will we have a civil war here im the US soon bros? which side are you on?
Civil war 2
My own
the fascist side so I will be fighting for my local region
Wow, you're so cool man.
Ill be fighting for America.
I was literally about to post the Fascist side. I did not know I had a brother in arms.
No more two-party bullshit.
this right here
It is entirely dependent on the outcome of this election
If Hillary wins then it shall be the death knell of us whites
Expect a civil war when the Muslims are as common here as any other minority's and they can't help but cause anarchy (wich is what the government is pushing for) and make a move to disarm us
if youre alone, a more organized force will overpower you
Whatever side my state is on. I'm loyal to my state to the very end.
No matter who wins it's civil war
My most localized government possible. So hopefully the Cascadian faction.
>you will never be a knight
>you will never be instantaneously respected and feared by your inherent masculine traits
>you live in a time where images like this will be labled sexist or patriarchy
God damn it, I just want to be chivalrous without people hating me
they can try
let's pray that the opposition is weak enough that we might not have to fight together and instead simply liberate our home
As long as the average person has enough cheap food or entertainment there won't be a civil war. Not an "organic" one fueled by the needs/wants of the common man anyway.
I'm fighting on the side that facilitates the progress of free knowledge and the right to experience.
lots of wars were fought without that kind of situation preceding it
I'm going to side with the US government and not you mouthbreather naziboos.
European race.
You got that right.
And you will die with it, we will never stop we will never surrender, we can't be beaten Fascists never die we live on in the hearts of our brothers.
Do you have the image of the guy explaining what civil war is like?
That pic is fedorable.
The fires of revolution and freedom will be littered with the blood of the inferior enemies.
The comic this is from looks badass.
It's called GhostBlade and the whole series looks like this.
This reactionary state must fall so the nation can progress, in it's place will be put a state that will last 1,000 years as true as it began, through one blood, one people, one future.
I do not :/
chivalry was mostly for knights to other knights not some roasties
Holy shit man this level of delusion
it will fall because the environment that spurred the reaction no longer can sustain it
Counter Revolutionaries such as yourself will have no part in our revolution, we will engulf the entire world in Fascist revolution whether the reactionaries and counter revolutionaries wish for it or not.
this one?
Is it fun to be the FBI guy assigned to troll Sup Forums to see how dangerous we are feeling?
we already have a fascist state, according to F.A. Hayek
so you'd fight for the fascists in charge? Disgusting...
Book and Rifle - Perfect Fascist.
A new day will dawn, a day where there is no confusion or falsehoods, one path, one interest, one people.
I'll be on America's side.
Nogs,cucks and commies beware.
> we already have a fascist state, according to F.A. Hayek
> mises.org
> so you'd fight for the fascists in charge? Disgusting...
>Anonymous (ID: l5oACWJu) 06/21/16(Tue)21:55:07 No.78102913 ▶
>File: 1459981682630.jpg (62 KB, 960x617)
>62 KB
> (You)
> Book and Rifle - Perfect Fascist.
> A new day will dawn, a day where there is no confusion or falsehoods, one path, one interest, one people.
> youtube.com
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> Hi
Fascist doesn't mean authoritarian, the government is a counter revolutionary state which does everything it can to suppress the peoples Fascism, for a more perfect Fascism I demand abdication of all governors and a complete restructuring of society to be as true and Fascist as possible.
man I want to save this
but I really really don't want to save this
Thinking the FBI would have to dedicate a living being to reading this instead of parsing keywords. have you been living under a rock?
the problem is during a civil war, foreign will come in and itll be a proxy war over the nation. I guess I'd fight with whoever preserved the most post war freedom
i found it on google->reddit. theres nothing wrong with saving an image bro, we still have free speech. its a thought exercise
Left vs Right civil war would never happen we need q bigger issue
I want to believe that there is at least one agent who was assigned Sup Forums duty as a form of punishment.
Sometimes, I want to punch you all in your perfect teeth.
We will bring them to the truth.
Fascism is what can save the US. I am willing to be a revolutionary for that cause.
Trust me, it is a punishment and there's more than one.
it's ironic because it can also be branded as the anarchist side
Somewhat. This country needs a dictator though. So many people are too fucking stupid. So lets exploit them harsher now.
>the """"""""country"""""""" called the United States
try again