Is there still possibility that European fight each others again?

is there still possibility that European fight each others again?

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It's absolutely inevitable.

yeah we still hate each other

Balkan maybe, they hate each other but can't start wars now because of NATO.

Yes, the question is which side will you be on?

Personally, I will always stand with Mother England


Once the French and Germans remove American influence from Europe, which they try to do now, then all options are on the table in Europe. It can go good and it can go bad.

this time Germany side look attractive
but it was the biggest mistake so it's hard

yes, the moment NATO collapses Europe immediately is engulfed by madness and war

>implying you don't want to take Tyrol back
Join us, brother.

i'llfight the germans tbqh

Not really. War is becoming a Middle East only thing.

I side with you


ahem... ukraine and russia

You'd imagine that? The good old times coming back. It would be a pleasure to *Bouter votre arse hors de France* again, fellow British Frieenemy.


We may well have to join forces against a common enemy again.

russians are european

Europeans are russian

Oh yes, like in the WW1, good old time again.

Only the retarded, uneducated lower classes think Europe has internal issues worth going to war over.

Germany is imposing sanctions on poland for not accepting their refugees, if NATO fell apart its entirely likely that Germany would be building up its army and threatening military action if countries didnt do what they want

I better start getting the business of selling guns. Oh yeah baby I am going to be rich!

You do know that it's possible to leave the EU, right?

>Germany militarising and starting wars based on homes for those displaced by war

I have seen this before

>if NATO fell apart
NATO is fine. The EU is fine.
And even if they weren't, there's still absolutely no reason to go to war. It's too costly these days. Same reason you guys haven't invaded Indonesia already.

I don't think there'll ever be another war in West Europe, but I can't say anything for the East or the Balkans

Please hang yourself

No, Europeans are the biggest pussies on the planet. They are my countries bitch, they will do what we say and they better not bite the hands that feeds and protects them otherwise they will end up like Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the entire middle east.

Fuck off Europeans, you won't do shit.

That's the stupidest thing I've read all year on Sup Forums.

They can't start a war on Poland because refugees can't be sent to nations ravaged by internal strife, or yes, war, the very thing they're fleeing. Stupid Boogan. This is why they sent you people to live in that hellish continent.

don't you have a peaceful East Asian country to invade for no reason?

Look at our thousands of years of history. Is there a possibility that europeans DO NOT fight eachother again? Assuming Europe in some form will survive for hundreds of years.
What if some country is couped by the rising tide of color, turned into a caliphate and half the population is still european and is forced to fight their neighbors for the glory of Allah?

I can also definitely see a repeat of WW2 if a few countries step off the (((plantation))) by going against the dildocratic neoliberal order.
Let's hope Zogmerica and all these supranational organizations collapse before then.

>North Korea

Pick one you Scandinavian snob.

>"I regret to see that despite our repeated calls to pledge to relocate, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland have not yet taken the necessary action," Mr Avramopoulos, told journalists.
>"For this reason, the Commission has decided to launch infringement procedures against these three member states. I sincerely hope that these member states can still reconsider their position and contribute fairly."
yes its dumb to think Germany would ever impose its will on Europe

Said the one place that never fought any relevant wars lol

Aw, leave poor Sweden alone. He's got enough on his plate with all the Syrian/Somali refugees who want to exterminate his people.

why do wars when you can erase whites with genocide?

They've literally done nothing aggressive since the 1950s. All of this rhetoric is because they're threatened by the almighty USA, who they know are liable to invade at a moment's notice if they feel it's in their economic interest.

Poland is just butthurt as always, shit thread

Not in western europe, at least not in the foreseeable future
We got football as a surrogate for war now

The only war to be fought on European soil will be one to drive out the unwanted.

Germany, France or UK falls the whole world economy goes to shit. Then there are nukes, which are hold by a monopol so...
Of course also majority of western youth is cuck and weaklish and would be a disgrace on any battlefield, if they dont ran away on the way to it before. Regional conflicts might be a thing, shortlived ones without many casualties and zero to low impact economically. But even that is unlikely. Civil wars could happen, but thats about it.

Yeah i have an idea. Lets let one of the most unstable regimes on the planet attain nuclear weapons. Good idea right!?! Just like letting tens of thousands of African and muslim men into you country is good too right?!?!

Fuck. Off. You. Brain. Dead. Scandinavian. Snob.

them losing the northern war was the reason how russia could build st. petersburg (getting an access to baltic) and why it significantly increased its political influence, before that war sweden also controlled poland etc btw

Thirty years war


>Lets let one of the most unstable regimes on the planet attain nuclear weapons. Good idea right!?!

You're talking about the USA here, right? You're still the only ones to have ever used them, and on cities full of civilians at that. North Korea has already had nuclear weapons for decades, by the way.

>Germany is imposing sanctions on poland for not accepting their refugees

This "end of history" mentality is so myopic and retarded I can't even.
How can anyone seriously think there will never again be armed conflict on a continent with like 40 nations that are rapidly filling up with hostile savages, automation looming, built on a pyramid scheme of debt and eternal growth, housing bubbles out the ass, extreme social alienation, rising would-be hegemons in the east and its old protector in the west dying, political gridlock in a suicidespiral, large parts of its coasts looking to be flooded soonish, energy crisis etc etc.

I am convinced people just think "nothing is gonna happen in the timespan that concerns me - two days ahead - so it's all good."
I'm curious what kind of future you imagine. Everything just continuing as it has for the last year (again, your myopic time horizon) extrapolated into the future forever. "Cool, in 300 years phones are gonna be like, even sleeker, man and also we'll have holographic TVs and hoverboards and electric cars and pills instead of meals lol I wonder how COOL holographic Game of thrones will be but anyway everything else is gonna be essentially the same because nothing of note ever happens and liberal democracy is the endstate of humanity."

Britain's in an even worse state. Check the news (not BBC) and also have a look at London's demographics. Your capital isn't even ruled by traitors anymore, it's ruled by an explicit enemy who subverts your nation at every possible turn.
After... how many terror happenings this year? there is not a single sign of life coming from cuck isle. It's funny how Sweden and Germany get all the flak when France and the UK are worst off.


Germany has never won a war

Nope, that would be the dictatorship that is North Korea who you have no issue with being armed with nuclear weapons. Japan deserved to be nuked. They attacked us and now you expect us to storm their main island where they will fight till the death coasting millions of lives? Fuck that, nuke em until they surrender.

Scandinavians man, snob as fuck.

Fucking Arabs are waging wars all the time using only AK47s and Toyotas and we can't do shit, I fucking hate this continent.

they together with russia defeated napoleon

britbongs defeated him only after he returned from his first exile


Your honor exhibit A.

I give you to the snob Scandinavian.

A very interesting specimen.

Not a chance. The reason we fought was because war was cool back then. WW1 changed all that and pretty much everyone except two insane dictators started hating the idea. We're a hundred times more prosperous while at peace.

I'm only speaking for real Europe ofc, the balkans and azerbijan or whatever will keep fighting wars until long after I'm gone.

It will be a quick war. Over by Christmas.

>thinking modern Germany can be aggressor in any war
>despite not having enough power to even send a handful of lazy niggers to eastern europe
full retard tier

>lol let's just leave them alone they won't do anything lol
>invades Poland
>"n-not to worry I'm sure it's a one-time thing haha"
>invades Romania
>"lol who cares"
>invades UK
>"hmmm.... don't worry lol I'm sure they'll stop hahaa..."
>invades The Netherlands
>invades Belgium

>lol let's just leave them alone they won't do anything lol
>invades Korea
>"n-not to worry I'm sure it's a one-time thing haha"
>invades Vietnam
>"lol who cares"
>invades Afghanistan
>"hmmm.... don't worry lol I'm sure they'll stop hahaa..."
>invades Iraq
>invades Syria

I hope you realize the wishes of the population have very little sway on policy in the age of information tech. Insofar as any real collective will even exists within a population it can be flipped very fast if your side hold all the institutions and media outlets.
It doesn't take long to drum up enough fear and loathing in the average dumbfuck once the atrocitypropaganda starts churning. As we've seen multiple times in the last 16 years and infact with our dear United Statesian friend in this very thread.

Elitist rule is a constant because nothing else can exist - without leadership people simply don't act in any decisive way. Our current set is inculcated with an ideology of worshipping weakness and dragging everyone down to the lowest level. It's an ideology of endless concessions, deferring to inferiors and pathologizing anyone doing the opposite with Freudian babble. Essentially, the goal is to create complete and total interdependence of all the world with eachother so that none can challenge the neoliberal world order, or ZOG if you will. Needless to say this is weakening our continent tremendously. This striving for "equality" by lowering everyone to the global mean is the core of the modern left while the further right you go you'll find people who understand what actually constitutes power, namely the ability to project physical force. By neutering ourselves in this manner while others refuse to do the same (Russia is one example, muslims are another,) we open ourselves up to be conquered. Which end of the sword we'll be on is just a matter of whether we have the balls to defend ourselves or not.
If some nation by some means (not necessarily democratic) gets leadership that rejects this suicidal decay they'll be viciously attacked and will be brought to heel again, just as is attempted with Russia.

Hey didn't you hear him? USA are the good guys and only go to war for Goodguy Reasons. That's why they're in the process of uplifting all these shitholes without natural resources that also aren't Israel's neighbors. Oh wait..

>I hope you realize the wishes of the population have very little sway on policy in the age of information tech. Insofar as any real collective will even exists within a population it can be flipped very fast if your side hold all the institutions and media outlets.
>It doesn't take long to drum up enough fear and loathing in the average dumbfuck once the atrocitypropaganda starts churning. As we've seen multiple times in the last 16 years and infact with our dear United Statesian friend in this very thread.

Herman Göring I believe? He was wrong BTW. People tire of war pretty quick which forces the establishment to take a break.

Please don't we would like to make it a hattrick

If EU collapses, NATO is kill and global economy collapses, European economies stop being interdependent and the costs of a war get close to its benefits. In other words, no.

So you think we're tired of war, forever? What about when war comes to our doorstep? We're so strong and rich and inspirational that noone dares to challenge us and everyone wants to assimilate right? We're so fucking full of ourselves and this hubris will be our undoing.
What happens when the shitskin demographic inevitably grows untenable because of birthrates and immigration? Or Russia rightly senses our weakness and a hostile EU/USA breathes down their neck. I bet Gotland is looking pretty good to them and I can't blame them. I can only blame us for being cucked and not acting in our own national (that means ethnic) selfinterest.

And yeah obviously people get somewhat tired of war eventually. But look at the US, over half their population wants to go fuck around in Assad's backyard after how many wars since 9/11?
Don't you hear sentimental moans of "Oh can't we just kill that big meanie?" in the lunch room every time TV4 News runs another "X dictator is GASSING BABIES LIKE LITERALLY HITLER LOOK AT THESE CUTE BABIES" segment?

The thing that hit this home for me irl was when I heard someone scoff hard at and berate Trump for wanting to reinstate the death penalty only a few weeks after they had said they want to flay Breivik and roll him in salt or something following an emotional "Breivik killed kids" bit.
Face it, the vast majority runs off of emotion-based narratives and can be made to support anything if you show them enough sad kids on TV.