Currently over 80,000 dislikes on the #ProudToBe video on YouTube


Other urls found in this thread:

when u guys spread this shit to the other boards, u gave the mods the power to silence us. fucking RETARDS.

This is why the Jews can start a fucking world dynasty without peep, and Sup Forums cant rig a fucking online poll with laughing and telling everyone like a retarded hyena.

That's why I'm leaving.

mods deleted threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>mass dislike by Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>and there sharing it to Muslims
Top kek
good work Sup Forums
Were red pilling the normies


Need to hit 100k


ALERT: The mods are a bunch of trannyloving faggots, and are deleting threads on this subject.

dislike it with 3 account

I can see those kike faggots here doing it but on Sup Forums to? why?

mods r just following rules bud.. its against the rules to raid.. i dont think they have much opinion on the subject

shit's hilarious though

We can continue raiding it tomorrow, normies don't keep their attention on it for that long.

Cuck mods

nornies have 70k likes now. DO IT!

>There are no rules for moderation, either. Enjoy ur b&, fag.

>gender can be confusing

the likes are catching up


>being European can be confusing

Youre-a-peeing vs Poo-in-Loo

>not using
It's like you want to be gay

>americans in charge of geography

You realize this just add's to the narrative that people are not accepting of them...

You are only fueling their fire, idiots.

oh fuck you're right

we fucked up, anons

link so i can dislike?

There's only two choices. Add to the narrative or let degeneracy flourish. At least if you add to the narrative they all commit suicide eventually.


just did my service

that shit is fucking disgusting

Daily reminder that this is a Hillary/Democrat false flag operation designed to mitigate damage done by the Orlando terror attacks. It's all designed to remind the LGBT population that their "real" enemy isn't ISIS/terrorists/muslims, but republicans/"homophobes"/"racists"Sup Forums, and they'd better not think about voting Trump, or else.

If you absolutely have to post comments, have them focus on how PC culture is being shoved down our throats, that's something that most of the population can understand. But if you have to say "I hate gay people" or some dumb shit like that, then keep it on Sup Forums. Anyone who posts that dumb shit on youtube or facebook is actively working to get Hillary elected.


Ya done gud son. Ya done gud.

I don't get it. What's up with all the bigots?

I tried using Swype on my phone to Google this and it auto corrected "proud" to "putrid" kek.

If you don't accept the trannies, they win


good comment right here...

That's why I didn't comment on the vid just disliked and moved on.

If they didn't already realize that all the comments and dislikes are coming from Sup Forums they would assume that the majority just hates them as much as always.
Giving them even more cause to rally behind and reason to feel even more victimized.

Don't fan their flames guys.


>"proud" to "putrid"

I didn't comment, I'm just disliking and celebrating the other dislikes

We will never "subtly" break the narrative. You have to blast it to smithereens. That's exactly what Trump did.

Maybe we can say that this video got to an Islamic country and all of the dislikes are from Muzzies.

I don't know.

Current 74k likes and 91k dislikes (both 6k increase from OP)

JewTube is matching our dislikes by pumping in an equal number of likes to ensure they don't get another Ghostbusters trailer on their hands.

They can't keep getting away with this.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

This isn't just Sup Forums and other places spamming dislikes, this is normies too. Like my parents for example don't know a ton about the internet, but they know thumbs down if you want it to go away. So if they go to YouTube and see that shit on front page they'll thumbs down and move on.

>not high-lighting the word next to "Russian"
Why do Jews always come from Russia, Poland, Germany or Israel?

Unfortunately we have a bunch of 16 year olds on this bored that can't help themselves. They think this is just supposed to be "le epic trolling raid" without realized they have real impact on people opinions.

I completely agree though that this is a psyop of some kind. It just conveniently blew up on Sup Forums too fast at such a convenient time.
(((they))) are trying to distract us from something. Making us waste our resources on this futile effort of trolling for epic lulz instead of using this board to make real change of some kind.

Seriously look at what else in going on right now.

I encourage everyone to do the same as I did and report the video.

Subtlety is exactly how feminists are defeating America.

Unless violent revolution happens subtlety is your only weapon.
You will never sway minds by telling them to think in a way that the media decries as "bigoted' "hateful" "nutjob" etc.
They're already primed to reject something that obvious and all it will result in is them taking the example you provided them and push them into thinking "wow the media was right we really DO have a problem"
If anything you'll convince those on the edge to pick the wrong side.

Sup Forums is literally 14 year old bernouts, so i'd imagine their moderators to be the same

And let their narrative be correct: People shouldn't accept them.


Everyone already accepts them.
You're not going to change ANY MINDS by spamming "LOL SUBHUMANS" anywhere

You're not accomplishing anything other than emotional masturbation.


i cannot be the only one who wants to fuck shim burton.

>google owns youtube
>moot now works at google
>tomorrow in the office all moots co-workers give him dirty looks and start to resent him because his creation ruined their fruity pr stunt

>33 weeks pregnant

is this convincing enough?

You guys are retarded by giving these people money for views. This is what they want you to do and they've made tens of thousands of dollars from you faggots downvoting.




Unlimited shitpost works

I made a video on this topic.

Have a free bump

>implying this video wasn't going to have millions of views anyway because of normie scum


You sound like a dyke lolbertarian

And stop using memes faggot


>Implying some obvious trolls will change the election outcome or degenerate lgbt view on Sup Forumslike stuff.
>implying MSM spreading Sup Forums narrative by using it for shillary propaganda is bad
defeatist detected




Downvote and put up Quran or Mohammad quotes about killing gays/trannies

>Sorry about that :(
>This video is not available in your country.

Nice post sir


nobody "accepts" them, they are afraid of saying something against it because they will get crucified by the fascist left

>implying im a dyke libertarian

I'm a closed border libertarian.

I'm a closed border libertarian.

Let's post this to /lgbt/ and see what gay anons think about dirty faggots.

>accept mental illness as normal behavior, goy

no thanks

[current year intensifies]

someone make an "omar mateen" account and post #ProudToBeMuslim or some shit

>Downvote and put up Quran or Mohammad quotes about killing gays/trannies
Sounds like an actual strategie.

whether the borders are open or closed, the degeneracy of libertarianism will create social rot. The freedom to abort children and do heroin is all libertarians seem to be interested in defending

someone link the damn video

4000 away from 100k dislikes

Man I want to fuck Jessica Valenti.

LULZ come before elections

damn, yesterday it was like 95% downvoted.

Someone must have shared it with reddit cucks

holy shit Austria +1

hitler confirmed progressive

Thats how we did it...We sent this to the muzzies

Let's get a thread started on Sup Forums and here to do exactly what you said

Tons of other mental illness promoting videos by jewtube here:

Downvote them all!

this is the official youtube account
you came in early

Hitler is a total faggot.

if we kill our enemies they win

even though our pm didnt actually say that btw

What did he mean by this?