Does anyone follow these AltRight guys on Twitter? They are cringey as fuck. It is worse than Reddit trying to use memes from Sup Forums.
Uncuck The Right
Who the fuck even uses twitter besides cucks and bluepilled people?
They need better vocalists with wider range
Donald Trump
Twitter shoutouts from Uncle Ghost.
I don't know if you've realized this, but the alt-right movement has been hijacked a while ago
Sup Forums was hijacked a long time ago.
There's a bunch of redpilled alt-rightys believe it or not. Some good bantz to be had REEEEEing at normies.
No shit. I can tell just by all the one-post threads. And enforced divide and conquer with flags, and the same threads started using the same images.
they are just modern punks
Yeah fuck these guys, especially Milo Yiannopoulos
go to bed milo
Milo is the only one with any talent desu, despite him being a fag. These Daily Shoah guys are just fucking awful.
milo despises racists btw
We're talking about the alt-right, not racists desu
Milo thinks he can win over gays and minorities with "arguments".
RickyVaughn_99 is solid. Smart guy, good insights hidden behind alt-right rhetoric.
>meme arrows outside of Sup Forums
Stay mad
Sincerely, Walt
Not mad, bro. Just cringing at your own self importance and bad memeing.
Nigga I'm doing much more than you are, sitting on Sup Forums spamming Hitler memes. I've got loads of vids out for redpilling normies.
>he actually believes it's Walt.
Tweet at me rn
The alt-right is a colossal failure. It was an attempt to shift the Overton window farther to the right but the movement's acceptance of atheists, libertarians, degenerates, and sodomites only shifted the right further to the left than it was before. The alt-right is now the enemy and needs to be totally destroyed.
National Conservative (NatSoc lite) here.
What the fuck is alt-right?
>let's eat our own movement alive from within
Nice try
We use it to troll people(see Ben Shapiro) and hopefully win over some normies.