Were western finns cucked by bsc(BIG SWEDISH COCK) ?

were western finns cucked by bsc(BIG SWEDISH COCK) ?

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More like proto-swedes lived there first.

I1 = Paleo-European natives who got cucked, nothing to do with Germanics.

Whoever these I1-L287 people were, Paleo-European, Saami or Germanic they shared their women with incoming Finnic masters.

Sami are posers.
They came to Scandinavia far later than the Norse or Finns.

sami are subhuman

No, they have a trace of Mesolithic blood they share with Basques. They just mixed with North Asians before Finns came to the region, and later adopted a Finnic language.

I heard the I1 in Estonia and Finland is of mesolithic (pre-germanic) origin

They didn't adopt anything. Majority of them have Finnic paternal lines.
Finnic hunters found Eurasian and Paleo-European women and interbred with them to create Saami.

Estonia was most definitely 100% R1a before Finnic people came there.

The Estonian/Finnish words for; king, prince/lord and "wise/smart" comes from PROTO-norse (earlier than viking age).
That's all you need to know.

Exactly, posers.
Cucked by the finns.

swedes pretty much built that area

Nah it just means western finns gut cucked by the same people as germanic swedes did. Paleo-European hunter gatherers who lived here before us or swedes.

And the word for mother comes from Gothic

Germanics probably wanted to create friendly relations with their new neighbours across the sea by sending them women

>"it's a retard on Sup Forums pretends he knows shit about genetics and history" thread

It comes form proto-germanic and due to it being extremely archaic from of the word it's not thought to come in any recent exchange. Most likely more than a 3 millennia ao.

You forget that Sami are matriarchal and got cucked by Finns. It's the same with Basques, who have mostly Indo-European paternal lines, although they still speak their own pre-Indo-European language.

But Saami speak a Finno-Volgaic language with perhaps multiple strange substrates from unknown languages. Although there is about 50 words which Saami share with Ugrics and not Finnics which could imply there was Uralic activity in Finland not related to Finnics as well.

Aiþei/äiti is apparently also from proto-norse/proto Germanic.
>Which supports the theory that the goths actually were from Gotland.
Maybe they went east first, came upon crazy shamans, and ran way leaving their women.
I mean they ran away from Sweden to.

Linguistics is one of the best determiner for who and where historical people were.

Not him, but do you honestly think anyone on here is a linguistics expert either?

Those words are at earliest 4th century BC, latest 2nd century AD.
It's no longer proto-germanic after like 1000BC.
>pre-proto germanic: around or after, 1000BC, or earlier,
>proto-germanic: up to like first century
>proto-norse: which I was talking about, is from before migration period (attila times) up to viking age
>old norse is after/during viking age

These words must be between 500BC and 500AD.

Actually I'm pretty sure that someone is considered one of the best Finnish linguists(Jaakko Häkkinen) posted here a few years back but he's very active on tons of forums so that's not surprising.

I actually hope to be. I dream of becoming a specialist in the nordic languages.

the map has been updated op

>Jaakko Häkkinen

Seems like swell guy.

Oh no it's an another haploturd map
How do we deal with this problem on Sup Forums?

Were Swedes cucked by the Huns?

Better question: were Norwegians, Icelanders, English and Irish cucked by bpc (big polish cock)?


This guy is pretty and comfy for basic stuff.

ancient swedes actually had a genetic relation with asian and native american populations

Scandis have multiple subclades of Q. Not all of it comes from Huns at least and there's reason to believe at least some of it is mesolithic.


Norwegians (and Icelanders) are basically slavs at this point

and vikings stealing bitches from eastern europe and brought home to BLANDA UPP

Unless these bitches had penises that's not possible m8 since this is a penis haplogroup

Then it's just indigenous


Yeah, he was one of the inspirations behind my ambition. Knowing that foreigners can have such interest in nordic languages makes me feel legitimized in wanting to learn about them myself.



>this result suggests that Scandinavia was initially colonized following two different routes: one from the south, the other from the northeast. The latter followed the ice-free Norwegian north Atlantic coast, along which novel and advanced pressure-blade stone-tool techniques may have spread. These two groups met and mixed in Scandinavia, creating a genetically diverse population, which shows patterns of genetic adaptation to high latitude environments.

I don't think this can explain all Scandinavian Q subclades though, some might very well be Hun if they are shared with Ukrainians for example.

There were definitely "hunnic", broad-term, relations with Scandinavia.
If you go even further back.
The god TYR, or even older: Deywos. And Tengri are (possibly) really distant cognates.
Both being the distant words for "sky". And >Dingir is the sumerian word for the same thing.

There's also a relation with germanic runes and central asian runes

>What if

ah, so you're one of those delusional pan-turkists

Just something I've found myself.
The similarity between Tyr and Tengri is crazy.
The word for sky in finnish is "also" taivas >> Tiwaz.
Finnish doesn't change loanwords very much.
Just saying...
The Proto euros, proto turks and proto finns. All lived around or under Uralic mountains.

You exposed yourself by talking about rune relatedness and Sumeria, T*rk

Tiwaz comes from Proto-Indo-European(noboby make a fucking langfocus joke please) deywós.

Finnish taivas doesn't come from tiwaz but Proto-Indo-Iranian daywás.

Finns are aryan

Sumerians weren't turk.
If that's what you're implying that I'm implying.
I don't think the Hittites would have been able to understand them if the Akkadians were turks?

Sumerians were probably "cousins" to Indo-Europeans.

I'm talking about religious affinity, not linguistic.

I meant to say deywós. (As I did here )
Even so Tiwaz is basically same fucking thing.

Sure but there is no mysterious ancient reason why Finnic languages have the word, it's just a loan from nearby Andronovo Proto-Indo-Iranian or Indo-Aryan tribes like vajra->vasara.
I don't know about Dingir and Tengri but those words do look similar. Seems likely coincidental though.

>There's also a relation with germanic runes and central asian runes

quite unlikely

Wikitionary says it's from Balto-Slavic.

From Proto-Finnic *taivas, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *deiwas. Compare Lithuanian dievas, Latvian dievs, Estonian taevas and Latgalian Dīvs (“God”)).

Proto-Balto-Slavic is largely synonymous with Proto-Indo-Iranian so many of our words are of ambiguous origin. What matters is whether the loan is feasible so if for example Ugric languages have it, Balto-Slavic origin can probably be refuted.

Especially not when both mean sky.
(I'm aware about the sky being a god in pretty much all pagan beliefs)

>quite unlikely
Just look at the runes and through one's own common sense you can see a correlation.

>It is also interesting that the Akkadian equivalents of deg are laqātu 'to gather up, glean' and leqû 'to take, take over'.
Sum. di 'to shine', PIE *diH/daiH/diw- 'to shine, glitter; day, Sun; god', Skr. dī- 'to shine, be bright', dina 'day', Armenian tiw 'day', Luwian Tiwat- 'Sun god', Palaic tiyaz, Hittite sius, Lycian ziw 'god', Latin dius 'celestial, bright', Greek dios 'shining, divine', Albanian diell 'Sun', Lith. dienà 'day', Old Irish dïa/dïe 'day'.
Sum. diĝir (dingir) 'deity, god, goddess; sky', the cuneiform symbol, like a star, was also read an, meaning 'sky' in Sumerian, so the word seems to come from another language. A common comparison is done with Turkic Tengri 'sky, sky god', and in Chinese sky is tian, pronounced thīn in Old Chinese. Etruscans had Tin or Tinia as sky god. Is there an old 'Nostratic' root or something more recent? In PIE he was *Dyaus (Skt. Dyaus, Greek Zeus, Latin Juppiter from *dyus-pǝtar) but there is also a root *din- meaning 'day', found for instance in Skt. dina- or Lith. dienà. And in Lithuanian and Old Prussian we have also dangus 'sky, heaven', clearly from the root dang/deng- 'to cover' found in dangà 'covering', dañgtis 'cover, closure', deñgti 'to conceal, protect', from PIE *dhangh/dhn̥gh- 'to cover, press', giving Old Irish dingim 'I press', Old Russian, Serbo-Croatian duga 'rainbow', Old English dung 'prison', Old Frisian and Saxon dung 'manure', OHG tunga 'manuring', tung 'underground room covered with manure'. Funnily, sky, rainbow and dung apparently come from the same root in different languages. And we can suppose that also the IE source of Sum. dingir derived the term from 'sky' from the root 'to cover', and from 'sky', the meaning still given to the cuneiform sign, Sumerians derived the meaning 'deity'. Interestingly, another Sumerian term, gira, meant both 'sky' and 'concealment'.

There's also a correlation between the semitic word for Dwd, dud (David).

>Some scholars insist that a sun-god named Dodo — דודה — was worshipped in Israel, east of the Jordan. The expanded fortress of Zion, later known as the city of David, was then apparently known as the city of the god Dod. It's not without precedent that in Biblical times people went by names that were really divine names, or close variants thereof (the name Hadad is another example of this).

>The masculine noun דוד (dud), meaning pot or jar (1 Samuel 2:14, Jeremiah 2:2). Scholars assume that this word reflects the original meaning of the root, namely that of some kind of gentle movement, reminiscent of the idea of boiling. But this word is used as often for a cook pot as for a mere receptacle or carrier. It's probably just as logical to assume that the act of loving was seen as "containing" something, or keeping something within oneself. And since general anger was equated with heat, perhaps arousal was seen kindred to that.

Western-Finland is the most hick please in Finland. In the coast they have inbred fennoswede farmers and inland inbred Finn farmers. Even the fennoswedes in the south make fun of them.

More like the most Africanized place in Finland. If it was hick it wouldn't draw in so many Black and Muslim men.

What do you mean only Vaasa and Turku are full of them?