Hey, Sup Forums, do you check reviews before listening to an album?

hey, Sup Forums, do you check reviews before listening to an album?

i listen to the album and Fantano at the same time
its the patrician way to listen

I used to, but I try hard not to now. I like comparing my opinions with others more than being influenced by them.

Technically yes, because when I'm discovering a band or artist I'll go through some of their wikipedia pages.



Same, I rarely check reviews to start though, but if I like an album I like seeing if I think the same way about songs and tracks as others occasionally.

Yeah I feel you. I mostly do that when my friends aren't interested in the artist or haven't heard the album. Thankfully my two roommates both like to talk about music extensively so I don't find myself checking reviews as often anymore either.

Definitely if it's hard to find, I want to know if it's worth my time to get some album only five people have rated that is only available from one person on slsk who has a huge queue and slow upload rate

Though in that case, ratings tend to help me decide if it's not worth the effort, if there's no review, I might just try to put in the effort anyway

No, only after I listen to the album so I can now disagree with a basis.

Yes, but not by published critics.
>being influenced by them.
Beyond getting me to listen to something, reviews have little influence on me or my opinion on an album. If you find reviewers that share similar tastes as you, it saves you the trouble of constantly searching to find music you like. Then again, people on this board probably have plenty of spare time.

hell fuckin' no

Selma was so fucking cute
I feel so bad about wanting to fuck her

I kind of anticipated this reaction from someone to my post. I meant on a subconscious level, but your mental firewall must be kino.

>the trouble of constantly searching to find music you like
that's the fun part

No, I don't want to have it spoiled for me.

In fact a lot of the time I'll try to know as little about an album going into it and then read about it afterwards.

This is interesting, and it brings up a question I've had for a while now: Why don't we take spoilers in music as seriously as we do in film or literature?

Reading reviews are for retards

Not as you get older. When you're young, life is an all you can eat buffet, and then gradually you become pickier, both in terms of quality and what you personally enjoy, until you're a old crank that nobody listens to except for some likeminded cranks on the internet. And then you die.

You're making me cry.

It's not about your subconcious. It's about being young and impressionable.

Speak for yourself. The older I get, the more shit I listen to and the more I can rec to others

You caught me. I'm I can't decide what I like on my own. I'm pretty young but I've come into my own on musical taste in the past couple of years and have really branched out from what I used to like so I don't know. But I too like to be crank on the internet.

Do you want someone to talk to?


she was the cutest girl and now she's the cutest old lady

Glad to see some love for mama bork :)

>Listens to album and thinks it sounds decent
>Watches Anthony's review
>Relistens to said album
>Change my opinion on the album entirely and hate on it

Sometimes, but I'll go in cold so my mind isn't tainted by someone's opinion, especially if it's from Pitchfork.

I don't do anything in life without first reading a review desu


I inadvertently see the rym score because rym is a good way to have an overview of the artists discography
It means nothing to me now tho

why is bork so sad?

I dont know

her music is bad

>checking reviews ever
There's no reason for reviews to even exist in the current world where you can find a place to listen to anything freely in two seconds.

I dont know

she watched dancer in the dark

Can you repeat the question?

i review before listening

