Why aren't Norway and Switzerland in the EU?

Why aren't Norway and Switzerland in the EU?

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They are part of the JU



More seriously,
Norway : they made a referendum and the people voted "no"

Swiss : Their country is always neutral and won't to be involved in anything, also banks wants their non-so legal affairs to stay secret.

>Norway : they made a referendum and the people voted "no"

What, am I wrong

norway has oil and doesn't want to share

No, I'm just saying it was a smart decision

Because fuck that noise

Oh, yeah. It was indeed

They have a lot of monies and they don't want to share.

However, you have to be aware that having free trade with the EU is absolutely vital for them, and therefore they basically comply to every laws the EU makes without having a say in the making of such laws.

Too smart and rich for it.

We voted no twice, even.

schrodinger's UK

They are pretty much EU members in all but in name. Norway by virtue of being an EFTA member and Switzerland through bilateral agreements(didn't ratify EFTA but they agreed to bilateral accords that had the same result) .

They are net contributors to the EU budget(contrary to almost half of the EU which are net recipients) and adopt 95% of all legislation passed by the European Institutions (most of the time faster than many full members) with the huge downside that they have zero say and representation within said institutions.

So why don't they just suck it up and join the EU anyway? Seems like there's no downsides at this point.

Because they fell for the sovereignty meme. This is going to be the fate of the UK as well, btw.

They UK will go from one of the powerful states within the union to having less influence than states like fucking Luxembourg, Malta or even Croatia.

Only Germany is profiting from the EU and Euro.

Only the absurdly rich*

And what alternative to the EU would you suggest? You realize that a Germany unshackled from the framework of the common European Institutions would be more powerful that it is now? A Germany with an independent foreign and monetary policy would have an even greater dominance.

Hm.. Really makes you think...

>And what alternative to the EU would you suggest?
NATO? Like it was the last 50 years before Euroe.
There's no need other than a common defence. We don't need a USA of EUROPE.

Euro just benefits Germany. It's not about southern european countries. But it also hurts Dutch, Belgium and Finnish economy.
Germany was the sick man of Europe until they had EURO.

Of course you don't mind it

>A Germany with an independent foreign and monetary policy would have an even greater dominance.

No, a Germany with an independant money would see the value of that money skyrocket, which would massively hinder the export bubble and deal a massive blow to the economy. And of course, trying to devalue it would only trigger an exchange rate war (which would fuck everybody).

>Germany was the sick man of Europe until they had EURO.

Germany was the sick man of Europe before we completely overhauled our social system in 2002 during the so-called Agenda2010 reforms. It's not easy to absorb a mismanaged, post-communist, statelet populated by over 15 million people overnight you now? In exchange for its ok for the reunification France forced us to join the Euro which most of our elite and most of our population actually opposed because they feared a sovereign Germany with an independent monetary policy. Without the Euro we could just manipulate our own currency to favor our export market the way China does with the same effect.

>Without the Euro we could just manipulate our own currency to favor our export market the way China does with the same effect.

And that's what you're doing. :DDDD if it weren't for euro your national currency would be much higher. With the other euro members you can downplay it being the largest euro country.
That's why pretty much only Germny like EU and Euro

You got it. And that's why there would be no difference with or without Euro.

>opens port and trade companies
Yes. Blame the Germans. Please do.

Yeah it's just a wizard magic Germans trade balace sky rocketed after euro. Just happened

Yes, those evil Germans!
Please ignore the pink line. Not an important line.
*points at Germany*
Bad guys. Bad guys!

my pop picked up a pair of clogs in '44 and brought them home to the missus, got to see them a while back

how the fuck did you guys wear clogs lmao

You would be better off with the national currency.
I'm not that butthurt towards Euro. It's not that bad to us as it's for southern europe

They're used to be good for farmers in muddy fields. I think they wear rubber boots nowadays oetz.
Nah. We do a lot of trade within the EU. If the currency is the same we can get more from it without excange rates fucking us over.

The UK is going to get some really expensive flowers now when they leave.

Our largest trading partners are Russia and Sweden and they don't use euros

Why isn't Canada in the EU?

Good for you.
*Keeps counting money*
And don't forget to keep blaming Germany!
Please join, baby! Best ally.

When we don't have control over our our monetary policy that's our own fault going to Euro in the first place

That was the the blame of them. coudln''t vote

Nothing wrong with joining the EU

norway doesnt join because MUH FISH
literally, they have a strong hillbilly tradition of farmers and fishermen who are deathly afraid of competition, pretty ironic, considering those produce so little of their GDP

swiss are mountainjews, they should be partitioned amongst germany italy and france, also their balkanite population sent home

none of it matters though, they are taxed without representation


Also UK is sorta fucked because they don't have leverage anymore like these fucks
I hope they find some they deserve it

Well, let's be real; They are. In every way that matters, they act as EU nations.




are you okay Bruce?

Why is nato bad?


People said no to immediate accession negotiations with the EU.

Still, we are occupied by the EU. We said yes to a new law in the constitution that demands a priority for Swiss on the job market, and quotas and maximum numbers must limit immigration. Our parliament and government ignore the constitution, they love the pressure on job and housing markets that the free movement of workers treaty generates. I hope Brussels and Bern will be bombed with nuclear weapons.

>Why aren't Norway and Switzerland in the EU?
They are.Just not in name.

naa, muh oil

well it's US Foreign Legion.

It's like being a vassal state to the US. It's really bad.

They are part of the Eea so basicaly they are part of the Eu without voting rights

Can wait to see the EUSSR flag's redesign after the Bong's glorious escape.

They're not stupid.

Idk, it seems like it would have been beneficial for smaller eastern European nations who would not have been able to defend themselves against the ussr, but I'm sure it was never really as good natured as that.