Wtf @ ending

Just watched this....

Why did they ruin it? It nearly lost all credibility.... borderline meme tier..

>Why did they ruin it? It nearly lost all credibility.... borderline meme tier..

Because fuck your expectations.

Only "intellectuals" who don't like the way it lines up dislike the ending

How was it ruined? It was neat

Lmaoing@ your post (and life), tbqh

yeah ending was shit

How was it supposed to end?

it was not a sequel to Cloverfield just the same universe from different people's perspective so that's what you got retard.

God fuck off already

why didnt they let larry davids friend in

It should have been the monster from cloverfield, or we find out that there are more of them and now they inhabit the earth. That woulda been pretty bad ass.

>there was only 1 kind of monster involved in the cloverfield invasion

nah youre stupid

Because the studio made them rename it Cloverfield Lane and add a few references to Cloverfield and shoot the ending after getting out.

Reminder that originally this movie had nothing to do with Cloverfield and the studio start making demands halfway through.

perfect ending
what didn't you like?

also, they never promised you any connection to Cloverfield, although they obviously teased it

it's fair and cool ending

original ending is:

>she gets out
>it's all good outside

which is completely unoriginal and have been done millions of times

I liked that the threat was real for a change.

executive meddling made it better.

Agreed. After all that buildup questioning what happened outside, either hit the audience with a jaw-dropping reveal or cut to credits and leave them wondering. Don't just give us some generic CGI alien monster boss battle that could've been a deleted scene from Independence Day.

this was already disproved

the timelines do not match
this movie happens in 2016 or 2015, years after "cloverfield indecent" and the indecent is obviously not public knowledge

the slusho (or whatever) references, along with the "cloverfield" in name were red herrings.

>either hit the audience with a jaw-dropping reveal
they did

>Don't just give us some generic CGI alien monster boss battle
but you didn't like it.

>generic videogame miniboss

Pick one.

>Playing video games ever

Thats your own fault fatso

The original ending was she got out and saw the world was completely destroyed, possibly from a nuclear attack.

And that was it. No final battle against a gribbly monster or something. Just a wrecked city and a "now what?"


oh, my bad

that is a valid complaint, my friend

still, the reveal was
>it's fucking alien invasion
which is pretty jaw-dropping

>molotov kills a flying fortress by causing a small nuclear explosion

i hate this meme

they showed you the gas aliens used was highly inflammable

>still, the reveal was
>>it's fucking alien invasion
>which is pretty jaw-dropping

I don't disagree with this. But there are better and more dramatic ways of showing it. I was expecting something along the lines of terraforming, for Michelle to stare slack-jawed at an utterly alien ecosystem that had sprouted up while she hid in the bunker.

A reminder that Goodman was innocent and acid boy framed him to win over mew.

>have mastered interstellar travel and invaded Earth
>can be killed with flaming arrows

It's like us building tanks out of caesium

also they didn't have iphone 5 in 2008

I'd do anything for mew, desu. Can't blame him for a second.

because you're a pathetic beta
hell, most of Sup Forums would literally eat shit if a girl showed them some form of affection

>implying there was more than one monster
Nope, sorry pal. JJ confirmed this a long time ago. It was a scared baby looking for its mama.

>I was expecting something along the lines of terraforming, for Michelle to stare slack-jawed at an utterly alien ecosystem that had sprouted up while she hid in the bunker.

Oh, OK, that would be much better indeed.

stupidity aside, final boss fight was pretty tight.

probably best directed action piece of that year.

I especially loved the
> oh, I don't need this stupid suit
> oh shit oh shit I need my suit

and the fact it was all show don't tell. I was on the edge of my seat.

I can understand if it wasn't everyone's cup of tea, though. Felt like a different movie (cloverfield, actually).

I guess it'd never happen anyway. Effects cost money, and what producer would shell out for a few minutes of screentime that can't be shown in any promo material?

maybe you, poorfag

>Formally unveiled as part of a press event on September 12, 2012, it was released on September 21, 2012.
You dumb fucking retard.

The ayyy lmaos being real wasn't bad on its own, but Meme Girl taking out a fucking alien battle ship with a bottle of wine? GTFO.

they can still turn it around and just dismiss the iPhone bit if they ever do 3rd movie (with intents of connecting it all),

but as it stands, yeah, no connection to original Cloverfield.

yup, another poorfag



Is there a problem?

Fuck off Taylor, you hold no sway here.

post all of them


I liked the 'twist' that there actually was dumb aliens destroying everything, and that his one offhand comment was correct. It's silly but it works

The movie could have done without her killing the alien ship sequence though