are you #ProudToBe, Sup Forums?
Are you #ProudToBe, Sup Forums?
Faggots are gay
I hate flamboyant faggots that can't behave like people, seriously take a dick up your ass and shut up about it. I know it must be a struggle to take a 12 inch cock in the pooper, but that's not anyone else's business.
Nothing gets past you, eh?
I never cringe so hard until today
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.
And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there's pride in every American heart,
and it's time to stand and say:
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.
definatly proud
Tumblr is beginning to fill up with posts and comments about the video
>one post by this ID
Come on pol, I thought you were smarter than this
Does anyone have a Saudi proxy to see if the video is promoted there?
>tfw gay but not proud to be
Why am I supposed to be proud about wanting to fuck other boys?
Why is it that people find it somehow inspiring to be proud of being SEXUALLY attracted to something?
Do they realize the degeneracy of vocally advertising the fact that they have (by definition) a particular SEXUAL complex? It's like being proud of having any other SEXUAL complex (BDSM, scat, vomit, midgets)
SEXUAL is capitalized because it seems that people are trying to make LGBTQ be something more than the part of your identity that is related to what gets you off.
i dont have anything to add, i just wanted to see the response.
I really wish I was born american.
How can a man become pregnant?
How can a man have a vagina?
How can a woman have a penis?
How are any of their ideologies even remotely possible?
wtf is this creature
With no additional input?
Come on dude.
Also, which one of you posted as Hitler and George ZImmerman
Science was a mistake.
I'm proud to be depressive.
why do you favour the OP's input so much? i have as much merit as anyone does here. the post is kind of satirical anyway because i know the majority of Sup Forums won't agree with the trend. im not an imperialist american like you and dont really think my opinion means much more than others
Honestly if this video had been a satire it would've been fucking hilarious.
Fucking SNL shit.
Look you cis scum asshole, he's transpregnant and it is 2016.
Yep same here gaybro
I don't even tell people anymore. You become the gay one and I'm sick of it.
When they will push Pedophilia rights?
its the flag m8. Seems awfully likely to be a shitpost.
Plus, you don't post a bait thread and then just bail (hence the 1 post).
>imperialist american
Yup, this is a bait thread.
mate, you're pulling shit from every direction. you must stop projecting this hard
Sorry, but most of us unironically hate Homosexuals. Yes, even the "normal" ones.
Keep it to yourselves, faggots.
i thought this was a troll video desu
>I'm not an imperialist american like you
2/10 dude. step up on your shitposting.
Or, comment on your thread dude.
Wu Tang is the hrt induced sourness of his ball sweat.
i did because you baited me into it. the flag is not an automatic shitposter stamp, get out of your linear perspective
God is weeping right now.
You implied all of us are imperialists. I need to get out of my linear perspective?
You are either a great troll, or retarded.
im retarded because i had to argue with a retarded american
I'm bi but I aint proud about it. It's just a thing I guess.
Nope it's a real video in support of the LGBTQIOUGHTGBGIWHYDIDNTYOULISTENLJSYABBRUALDI community
I take it the easiest way to trigger Sup Forums is to make a thread and then not reply in it?
i just saw this shit
It's to make them realize that they aren't doing anything, but it's funny that people are suprised that this is happening
Is this logo of jewtube in anglo countries?
now you are baiting me
once again, australia is confirmed to be a nation (prison colony) of shitposters.
Reminder that Google is a full blown globalist propaganda machine.
This was their 2015 year in search video:
>pro rapefugee
>pro gay marriage
>pro women in combat roles
>anti confederate flag
>pro black lives matter
>narrated by caitlyn jenner
You LITERALLY could not come up with a more cucked video if you tried. They should have just posted a video of their wives getting fucked by strange men and called it a day.
forgot the link
Underrated post
Save us from this faggotry
post your face when you see a faggot
Never got the whole gay pride thing, We get it you prefer the company of one type of person over another. Straight people don't make a big deal about it.
that's what hitler was trying to prevent
>You slay
What does this stupid fucking phrase even mean?
>mfw I live with a gay bear faggot who hates faggots...
All we do is make fun of niggers, jews, faggots, and any other fucking degenerate.
Would you?
No I have a wife.
the perfect woman
spit roast me senpai.
bump for this one
So if this doesn't show in muslim countries, I'm curious, does it show in Sweden?
Bi here and I agree. It's all corporate cashing in on a tragedy as usual. Same old same old.
I'm #ProudToBe a fucking leaf
Watch the meme war of comfiness
Fag reporting in, can confirm. It's fucking stupid when I see all of these femboys trying to represent everyone else.
The fags fear angering the russian.
It's faggot/cuntspeak for "killing it".
And it's obnoxious once you realize how overused it is.
I am proud to be white
once you hit limit for accounts wut do?
This doesn't sound canadian!
australia once again on the forefront of modern philosophy
the only gays i respect are the ones who are masculine as fuck since fucking someone is different from being the one fucked
if you're gonna be a fag be the alexander the great etc
nice stream
How the fuck is it a choice to be a pregnant male? Its not even possible!
As a Englishman I'm identify as American thus I should be allowed to emigrate to USA because I identify as american
those fucking shoulder pads kek
Fresh OC
I made a thing, please kill me
you fucking disgust me
if you can't pass why even fucking try...
Why is this not perceived as a mental disorder? They're basically borderline schizophrenic when they believe to be something they obviously aren't.
female troll warrior
shut the fucking fuck up no way
I keked, though I am confused as to why.
Leaf is love, leaf is life
Cant believe they opened with that cave troll, Ease into it ffs
>gif related
maybe he shouldn't have been such a fucking dumbass to make this shit happen in the first place
>my kid points to dress
>he must want to be girl
>chop of dick at age 3, don't go to jail for child abuse