Is it kino?
Is it kino?
Low budget shit
It was ok
Pure Korean kino
What's wrong with eating insects anyway.
is it just me or did the twist with the old caboose man not really make sense?
>he was my right hand man all along!
>i had him killed because you got a bit further than either he or i expected
>but i wanted you to get here anyways
i liked it until the end where everyone just die
Wanted to see the main protagonist have gay sex with Edgar
His job was to make sure that captain america failed halfway through and take his place in the future. He obviously couldn't be trusted anymore. He forced ed harris to change his plans.
it's brilliant
it is shit.
I still don't get why critics wanked each other off over this movie.
Cinematographically yes
John Hurt's place?
maybe I'm remembering wrong but didn't he try to stick to the plan, but evans was too stubborn and kept going anyway?
No, Ed Harris's place..
No, he talked about stoping for a while then told Evans to cut out Wilfreds tongue.
okay i guess that makes sense then thank you
I loved the ending. The last humans on earth died in a horrible train crash, the only survivors were a negro child and a gook girl, who both were eaten by a starving polar bear off screen.
Then polar bears became the new dominant species on earth.
I'm going to build a train
A train that goes around the world
this train will be the only way to survive the new ice age
The train is also going to be powered by children when we run out of parts like cogs and stuff
Smithers I said get in.
It's pretty clear wilfred lied about life on earth being extinct when we saw the polar bear. The only evidence that they are the last living humans are Wilfreds lies.
this movie is basically the matrix without the scifi
shit's nasty