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Sounds like kino to me.
Looks pretty good tbphwyg (to be perfectly honest with you guys)
Why is the name of the review like an actual news article? Its supposed to clearly be an opinion, not "Television show is scientifically proven to be fuckin dumb".
Guarantee you these "critics" give shows like Daredevil and Stranger Things 10/10s
>american audiences try to watch british drama
>chiaroscuro and angst
Once again: kino.
Millennials don't make a distinction between news and editorial.
whats that in the bottom right corner?
>Stranger Things
ST was good though. It was meant to be a fun nostalgia journey with a bit of horror and sci-fi. did its job user.
who even uses words like that
the big bang theory
A glib chiaroscuro
>ST was good though.
Yeah but was it BEST SHOW EVER OMG? No.
No it shit itself in a lot of points and its style puttered out early on
5/6 of the reviews make it sound pretty good
Could this be the BvS of our generation?
It would be extremely painful.
No, this is actually good.
>wastes its actors on chiaroscuro an agnst
Like Casablanca.
>who uses the correct lighting term
This doesn't include the two other negative reviews already posted
It's over, Hardy is finished
So it's not for plebs. Excellent.
It could very well possibly be bad but man, am I tired of females not into-ing into anything that isn't a giant gay sunshine soaked diversity rainbow farting jokes from it's bits every other second.
Those were good shows tho
>nobody ties it back to Homestar Runner and the Trogdor shit
I really am too old for this place.
Daredevil is trash but ST is great.
> chiaroscuro and angst
If Hemingway was alive he'd be getting lambasted by critics like this for not having enough quips.
Is Tom Hardy going to save Sup Forums ?
As always, /ourguy/.
>Where's the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun???? Why does everything needs to be so serioooooooooooooooooous??!?!?!
Oh look, it's the Disney/Marvel media critics all over again.
'Macho posturing' is a buzzword meaning 'this TV show has actual examples of masculinity without any attempt at being gay, pass'
>But all its brooding and scheming goes nowhere
They were only given 3 episodes to review though. That's like watching half a movie and saying it went nowhere.
It's the first episode, it's gonna be muddled. All the big shows start off slow as you get used to the characters.
Christ, if there's one thing worse than American game journalists it's American TV critics.
>why isn't there any self-referential, 4th wall-breaking meme humour?!
Arts criticism is one of those things that genuinely died in the internet age. It's all about clicks now.
>Before the broadcast of Taboo, Steven Knight said the East India Company would be depicted as the historical equivalent of "the CIA, the NSA, and the biggest, baddest multinational corporation on earth". This description surprised some historians, who argued it would give an excessively negative view of the East India Company.[16]
What the actual fuck?
Man Jay's really been working out
Did your father nut in your mouth again?
Where did it all go wrong? Why are most critics such plebs?
Do we have Marvel to blame for this?
Why are you fuckers so obsessed with having everything be serious all the time?
People watch tv shows to relax and have fun. No one wants another boring depressing slog to sit through.
I wonder how "critics" actually even get in the business and decide that they want to work as that if they have absolute shit taste in film and don't actually care about it.
shit b8
I think most critics are failed artists.
>And, most uncomfortably, the efforts specifically fall apart when it comes to race. It’s natural enough that Londoners in 1814 might dismiss Africa as an undifferentiated continent — or favor the observations of a free white man who witnessed slavery over a person who actually was enslaved. But it is no longer 1814. A still-developing plot point in the first three seasons is James’ realization that his father did not marry his mother so much as buy her; she was a slave bundled into a property deal. With its meditations on identity and belonging, it’s one of the most interesting developments in “Taboo.” But this story beat also means that Hardy, a white man, is supposed to be playing a character who is mixed-race.
God damn it. God fucking damn it.
>But for all of the taboos that “Taboo” so proudly portrays, it cannot locate a reason for all of this cursing and killing, either tonally or logically. James and Zilpha’s father is described by everyone as a failure and embarrassment. But despite the older Delaney’s failings, James is committed to his father’s company and property, going so far as to refuse to sell a piece of land in British Columbia that is strategically key in the ongoing war of 1812. Jonathan Pryce plays the East India Company official whose job it is to make James sell the land for the good of the Crown; James, a rebel without a cause, refuses to capitulate to king and country. It is very difficult to understand why, except that perhaps James prefers brooding in dark corners to rolling around in cash. But this decision to not sell is what the entire story hinges on; everyone, from Zilpha’s extremely creepy husband to the Prince Regent, is trying to get James to sell, and they’ll all happily see him dead.
Is this real life? Is this deliberately made to bait Sup Forumssters and redpillers? Is it really completely impossible to understand how someone might be inclined to honor the memory and wishes of their father?
I really wish a tenth of the anons who will (You) this article and post screencaps of it in hundreds of threads will watch this show and discuss it in the occasional serious thread but I know I'm asking way too much from this board.
Do liberals not understand storytelling?
history books are kind to the EIC, but they didn't get to their height of power and wealth through being gentle or nice
Chiaroscuro and angst you say?
I liked the Money Pit.
>Takes itself too seriously
This is why entertainment is dying. Anything that isn't quippy gets ripped apart
Thnx Marvel
>But it is no longer 1814
No, but it's fucking set in 1814. Stories set in the past should have the values of their time. Otherwise it's not a historical drama, it's some shitty time travel wankery.
You have a point but if you read the reviews you'll see that the plot is definitely a slow burner. Reviewers have been given the first 3 episodes and 3 hours of television should be enough to hook a viewer.
Fucking dumbass ADHD Americans and whatever generation is saying this
No, I'm up there with you. It's just pretty far back on the meme treadmill
people with at least a basic high school education
10/10 does not equal THE BEST EVER.
Ocarina of Time got a 10/10, but it's hardly the best game out there and even back then.
How do you not know what that term means? Did you never take an art class in high school?
>Did you never take an art class in high school?
No I'm not a faggot like you, faggot.
>art class
Fucking gaylord
> it's some shitty time travel wankery.
So what you're saying is that sjw want everything to be Doctor Who?
Who is Alan and why should his opinion matter?
You know what happens when you get shit moving a mile a minute and constantly made quips and 4th wall breaking winks?
Russo-era WCW. That shit was a complete mess and everyone hated it. Tons of things happened per episode, but they all felt insignificant.
If this show didn't have Tom Hardy in it, Sup Forums would be shitting all over it.
As it stands, I bet 99% of you memers havent even seen the show, you're just been contrarian as usual. When the tide turns and all the normies pick it up because MUH TOM HARDY IM ACTING you'll drop it like a hot brick
Sup Forums really upsets you huh big guy
>As it stands, I bet 99% of you memers havent even seen the show,
well yeah, it starts tomorrow you dumbfuck
Good. Im sick of shows that are just full of jokes
Tom hardy one of the best working actors today and still some capeshit lovers shit on him.
Will Aiden Gillen have a cameo?
No one but critics have seen the show considering it doesn't debut until next Tuesday you complete fucking idiot.
I'll watch the show for you user.
Funny, that's my word of the day as well :^)
Not him, but yes.
>A show starring /ourBIGguy/ fighting the spiritual predecessor of CIA
Baneposting echoes through eternity.
I will also watch it.
Everything with Hardy in it is worth it. I even managed to sit trough Bronson, when it was objectively a bad movie.