What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
14/88 race war now gas the kikes!
My interpretation;
>government restricts our vices
>society promotes our virtues
probably not exactly what he meant but its similar
I would take this as a call to social shaming and ostracization as a means of reforming society.
I wonder if the use of the state would really help this along or not.
>excluding subhumans
Basically, raise your kids right and teach them right from wrong. Don't just beat the shit out of them when they fuck up. This extends to all avenues of society, but everything starts at home. Home grown values is the bedrock of every civilized culture.
Not bad, we could very well use some of that shame.
That people shouldnt follow laws because theh dont want to get in trouble, rather realize that laws are good and follow them because they want to be virtuous
>control with property
What did he mean by this?
Teach your children the secrets of making money off of real estate and in about 50 years he will become the saviour of the world
What he means is that if you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves.
That if you fight you enemy -he wins.
Man who runs in front of car gets tired.
Man who runs behind car becomes exhausted.
thats basically the same thing.....
>off of
>Rule by punishment
Soviet Russia.
>Rule by virtue and control
Nazi Germany.
Pick your poison.
orginal text 子曰。道之以政、齊之以刑、民免而無恥。道之以德、齊之以禮、有恥且格。
in my opinion it means that shame have a profound effect than public punishment. As it comes within.
Social norms make society, not laws
It's beautiful...
Basically you can't force people to be good via laws. You have to create a society in which people act lawfully not because they fear the consequences but because they believe it is morally proper to do so.
Whether that's bullshit or not is up to you
Tfw when he is now known as a legalist and is proven right by Chinese people being superficially perfect, shameless criminals, who worship the letter of the law, and cannot imagine its spirit.
If only you had listened ...
Punishment should be public and shameful
He's pretty much saying that if you get God out of the schools, you will end up with mass shootings like the ones we've seen. He predicted this right on the nose, desu senpai.
like what public bukkake?
Imagine each person as a ball that bounces around
If we put up walls between each other (legal laws) then we will keep on bouncing all we want but just hit the walls
If instead we let ourselves continue to bounce and hit each other we will eventually realize it sucks to hit each other and learn to control ourselves so we aren't bouncing around
Shaming only works well in Asian culture. In America at least people embrace being different. In an Asian school:
>"You did poorly on this test. Imagine what your parents would say"
>Student hangs head in shame
In America:
>"You did poorly on this test. Imagine what your parents would say"
>Fuck you bitch I dindu nuffin
Kill the niggers. Make White Culture great again.
> what did he mean by this
It's already in literal form and does not require interpretation of any sort.