Mods please stop scrubbing this story!

Why in the name of all Earthy Hell are Sup Forums moderators scrubbing this story? WHY? WHY?

How come? What for? Why? Tell us!

Tell me why every thread that talks about this is scrubbed. I want to know why. What's the reason. Who does it benefit? How does it help?

What exactly is the agenda here? I think we are owed an answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mudshit gets raped by other mudshits

Who cares?

We can meme it to national attention if we try hard enough.

The police are telling one story and the girl's parents are telling another.

The parents handed over a cell phone one of the boys dropped. According to the father, the cell phone contained footage showing the older boy coaching his younger brothers while their father watched and high-fived them, approving of their actions.

Now the police are saying there is no such recording, they're investigating, but so far, the police and county prosecutor Grant Loebs are doing everything they can to drag their feet and bumble-fuck this case.

Even Snopes is reporting that this story is bullshit, nothing happened, the little girl is obviously lying, etc.

The FIX is in, and I want to know why moderators on Sup Forums, what's supposed to be a bastion of free speech and anti-censorship, what are the moderators here playing along with this cover-up?

How does it benefit you to bury this story? I want to know.

Read the story if you're going to comment on it, seriously.

But I'm not asking about this story, I'm specifically asking the mods, I'd like one to come in here please and give an account of why they think that their job is to cover this up.

I just want to know why. You can't possibly be doing it for money, what's your reason? Why are you guys doing this?

Who gives you your marching orders? Why is Sup Forums censored now? Are we just another version of Reddit? Is that what's going on?

Where is the FREE imageboard, since this clearly isn't it? Since Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums anymore, where is the real Sup Forums?

Or maybe there really just wasn't anything real to report.

Always look at both sides of every story critically.

Events like this do happen, but ever phony claim only hurts the argument against letting more refugees in.

I think it's amazing that you believe in conspiracy theories when it comes to a five year old girl being raped but when it comes to rich and powerful people colluding in secret, that's probably when you fall back on "Occam's Razor," right?

I don't think this little girl and her parents and concerned neighbors are all conspiring to lie to small town Idaho police about being raped.

Especially when rape is something very easy to disprove if there wasn't any physical evidence.

Do we really have auch little faith in our legal system that we trust snopes before it?

mfw arab's rape a 5 year old at knife point

I've never trusted either so I don't know what you're getting at, but you're probably being ironically unironically ironically retarded because saying something that makes you sound stupid is your idea of a fine joke.

The Twin Falls City Council are LEADING THE CHARGE in discrediting this little girl and obfuscating the story.

They're also the ones who have a multi-million dollar financial stake in shipping in all these Syrians for the UN and ICLEI.

Look it up.

There's a conspiracy here and it ain't no theory.

The only reason there's any room to discredit this story is because the parents of the little girl turned the cell phone video over to the police and then it sprouted legs and walked away.

And we got a bunch of literal bluepills in this thread going, "What!? Evidence never disappears from police evidence lockers, that's just a conspiracy theory you watch too many movies, blah blah blah . . ."


inb4 404

Bump for justice

>They're also the ones who have a multi-million dollar financial stake in shipping in all these Syrians for the UN and ICLEI.

I expect this is the case with all forced immigration, our leaders sold us out.

Seriously I havent even seen anything about this on Fox News

Some of the data is sketchy. They can't seem to nail down if it was 2,3 or 4 boys involved. But it is obvious a cover up is going on.

There is a Chobani Yogurt factory in Twin Falls, Idaho that is owned by a Muslim.

And this factory in Idaho only hires Muslim refugees to work there, and this billionaire yogurt mogul is one of the other people paying off this council in addition to them taking UN bribes.

Like I keep saying, there's a reason that everybody is attacking this story across the board, there's a reason this ONE story is being covered up so fucking desperately.

This is the story that blows the whole thing wide fucking open, we have to MAKE THIS VIRAL!!!

Look at this:

Snopes working fucking double-time over there trying to put out this fire before everybody sees the smoke.

I got a message for them:

She wasn't raped, no knife was used, no arrests were made. Pretty sure the real story is 3 Mudshit kids pissed on a little white girl then got blown out of proportion by Chinese whispers and ridiculous (totally unbiased) sites like 'Jihad Watch'.


Welcome to life amongst a protected group of muslims, America.

They can apparently rape children with impunity and an army of propagandists will rush to defend them, denying anything happened as though they were there themselves, and claiming any accusations of wrongdoing are simply racist lies.

The police will be ordered to arrest you for racial harrassment if you try to intervene in the sex slavery of your daughters:

Find out if they're in your area. If they are, don't let any girls or women you care about walk the streets without a male escort at any time of day or night. There's a very good reason this is the tradition in Muslim countries.

>blown out of proportion by Chinese whispers and ridiculous (totally unbiased) sites like 'Jihad Watch'.

This is probably a correct assesment, but I'm willing to support any misinformation that supports the rightness of my witchhunt. Fuck Muslims, let's kill them all.

It annoys me. What actually seems to have happened by looking a witness accounts in the WND article is still fucked up and would work well to share and show people what these filth are really like but it's basically unsharable news now because every 5 lines they have to basically explain what else has been lied about.

Twin Falls Refugee Assault

An event involving children that occurred in Twin Falls, Idaho, was widely reported in inaccurate fashion.




No one has been scrubbing away these stories. People just havnt been posting in them because who cares?

Parents should have kept a copy of the video.

Never destroy evidence, always keep a backup.

You chucklefucks aren't fooling anybody, nobody is stupid enough to be swayed by your retardation.

We know you're shills, we know you're raiding us, we know that you're fat and ugly and have a small penis and no girl has ever liked you.

We know exactly who and what you are, and the only ones being fooled here are yourselves if you think any different.


Never ever hand evidence over to the police unless you want it lost or destroyed.

Tell the police that if they want to see the video, it's on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, facebook, twitter, et al.

Fucking sick and disgusting that a father would have to put the video of his daughter being raped on the internet in order to get any justice.

You can't just hand that over to the police and trust them to be stalwart and forthright and decent, honest, and courageous men who will use the law to see that justice is done.

That's how it used to be, and now this country has completely degenerated into a banana republic and all these trolls and chucklefucks are saying, "Nuh-UH! It was always like this! You're a conspiracy theorist! nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!"

We aren't fighting lions. We're fighting lice.

Hey, want a job on Twin Falls city council?