sources was news of Trump's sudden victory.
I literally had to pinch myself I was so flabbergasted.
It felt like I had traveled to a parallel universe, like in The Man In The High Castle.
Aus-worm here, had to stay up until like 3am to see the results, it was fucking glorious when he went over however many states he needed.
Mate, the whole world was surprised with you. I'd backed Trump and Brexit cautiously despite wanting neither but even I was shocked when both actually happened.
Ralph getting pegged by Janice was a surprise, then I thought about it and decided actually no, if anyone was going to enjoy literally taking it in the ass it'd be him. Not a twist I suppose.
Seeing Bill Rawls in that gay bar in The Wire was a fuckin shock though.
>honestly expected Hillary to cheat her way to the top with voter-fraud
>I got tricked by Trump
Thanks bud. You are retarded
Do they count as plot twists when the original cannon did not include the twist?
Like fry getting frozen by accident seemed to be established cannon until the writers thought of something more interesting to shove into the backstory.
Was pretty obvious. the look after the phone call in their house.