Why are Alt-Right pussies and r/The_Donald fucking up this board?
Why are Alt-Right pussies and r/The_Donald fucking up this board?
It's the manchildren who fuck up this board
I worked with Milo, he's a cunt and has few friends outside of his circle that worship him. He sells himself out for whoever will pay most, while undercutting his own staff. You know how he bailed on the debate with Shapiro? He'll do that to anyone
>Alt-right pussies
Hang yourself with a belt you cuckservative faggot
Back before Sup Forums infected Milo with crippling autism.
Triggered my nigger-lip one?
Add a comma after the "triggered" and make it "nigger-lipped," you inbred mongoloid.
AKA Sup Forums itself
Sup Forums is its own problem and always was
any self-respecting "Right" made their own mistake by coming to Sup Forums and expecting it to not be full of losers.
>nigger lips: confirmed.
Still triggered...
Fuck off normies
milo's a faggot kike but ultimately Sup Forums is to blame for this bullshit . Sup Forums is and always was degenerate and you are in no position to claim it was ever not
The faggot isn't even back home fighting for Brexit. Complete attention whore degenerate.
Actually, most likely an agent of the Tavistock Instutite. Same leftist kike think tank that Theodor Adorno was involved in to bring the "british invasion" counterculture to promote degeneracy in the 60s
Being legitimately right wing on anything is suffering. You have to put up with people hell bent on making you look as bad as possible.
What is this some Reddit brigade? Know that you disgusting, obese faggots will one day marry used up whores whose infidelity will result in a divorce. I wish you the worst.
Why don't you worry about your fellow stormcuck prison punks instead of a successful columnist who is doing something public and effective?
videogames are a waste of your fucking time.
The people who create videogames don't even fucking play videogames.
They just take your money and let you disassociate from your shitty life.
Obviously I'm not talking about people who play like an hour of cs go a day. But most gamers sink their fucking life with this entertainment. It's only going to get worse with VR.
Awww did I hurt your feelings by posting a screenshot of a tweet by your golden fuckboy?
The thing about the "alt-right" I can agree with their opinions but I don't like their tatics. I don't like all the trolling and hostility that's coming out of what considers itself the alt-right. It's not helping anyone.
Sup Forums in particular can't have it both ways. You can't have people take your ideas seriously and continue to just shitpost and call people cucks for disagreeing with you.
Grown men getting over-excited about women playing video games in one.
>Alt-right milofags
>Calling others cuckservative
Go worship your nigger loving attentionwhore queer somewhere else.
>I worked with Milo,
yeah and I had sex with a female once.
>The people who create videogames don't even fucking play videogames.
Lol...can confirm. I'm mainly an android developer but the only times I play games are when I'm looking to see what kind of games are trending, or the once in a blue moon days where a big name game like Final fantasy comes out. The last time I played a game was smash brothers with some friends 6 months back.
I feel kind of guilty though. I mean, I make money off the people who play games, even though I think games are a complete waste of times. Feels like I'm just enabling them.
They think this is a safe space for them
Is he wrong?
You're a monkey; so I wouldn't expect you to know this, but the Alt-Right began long before Milo was born. Milo is a bandwagoner. The Alt-Right as we know it in America was inspired by the French Alt-Right. It emerged in opposition to the Left and the Left's whipping boys, the so-called cuckservatives. Milo is accessory to the movement; he is not emblematic of it. Did you get that through your thick monkey skull?
People watch TV, people watch movies, people read books, people play games.
Makes people happy, what's the problem?
Don't mistake pleasure for happiness.
The thing is even if he is right he comes off as one hell of a cunt. He's also a narcissistic vain bastard. Looks like a fucking peacock. Is he a man or some kind of nancy boy?
Because video games are for losers! lol NERD!
So i take it you're a online game who is overweight, awkward, and lazy? Thanks for contributing to the US's obesity rate.
>some kind of nancy boy?
He's openly gay...
We are the alt right you stupid nigger. The_Donald is a colony of ours. We're also NatSocs and far right libertarians too. The Shills have currently made it trendy to hate/ be wary of Milo b/c he s a jew (easy to do here).
Been here since /n/. Watched countless liberals crash upon the rocks and convert in the face of logic, statistics and data.
(you're next, shill.)
You are an useful idiot, keep promoting your alt-right idiocy commanded by that jew sodomite and other eceleb subverters.
Don't be surprised when they run it to the ground smearing Sup Forums, Trump, and any other real right wingers.
Pick one
I worked in the game industry for a bit and I noticed that the genius programmers are the most hardcore gamers. And I say that as the mediocre programmer whose not really into games.
This is what I'm talking about, you fucking monkey. Milo is not the alt-right. He's a bandwagon, normie fraud. Why do you think I support him? Why do you think he represents the alt-right? Go to Occidental Observer and read every article on the home page right now, you under-informed faggot.
Ben go to bed.
divide, divide, diviiiiiiiideeee
Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums loves this guy ironically.
Milo cut his teeth as controlled opposition and was one of the people responsible for derailing gamer gate.
He's hilarious and does some good -- but Milo is a snake, a jew and cannot be trusted.
He's been subversive from day one and will do everything he can to turn the AltRight into Cuckservatism II.
Most of the people who read milo considers themselves alt-right and those are way more numerous and milo way more influential then any other obscure blogs.
Try explaining who are the real alt-right when there is a bunch of idiots and the media defining who is the alt-right and controlling the movement.
Milo is basically that girl you know that hates feminism but thinks birth control is good, female votes are good, doesn't want to join the military though, and can't understand why people wouldn't support deadbeat dads going to jail.
Excuse me for not knowing who this cuck is.
Child support is really fucked up in the US. If you get divorced with kids, your best move is to move to a different country.
But videogames are fun, and they have taught me a lot.
English being the biggest thing.
Moral values.
Eye-hand coordination.
Videogames are a good medium, just because the stereotypical fan is a fat NEET doesn't mean the whole medium is bad.
the thumbs up's are catching up!
What about grown men getting fucked in the ass?
Sup Forums went over the autism waterfall a while ago and has never fully recovered. Also that gay faggot has a point
Because its Sup Forums
Sup Forums is 80% newfags.
I guarantee you, you (that's, right you) didn't start coming to this board until after Summer of 2015 and I'm SUPER sure you didn't start coming until after G*merG*te.
Alt right is becoming a normie version of Sup Forums, as I see it and they're starting shit up this place.
Cunts like Milo are the ones turning the alt right into a normie version of Sup Forums, however, that carpetbagger needs to fuck off.