Britain is cucked so hard. I find it hard to have hope enough to believe it'll ever really be Britain again.
Zachary Wright
>those comments
Are they all niggers?
Asher Turner
this looks good desu
Leo Perez
Why is Sup Forums so triggered by this? Is it jealousy?
Hudson Hill
Brits have been searching for national pride where it cannot be found for 70 years.
Jack Moore
Just when I thought the black'd brits couldn't be any more of a meme...this fucking bbc production
Jacob Walker
>It's a 'One of the makers/ producers of the show tries to drum up controversy for a show nobody gives a shit about, so they get free publicity' episode
James Jenkins
""Great"" Britain
basically Brazil 2.0
Bentley Morgan
Charles Cruz
You should be more concerned with how slow and retarded this shit is rather than the color of anyone's skin.
Cameron Phillips
Take it back. As a brazilian, I take offense on that. British girls' butts aren't nearly big enough for the "Brazil 2.0" title and no muslims come over here.
Julian Diaz
Thomas Clark
Why are white people scared of niggers? I understand being scared of homeless, gypsies, but niggers? Really?
Michael Moore
They're a radical and quick to anger species of monkey which we for some reason don't keep in the zoo.
Kevin Morales
>implying bongs pay any taxes
Aaron Allen
I can't understand what those niggers are mumbling
Isaac Perry
Why do liberal white people hate other white people so much?
Why do they role play as nigs online?
Do they get off on that shit?
Michael Roberts
Keeping whites in cages is inhumane t b h.
Jordan Morales
>Google Taboo on piratebay >Incest porn. So much incest porn.
Jaxson Brown
>>Google Taboo on piratebay >>Incest porn. So much incest porn. Dammit, wrong thread.
Logan Ortiz
Well it's not like your dragging this thread's quality down
Caleb Robinson
Kek, Brits are such cucks.
Gavin Hall
Oh, wow, somebody I know works with this guy. I remember him showing me a couple weeks back, but I didn't think it'd get anywhere.
Gavin Scott
I don't understand. Like Leslie Jones in Ghostbusters, why do these actors have no self-respect I get that the ones that do, like Idris Elba and Will Smith, turn down shit like this so they just hire nobodies looking for their big break. But for fuck's sake. Shit like this is so degrading and just purports stereotypes
The black community needs to denounce shit like this and the entire BET network
Anthony Stewart
No mudslimes is a very compelling case for south america
If only english was the dominant language
Isaiah Green
Brandon Johnson
Typical dumbkin trumpkin
Jacob Howard
They're manufacturing a new era. They've shot themselves in the foot. Brexit and trump aren't some random happening. They push too hard and so we push back.
Andrew Lee
Listen very carefully.
I have never been this TRIGGERED in my life.
Fuck you and curse you forever.
Jace Kelly
>unironically citing the dm
Jaxon Long
How did you lose to them if you're so much smarter?
Gavin Moore
>dude white men are bad lmao
Landon Robinson
Uppity midwestern dirt farmers
Christopher Edwards
Trailer was decent. Had a chuckle here and there, but it likely won't be anything at all special.
Xavier Howard
So you lost to someone you consider inferior?
You are literally Frieza.
>stupid inferior Saiyans >loses
Juan Young
They're fucking violent.
Hunter Miller
Self-produced trailer for a pilot that doesn't exist that no channel has picked up. Some black kids with an inferiority complex made it, and some white kids with an inferiority complex are posting about it on Sup Forums.
Adam Rogers
Funny cuz Goku lives in a rural area.
Cooper Flores
it's non fiction tho
it's essentially a documentary about the current social climate of Northern Europe
Caleb Lee
their Twitter barely has 1000 likes, nobody knows about it.
It's also a webseries
Matthew Clark
>All the girls at my uni are hyped about this new series.
Nobody has a clue what this show is, its online only. Stop lying.