>None of the witches are good or wicked, and all are slaves to a perverse, patriarchal society. The Wizard is a misogynistic man-child who has conquered Oz and imprinted his retrograde worldview on a once-magical land.
The Wizard of Oz is "a misogynistic man-child" in NBCs 'Emerald City' Series
How topical.
I'm glad shows are metaphorically tackling the negative political and social landscape white males have institutionalized
>triggered amerikuk manchild
surely this will stand the test of time
i can't wait until Sup Forums's contrarianism switches to supporting this kind of thing when everyone else gets sick of it
>pay no attention to the little guy between my legs!
>wow, I knew he was overcompensating for something, but this is ridiculous!
what did they mean by this?
Can you dropped a show, with out even seeing it?
This. Honestly, how long is this fad going to last?
>the most pivotal character (identity withheld due to spoiler) is a gender-bending Peter Pan wildling who doesn’t know if he or she wants to be male or female, child or adult.
Until there is a black women in the white house/President?
It looks so fucking boring, i want to give it a chance for Tarsen but damn if it doesn't desperately looks like 'WE WANT TO BE GAME OF THRONES BUT IN WIZARD OF OZ!!!'
This feminist boilerplate is getting old.
Wouldn't that make it worse? We need segregation back imo. Women and minorities are getting way to comfortable with all these "liberties".
>The Wizard is a misogynistic man-child who has conquered Oz and imprinted his retrograde worldview on a once-magical land.
>a misogynistic man-child who has conquered Oz
The show honestly does look like leftover fanfiction scraps from once upon a time
At least Once Upon A Time fanfiction has tons of lesbian sex...this looks plain and by the numbers.
I will never get why they refuse to adapt any other Frank L Baun Oz novels after Wizard of Oz...
Thought that was sub zero when I looked at the thumbnail.
>giving shit about any nu reboot
found the retard,its you op.
>Dorothy carries a gun. Toto is a fierce police dog. The Scarecrow isn’t a good-natured brainless goof but a brooding amnesiac knight, found tarred and feathered and crucified in a field; he may or may not be trustworthy.
This shit is basically GoT on Broadcast TV, it looks like some of the worst shit ever
Does anyone else just not care anymore?
"Diversity" which simply means less white people, feminist toned whining, patriarchy memes, and all the other SJW peanuts found in these turds... sounds boring as fuck.
what a shock
I was planning on skipping this, it looks shitty.
But i want you to know that just because you got triggered by this i'm going to give it at least 3 eps.
This show is such a massive waste of money.
I just don't watch anything made past 2007
Why did this fun movie spawn so many edgy reboots and prequels like this and Wicked?
>Dorothy is a stronk Latina wimmin with a gun
>Scarecrow is an actual knight, just with feathers stuck on him
>Toto is a police attack dog
>Transgender everywhere
How do you fuck an IP up this much?
>le I'm going to call you le manchild if you do anything that displeases me XD
t. women who act like children and expect to be doted on like children every hour of the day
Return to Oz > The Wizard of Oz
fight me
Return to Oz was actually great though.
Oz The great an powerful was shit
Sorry I don't argue with blatantly wrong opinions
Yeah, I stopped watching cable television all together 2 years ago. I just don't care anymore, I've been watching black and white movies the past few months. I am a hermit.
Wow she is a cute.
Fags, women, greedy jews raping the corpse of a once beloved movie.
Even if this is a "bigoted post" you know I am right.
>Scarecrow is a white male
>"he may or may not be trustworthy"
We Trump too late to save us?
So it's a show for girls who like Once.
This is literally a once upon a time ripoff
You are literally crying about a basic 'bad-boy' persona description...this is how fucking much this retarded place has warped your views.
The fucking faggot is literally the leading man and love interest, for fucks sake cunts get a fucking grip.
>7 women
>5 males
>Only 2 white guys in the entire cast
>Both of which are evil
>those shitty gloves on the chick in the red dress
Lurk more
So...Ozma/Dorothy romance with weird kooky adventures never...thanks Hollycucks.
I think you need to check your eyes...
>None of the witches are good or wicked, and all are slaves to a perverse, patriarchal society. The Wizard is a misogynistic man-child who has conquered Oz and imprinted his retrograde worldview on a once-magical land.
>/r9k/ the show
there's nothing comfier than watching movies made before the civil rights movement
men were men, women were ladies, and almost everyone was white except for servants and entertainers
She gives me a funny feeling in my yellow brick road.
>the wizard really isn't even in charge of emerald city
>he's just man spreading and won't let anyone sit near the throne
Aww my chest hurts from the chuckle I just had
So they're all drug addicts or something? And the yellow brick road is now a highway with opium sprinkled on it? this sounds terrible, really terrible
>Women can be portrayed as either good (Witch of the North) or bad (Witch of the West)
>No woman could ever be bad, if she appears to be there must be a man actually responsible
I love progress!
Turns out it's just PLAIN ZERO
This and Alice in wonderland. Everytime. Must be the blue dresses
>I can't wait for trolls to push this
Yes, Sup Forums is very unique in this regard.
I wish Tarsem could do characters, sad to see him reduced to this.
fuck this
Check your privileges from time to time, faggot