Why is it okay to give a shit movie a good review just because you agree with it's SJW message?
Hidden Figures has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, and all the reviews just praise the "story that needed to be told, especially in modern racist America" rather than the qualities of the movie itself.
Jace Stewart
It's about the destination, not the journey.
>see nuWars
Connor Cook
Also, women were a mistake.
Andrew Jones
>2017 >still caring what paid for shills think
Bentley Howard
Wasn't one of the women actually white, or just really, really light skinned?
Brody Torres
Oscar bait usually wins. That's how it goes.
Aaron Adams
Virtue signalling could be a currency in modern day, I guess.
Cooper Ward
>lol it was pretty shit but it was about le stronk black women so 10/10
Landon Rodriguez
If its about race its automatically a great movie.
Thomas Adams
Unless it's the white race, of course.
James Harris
People are allowed to like a movie for whatever reason they want you goober. If you disagree then good for you.
What a weird position to take. This thread isn't even pretending. It's literally just "Why do some critics disagree with me about a film I haven't even seen?"
Jesus christ, how pathetic. It's a shitty oscarbait movie. How about you watch some actual art for once and then talk to us about how critics are full of shit?
I'm so tired of you Sup Forumsfags that watch MAYBE 50 movies a year invading and telling us actual film enthusiasts that crappy paint by the numbers movies are crappy....but not because they are paint by the numbers oscarbait trash, not it's because the liberals and the niggers and jews.
If you're going to be here why not talk about real film topics? Oh, what's that? Can't hear me over your capeshit and splosions? Are you crying about women and minorities being in star wars again? So fucking infantile.
Dylan Hughes
And right on cue, we have the first >muh pol
Jonathan Foster
>reclaimed history
Caleb Clark
Approved propaganda
Jack Wright
she gave it a B+, which is more like an 8.5/10
Juan Garcia
Jose Sanchez
>Why is it okay to give a shit movie
It's not a "shit movie", you fucking faggot. It's one of the best films of the year.
Josiah Allen
>Christian Science Monitor What?
Brayden Sanchez
Besides saying how offensive the story is to you, what's wrong with making a movie about this subject?
Logan Martinez
>or just really, really light skinned?
as if americans ever went beyond black and white lol
Alexander Moore
the point of the thread is that's yet another movie where "critics" are giving it the thumbs up because of the message and not the actual quality
Anyway, how many more "it's tough being black" movies do we really need?
Ethan Perez
One of the black chicks got paler when she got older (common) but it's angry Sup Forumsbeards being revisionists saying she's white.
This is the "white" one when she was younger
Brandon Bennett
Because most so-called film critics today are nothing more than bloggers parroting whatever they think their readers want to hear.
Cooper Price
Do you know if the movie is bad? Have you seen it?
Or are you just saying it's bad because it offends you?
Leo Gray
>shitty critics are allowed to be pandering idiots >people are allowed to do things
this is understood, you retard.
Blake Foster
Yeah, that looks her. And yeah, I just assumed she got lighter as she got older. My native American granddad had the same thing.
Gavin Rogers
So a few critics behave in a way almost as bad as the alt right SJWs on this board and suddenly it's a bad thing? How do you brain damaged mongoloids constantly believe something is wrong as soon as it's someone else doing it? Holy fuck that's amazing
Cameron Carter
>Do you know if the movie is bad? Have you seen it? The quality is irrelevant, but when you read numerous review that boil down to "it's not that great but it is in line with my views so 5 stars" it makes you ponder. I have no idea if the movie is good or not, but the trailer looked terrible so I'll give it a pass.
>Or are you just saying it's bad because it offends you? When did I say I was offended?
Hudson Thomas
She was white with green eyes.
Brody Walker
>Hidden Figures, the heartwarming story of a bunch of niggers who did basic math so white people could focus on actual thinking
Christopher Adams
It was phenomenal from a filmmaking standpoint, I really hope you all take the time to actually watch it.