I fucking love you Sup Forums
Going to start doing this myself. I haven't audibly keked this hard in a long time
I fucking love you Sup Forums
Going to start doing this myself. I haven't audibly keked this hard in a long time
>Helping sandniggers
but it has nothing to do with their religion.
This is funny.
Islam is the religion of peace.
But I thought Muslims were peaceful, why would they harm pro-lgbt women? I thought it was the Americans who were the misogynist homophobes?
Left Blames internet trolls not backwards society lel
I thought Islam was a religion of peace, though. If there's an Islamic theocracy, it must be the most peaceful form of government possible.
>killing people when they don't agree with me is good
im ashamed Sup Forums
at the same time it's more likely that it's another sandnigger that reported them
yeah, how does this happen in a country without right wing bigots and the evil NRA telling Muslims to hate gays?
breddy good
>i-islam is a beautiful faith that cherishes people from all backgrounds and respect others beliefs. There is no conflict in supporting Women's equality, LGBT rights, and Islam. They all work together beautifully.
> Women are being sentenced to death in Islamic countries for supporting what liberals claim they support
Top fucking kek.
Someone who claims to support the LGBT community and women and Islam all at the same time are severely autistic and should be beaten over the head repeatedly.
This is brilliant
>liberals pretending to care about MEfags
>blame internet trolls instead of islam
> ISIS killing gays and abusing women is not what real Islam stands for
>All Islamic countries are killing gays and abusing women on a daily basis
>Obama and Hillary act like it's completely normal to support two conflicting ideologies
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
t. liberals
>Liberals complaining about blasphemy
thats rich
Stop being edge-queens. This is straight up evil. Why are you faggots like this?
Obviously we need to post the Twitter accounts of these governments so liberals can make a trendy nametag to #stophate.
That fucking hashtag, get that shit trending lads.
You mean their [Muslim] countries aren't kind to LGBT Muslims?
Nice bait faggot. Wish I could report you to the government too but here we have freedom. Unlike there. KEK DUMB CUNTS
>It's not the fault of liberals supporting countries that go against everything liberals claim they stand for.
> Its not Islams fault for killing women and gays
>It's everyone else's fault!
Kek. You are the reason this is happening. Dumb ass faggots like you.
yes, yes, YESSSSS.
good job goys
Kill yourself subhuman
I don't see the problem. Based on what I've read in all the American newspapers over the past week, muslims are very tolerant of homosexuals. I'm sure the people who are reporting the lesbians are only doing so because they know that the muslim governments are going to reward these women for being brave and showing pride in their sexuality.
dont you have a bull to prep?
this has nothing to do with Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a board of peace
>it's your fault Islam is killing LGBT people, not Islam's fault
>helping sandniggers kill LGBT/athiest sandniggers
We simultaneously kill sandniggers and destroy the belief that islam is a religion of "peace and tolerance"
on one hand, it is a dick move
on the other, 50 of my countrymen were killed by snackbar, and the gays are still blaming gun owners that respect the law
we're not killing anyone
It isn't funny as much as it is satisfyingly sad. It pleases me to no end seeing these cute innocent little damsels sitting so high up atop their retarded ass internet pedestals and then proceed to get the entire foundation kicked out from right under them and swept back into reality.
Nothing shows the world how progressive Islam is than having a 16 year old girl jailed, raped, then publicly beheaded for the world to see. What a fucking good show. It's killing two birds with one stone: silencing that retarded ass moderate slime faggot spewing shit on a social media platform and showing the rest of those who aren't dummies exactly how dangerous Islam is.
Because delusional cowards won't raise even the slightest objection to Islam's brutality and only make a stink when you can attack someone you aren't afraid of.
If you were even half a man you'd have been opposing Islamic human rights abuses. So getting all righteous with your liberal messiah complex just makes you look like a tremendous asshole. (which you are)
You don't give a fuck about justice or human rights. You only care about feeding your ego to appear "right and just."
I doubt anything bad will happen to them, there is no white male heterosexual cisscum around. Only he followers of the religion of peace
Pointing out he hypocrisy and stupidity of liberals is not a "dick thing to do". It's the right thing to do.
Does Sup Forums officially have the highest body count of any board?
this is amazing and really fucks their narrative up
I remember when I was a kid, someone asked me if I would play a video game where killing a person in the game meant someone died in real life.
Really makes you think...
I just realized how fucking ridiculous it is that it's being called trolling when it's getting people killed. like "lol trolled you." like the victims of trolls are getting stoned and shit wtf.
You stupid bigots, its the twitter trolls who are getting them killed, NOT Muslims!
It's a pretty funny prank dude
Wow what a religion of peace you filthy keffar
>I told the KKK where that nigger lives. I didn't kill the him, the KKK did.
I don't understand why it can't be both. You're facilitating theses people's death by reporting them to their oppressive government. Why the fuck would you think you're innocent?
You aren't destroying anything. These oppressive governments will still do what they do because they have economic/political value to the west. All you are doing is killing the few muslim atheists that exist, scaring people from ever speaking out, and incrementally creating the monolothic Islamic boogeyman Sup Forums craves.
I'm sure a lot of Sup Forumstards accidentally killed themselves.
I wish Kek would do something about you.
Italian blood detected.
Can someone put together a guide on how to do this (assuming someone would want to).
Because humanity as a whole is on the wrong path. Most people need to fear in order to behave.
It's so that people will begin to think of "trolling" as physically dangerous, so they can justify a "troll ban" to get rid of free speech sites like Sup Forums, etc.
I say this site has about 5 years left at most before a political death. Maybe Hiroshima will pull the plug sooner.
>KKK = U.S. government
If I tweeted a list of gay people to Obama literally nothing would happen. These are actual governments killing their own citizens.
>50 of my countrymen were killed by snackbar
At least they died doing what they loved
With syria and the recent Palestine war yes without a doubt. But why stop there?
>Oppressive government
we are just being respectful of Muslims rich culture, they are the religion of peace so obviously nothing bad will happen to them
So the KKK and Islam are the same now? Glad you're wising up.
And that's what makes it legendary. Getting actual degenerates killed with minor intervention Sup Forumss wet dream. Just a few clicks and someone of a demographic you loathe can end up in a camp.
>my countrymen
They were spics, not Americans.
Youre a bitch
Find lgbtqphiv "Muslim" on social media
Find Islamic nutjobs on social media
Report the faggot to them
lol this is genius
inb4 edgy, they'd want you straight white men dead too
I don't care about fixing Islam. That's not my community's goal nor my personal goal. I want my community to recognize that Islam is not a religion of "peace". I want the left here to recognize that it is not okay to support LGBT rights and the entire progressive movement while simultaneously supporting Islam.
I want that part of my community to be faced with their cognitive dissonance at an extreme that cannot be reconciled.
What's wrong with helping other people?
Point out the HATE. We are pro LOVE!
>muslim atheists
Really NOT reporting them would be intolerant. These people have their beliefs and their countries and if they think they should stone gays or throw them off buildings it isn't out place to judge. Indeed, the tolerant thing to do would be to report the things they find offensive so they can be dealt with in the most peaceful and compassionate way possible.
whoa whoa whoa it's not our fault, Islam is a peaceful religion, and these are their peaceful laws and they should follow their peaceful laws or face the punishment. It's them that are breaking the religion of peaces law set fourth by it's peaceful prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him.
Because it's just a prank bro. We hid some cameras around the middle east, just look over there!
I'm not doing jack shit besides laughing at you and the left's hypocrisy you fucking faggot.
So you think Muslims are violent people?
You're a fucking racist piece of shit then.
FagGot, FagGot, FagGot, FagGot, FagGot, FagGot. u a FagGot.
No, it's called empathy asshole. I don't know these people, but they're clearly fighting against their government by being pro-lgbt. The only why I'd be supporting radical Islam would be reporting these individuals like you faggots are. What logical reason could anyone in the free world have for doing this?
The more we report, the more likely that American lefties will become redpilled about Islam.
What's ridiculous is that reporting a crime is being called "trolling." We're just being good citizens of the world.
I think Sup Forums still leads, with all the creeps and mass shooters. But Sup Forums with syria raids did raise the bar.
Is it though? Ultimately it just create more anti-muslim sentiment at the cost of a few people.
>Nothing shows the world how progressive Islam is than having a 16 year old girl jailed, raped, then publicly beheaded for the world to see. What a fucking good show. It's killing two birds with one stone: silencing that retarded ass moderate slime faggot spewing shit on a social media platform and showing the rest of those who aren't dummies exactly how dangerous Islam is.
this desu minus the edgy crap
Aye nigga, nice to see an /o/tobot here.
It's not new also. /SG/ has helped Assad take out people
/R9k/ does
So, we need an actual guide to reporting LGBT/atheists living in Muslim countries where the penalty is death or extreme prison sentences right? The lists are already there in the form of twitter, we just have to make it happen.
top fucking kek.
I'm gay and i love this. Fuck muslims, also checkem.
No, they're not fighting shit or they'd fight against the root cause - Islam
>killing birds
Sometimes just skim reading stuff produces the toppest of keks
>Spurious Generalities
Fuck I miss &TotSE
So how long have you been an Islamaphobe?
the Jihad continues
That Jersey poster that was arrested in Jersey for posting pro ISIS stuff reported a Saudi (who wasn't an atheist) to the religious police and they actually went to this Saudi's home and ransacked it.
This seems like more of a move that is coming from Islamic extremists.
I want no part, because it's a lose lose. You help Islamic nutcases but you also give fuel to the left to use against whitey.
It has its merits but yeah.
hey man, we are doing our part in protecting the mudslim culture.
Why are you gay