Why do Millenials love Socialists when Socialism has been proven time and time again not to work?
Why do Millenials love Socialists when Socialism has been proven time and time again not to work?
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They think nordic countries are socialist
Because they're young, dumb, and full of dreams that con artists love to take advantage of.
arent they? srs question
Because gibsmedats
>Socialism has been proven time and time again not to work
That wasn't real socialism. The particular brand of socialism I'm thinking of has never been tried before :^)
Because capitalism replaced feudalism it's only inevitable that it will be replaced by socialism.
because they have been sold the 'soft' side of socialism, all the good parts and none of the genocidal parts.
Waiting for lefty/pol/ to show up and start spouting his "labor value" BS
I have to deal with this from my brother as well. Socialism has been tried and it works for a short time, but only if we keep the borders strictly closed.
> millenials
having socialist policies =/= socialism
Social democracy =/= socialism
Nice meme
>that image
ebin strawman
Here I am just wanting a glorious meme God Emperor where we purge the planet of xenos.
Is that really too much to ask for?
Socialism is when the government basically owns the entire economy, the resources, the means of production, etc.
Nordic countries have large social nets, and such. They also have crazy high taxes, but they don't officially have state control of corporations.
There is one thing though, most Nordic companies shares are owned by their respective governments. For example, the largest Nordic company is statoil, and 67% of it's shares are owned by the Norwegian government. So there is a serious element of state control, but it works for them because:
1: Tiny homogeneous communities.
2: A culture that doesn't care for innovation and competition
3: A culture that likes the way it is and is xenophobic AF.
>implying it's not true.
Just accept that lefties like socialism because they're massive losers who would have loved to not have worked. Bernie the cuck, didn't have a job until he was 40, here's his 1980 resume. Look at how bare it is, i have more stuff on my resume at about half his age.
that could be said about anything. i.e.
The particular brand of socialism/capitalism/monarcy/communism/no government...... I'm thinking of has never been tried before
Socialism is literally racist.
>means of production firmly in private hands
>businesses that are owned by state are still run as if they were owned by private citizens - state just owns stocks like a bank or an investor would
>corporate tax is almost half the US rate
>property rights protected by law
I don't know man, you tell me.
Honestly, I get the feeling a lot of millennials are brainwashed into their beliefs.
They don't look at things and form their opinions, they just listen to what others tell them.
smokin weed makes you feel more sort of lovely and loving
not really accepting the nuts and bolts of life
I should preface by saying I was born in 87 so im a millennial but I hate the term because it's associated with a bunch if fuckwits.
Anyway, I think it's because young people are naive and they think they're so much smarter than everyone who came before them so they think these stupid ideas that have been tried and failed will work again because "no, no, see this time it's different..."
Also they don't understand that the US foots the military bill for all the EU countries with socialism, they also don't believe in race therefore they can't accept that something in a more or less ethnically homogenous place with a much smaller population and much less drastic regional differences is apples and oranges when compared to the US.
Can we just have whatever the Scandinavian countries use.
Because millennials don't work
No, they are capitalist. They simply have a larger welfare and social security network
As in demographics? I long for that too.
>Waiting for lefty/pol/
Thank you for remebering me ;) For you
What is socialist policies?
Look what the baby boomer generation did for capitalism
No, they worked for decades to acheive what they have know. And the paradigm in wich they applied their model is no loner the same that is today, or in the near future.
> they have know
Because most millennials are inexperienced and sheltered.
They are easily baited with pandering because they have so little wealth in their life.
They actually thought a guy who wants to give away everything for free was legit yet his campaign wasn't free and required lots of donation money.
Fuckin classic black and white cartoon material here.
socialists don't care whether it works or not they just want shit without having to work for it for as long as possible
because capitalism has been proven time and time again not to work
They weren't alive at a time where they could watch Rocky IV "unironically"
Young people are easy prey
Their teaches are leftists, and their university professors are leftists. They have been indoctrinated since birth to support judeo globalism
>age group most likely to get the fuck on the internet and look something up
>baby boomers still watch corporate bullshit
sure thing bro
>haven't paid taxes yet
>think all races are equal
>don't understand why it ""works"" in some countries
>they just want shit without having to work for it
>socialism is welfare
Where do you guys come u with such outrageous claims?
Do you know who was the first statesmen to introduce a welfare state?
Socialism has never worked, just like millennials.
^ this pretty much
They turn tricks, pass off lies. They eventually get caught and when people start to connect the dots and calling out their fuckery, this happens;
> "You're just like hitler, you are literally hitler and everyone else who I don't like."
They lie and take it to the grave.
it's democratic socialism which is totally different you Sup Forumstards
>implying millenials dont get info from kike media
This is the millennial equivalent of "hurr hurr get off ur phones" despite Boomers undoubtedly being glued to their phones during inappropriate occasions.
We're both brainwashed. Most of my peers from high school are bluepilled faggots consuming Buzzfeed and HuffPo.
Because we have been brainwashed into thinking multiculturalism is good since childbirth.
Fuck you and especially fuck (((Vice))) media in any fashion
Because millenial neets don't want to work either.
>for free
no, it was going to be from taxing the rich, specifically from speculative investments.
but then again that would mean actually looking up his policies and that would cramp your style concerning shit talking about age groups
No such thing as a free lunch
>they want free stuff
oh yeah we've never heard that strawman argument before. that's such original material
On one hand, i support Bernie, because his economic policies are very similar to mine. But my rabid racism makes me lean to Trump.
But now i don't give a fuck and just want Hillary to win so i can have a epic day mocking Sup Forumstards in November
>has never picked blackberries just growing out of the ground and eaten them
A guy told me the other day that he might be a communist. I told him that's stupid because communism never works. He repeated that in a mocking voice the same way a 4 year old who doesn't want to go to bed would do. Millennials are just retarded that's why.
Thank God for the boomers!
if you're racist you are not leftist bro
>wants shillary to win
i rest my case. liberals are right of center laissez faire capitatlists who use identity politics to divide people along lines of alienated labor
Yeah right. Sure buddy, you sure told him. He probably never left his basement
They're too young to remember. They didn't grow up reading news of what actual socialism was like.
Yea i'd love a 99% white population too.
But on a serious note, Scandinavian culture is shit for a country that wants to be at a world stage. They have little to no innovation among them, they're the best example of equality of outcome.
Yea sure no one's starving, but no new tech is being made, no new ideas, new culture, etc.
>>age group most likely to get the fuck on the internet and look something up
Doesn't mean they do. Hell if anything, they get even less information, because they go to the nearest CNN, vox, buzzfeed article and treat it as god. Instead of reading multiple sources, studies and forming an opinion, because that takes time.
Even if you taxed 'the rich' 90%, which bernie didn't think was unreasonable. you still don't have enough money to have free healthcare, post secondary, larger social nets, etc.
Face it bernie bot, your candidate is still bitter about being broke as a joke for 40+ years.
>Complaining about straw men
>Posts a straw man
>if you're racist you are not leftist bro
I'm not. The trip it's just to trigger burgers here.
>>wants shillary to win
Just for the keks. I don't know any single policy of her.
I've heard some good and bad things about the USSR from people who lived there or visited several times, and the USSR was one of the less livable places. Yugoslavia was a hotspot before the 1980s or so.
>actual socialism
you mean ACTUAL socialism that wasn't really socialism and backed by the U.S.?
Because I want the singularity to occur as soon as possible so I can focus solely on art.
>instead of reading multiple sources
except that's not how google works
>you still don't have enough money for healthcare and social nets
that's why ending the wars and scrapping "free trade" deals are part of his platform
face it asshole, you're wrong.
Why would laissez-faire capitalists want identity politics? Oh, it's a big conspiracy to prevent real communism from happening right?
I can understand the feeling that there's a conspiracy behind identity politics but those behind it are not free-market capitalists. Think for yourself, if you're power-hungry and willing to commit a conspiracy, why would your ultimate goal be a system where everyone is equal under the law and free to engage in whatever activity they want as long as it's voluntary?
Wouldn't your ultimate goal more likely be a system where you can influence the government in your favor and use force against your opponents?
>why did Germans want a strong socialist leader...
It's cyclical. And not entirely unfounded.
When has real socialism ever happened?
>it's a big conspiracy
yes you idiot.
>why would your ultimate goal be a system where everyone is equal under the law
which is why liberals are the ones claiming to help minorities but never do. clinton was against gay marriage before claiming to be for it. bill clinton signed off on the bill that through africans in prisons for minor offenses. the clintons have business ties to the private prison industry
burkina faso in the 80s
spanish revolution
I love how in the USA (and apparently AUS too) everybody is completely ignorant about what socialism means, and what are its historical approaches.
I assure you that every educated european laugh at you when you equate socialism to Venezuela and USSR.
>b-b-but we're used to call these economic structures with the same name, since we never bothered to learn the more specific ones. that totally means that sweden is exactly like venezuela
because the only time it was tried in a well functioning society was Nazi Germeny. And that was terrible for Germany wasn't it?
You do realize that capitalism is going to essentially be 100% dysfunctional when 90% of everything becomes automated in the next century.
Never. Even Hitler threw the people out if the party that took the Socialist part of NatSoc too seriously. Not to say that was the right thing to do, but that's history.
"free" is subjective, so there can be a free lunch
how do you fucking retards not know the difference between socialism and a democratic socialist running a capitalist country?1
I think "socialism" is the wrong word to put to it, Regulated capitalism is a better fit to it, and theres plenty of evidence that it works.
The economy was doing better by any measure after WW2, when our economy was far more regulated than it was now. Same thing post the great depression.
nice pic
He didn't like communists.
So I doubt he liked turbo socialists either.
there are two reasons:
1. They believe that (mostly) homogeneous rich white countries like Norway and Denmark are 'socialist', and want to try be like them, which is just capitalism with a more extensive welfare state.
In the US context they don't seem to grasp that you cannot simply cut and past these policies onto the US have them work in the same way
2. They have fallen deeply for the Utopian lies about socialism that have been fed to them at College, on the internet or elsewhere, and believe that 'the 1%' is what stand in the way of their happiness. This is ultimately part of a bigger psychological question that explains leftist ideology, but that's a whole other issue.
'Lunch' is also subjective, by your point then.
That sounds a lot like a classic liberal government. Not too much government interference and not too much privatization
Everybody, AI is coming and this will all be frivolous rhetoric in the near future, try to chill out.
>They have little to no innovation among them
Are you stupid? They are on the forefront of many areas of research. Feel free to google. Also the whole of Scandinavia as less population then California.
>but no new tech is being made, no new ideas, new culture
>believing Sup Forums memes
Is capitalism as bad as millrnials make it out to be? A friend of mine told me that it's "disappointing that we live in a capitalistic society" and went on to say that the owners send their workers(?) or production overseas to avoid paying taxes.
I'm not very savvy with this stuff, but is this a bad thing..?
Nice try Marxist scum, into the gas chambers with you
They know we'll keep fighting amingst ourselves if they can keep one side stubborn and immovable. There's a reason the same party that's most in bed with business are the ones whipping their voter base into a fucking victim-tier frenzy over groups wanting rights. And when nothing happens, they invent an issue by writing a laws to solve problems that don't exist, and then play the victim when inevitable backlash happens.
"bathroom bills" are just the latest in these ploys to keep us figting
Tito is a good example. Some not good but can be considered socialist in broad terms is USSR and Cuba
Because millennial are fuck heads who have teachers to make sure they don't learn anything in school and helicopter parents to make sure they don't learn anything outside of it
>Just for the keks. I don't know any single policy of her.
Take Obama and make his key political card his sex instead of his race. And you have Clinton.
>I've heard some good things about the USSR
And this is how i know, you know jack shit.
Yugoslavia was not part of the USSR, in fact it founded the Non-Aligned Movement. The Yugos had a really good leader, that's why the country fell apart after 1980 his death.
You can genuinely say good things about Yugos, but even with that in mind, they where only the better communist country. Not even comparable to the west in terms of economics, opportunities, etc. Yugoslavia is communism with a strong ' morally good' leader
>except that's not how google works
What's so hard about going through multiple
>that's why ending the wars and scrapping "free trade" deals are part of his platform
18-26 TRILLION dollars, all of the US GDP and more. You can't just make that amount of money, even if you taxed everyone at 90%, cut the military, and stop the wars or whatever.
Learn some math.
That's why he threw them out. Too many policies in common with the Communists that had yo be overcome to rise to power. Doesn't mean that wasn't what the party was founded on. The real question is do you believe Hitler was the voice of the party or not. Obviously historically this is the case, but that doesn't mean that was its original intent...or that Hitler didn't borrow policies for commerce from them once they were (in name) defeated.
They don't, they love welfare states.
They don't care whether it works or not, they just want someone else to pay for to maintain their lifestyles because they don't want to work.
The empty rhetoric in here is really obnoxious.
capitalism is great to a point. Once certain companies get too much they gain a monopoly and no one else can compete. That's why regulation is needed to allow capitalism to be contained and give everyone a "fair" chance