Stürzenberger is as based as it gets
What does Sup Forums think about this
holy shit germany is fucking done
>>quotes QURAN
>cites Shariah law
I don't know what to say to this. I mean, you have all the proof in the world right at your fucking fingertips that islam is dangerous and you still have people defending it on the streets like that, calling the man a liar? I just don't fucking get it.
Holy shit Germans are more cucked and more retarded than liberals here in America.
Oh how the mighty have fallen...
How cucked are you eurocucks?
I swear, in 200 years when all of you western cucks are bread out of existence and the only "white" skin ethnicity would be Japanese, Koreans and Chinese we will purge the shitskins and claim whole world. Maybe Slavs, if you fucks won't try to force them into cuckoldry.
It's game over for you cucks. You just threw away everything your ancestors were building, you threw away your ancestry, your civilization, your genes.
Good luck, have fun in next 100 years. Meanwhile we will have fun reclaiming earth and exploring space and universe with slavbros in 200 years.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he receives a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his... then he will understand. But not before that. That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.
>When it's Germany alone it's Eurocucks*
>When it's UK it's England* (Even though it's in Scotland).
Fucking sort it out you fuckers, I know you're all third world but come on.
Credit deserves to go to the Germans for this, so call it out for what it is.
germany is western europe
UK isn't even a part of europe
Stürzenberger is pretty based. It's fucking scary, that most people in this country are unable to have "problematic" thoughts.
They supress all kinds of facts, that they don't want to be true, they're completely irrational and emotional.
It's the norm in Germany now. This video does not represent some radical leftists, most people think exactly like that.
Why the fuck are germans so susceptible to this shit?
his bulging neck vain almost rivals Carl the Cuck's.
What the fuck? Are they really denying that ISIS is chucking homos off roof tops?
Send help. The indoctrination is overwhelming
considering like 90% of the internet is censored in germany, probably
why didn't we listen...
No idea, but appeals to emotion work all the time here.
Maybe because Germans fear becoming Hitler more than any other country.
So they only want "positive" thoughts and "love", then they won't turn into Hitler.The media and schools sell fallacies and name them positive thoughts; they sell hate against "fascists" and call it love.
Now everyone feels like a good person while the world goes to shit.
>Why the fuck are germans so susceptible to this shit?
Because after what happened last time, (((a certain international clique))) have been harder at work brainwashing them than any other place.
Leftists exploit tragedies all the time to push their agendas. The difference is that theirs has no intention on improving quality of life to make their countries safer (gun control doesn't accomplish shit).
That is frightening.
I'm fine with this
Why is German TJ Maxx called TK Maxx?
>bread out of existence
Jesus Christ. How fucking stupid are these people?
She is 52 if she's a day.
Rip Germanistan.
I honestly don't know who to blame for people like that. I want to say themselves but I'm sure the schooling system and their parents contributed an equal part to their retardation
unexpected, right
"Nationalism is a form of patriotism. The one who defines oneself as patriotic, excludes others.
Patriotism has always consequences...
You are branding the other as an enemy...
Football fans should not give any space for nationalistic thoughts. Flags down!"
Oh boy...
By the way, it's amazing how much you can relate this to CURRENT YEAR. Fucking degenerates.
Fuck Grünen, they're retarded hippies
It's really depressing to see how far the leftist brainwash goes. The guy doesn't give a shit about the facts or other opinions, just flips his shit and starts autistically screaming.
Yuri was right again
I swear I can hear his voice whenever I confront demoralization IRL, like it's a goddamn movie trope.