How do you say "Make noise" in your ntive language

How do you say "Make noise" in your ntive language

Padaryti triukšmą

Maak lawaai

Hacer ruido

Faites du Bruit !

make noise

to Spanish
to cause a loud commotion; to make a loud noise

But when a band wants to shout something like that they say:

Laat je horen!!!!

Let yourself be heard.

pitää meteliä

zganjati hrup

lav larm

Dělat kravál

Mach geräusche

소리 질러

yeah, that too, colloquially

Hacer bulla


Fare rumore

Шyмeть - to make noise
Пoшyмим блядь!

šumeti = the sound made by leaves and white noise

sa wa gu