ITT: posterkino

ITT: posterkino



I hope that the guy who made this has rectal cancer.

what is the context for the Blade Runner name anyway?



no idea. i've seen every cut of the film from the theatrical cut to the key grip's cut, and i don't understand the name.

Blade Runner is a term for someone smuggling medical supplies


Stealth Kate thread?



It's a cool name

I think that's it



Someone should shoop laughing Evans onto this

This movie was awesome. I'd love a tv adaptation, and keep that golden age concept in it

That's a pretty obscure movie. Don't think many people have seen it.

no, t's what he said more or less. I don't know if it's explained in the film, but I remember it was definitely explained in the plot synopses, that Blade Runner is a term in the future for hitmen like Harrison Ford.


kek pretty good

thanks I practice on r/photoshopbattles and here lol think ill submit it