Christians, assemble!
Any tips on converting Muslims? We should get a project going
Orthodox pastebin with FAQ's for Protestant and Catholics and atheists:
Christians, assemble!
Any tips on converting Muslims? We should get a project going
Orthodox pastebin with FAQ's for Protestant and Catholics and atheists:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Any tips on converting Muslims?
Buddy, we told you in your last thread that brown people make shitty Christians.
Orthodox Arabs are awesome
Weak Christians Leave
if theres another crusade ill convert back to Christianity and fight
>“This is why the war on terrorism today is the holy war today. I pray to God that people all over the world understand this and stop dividing terrorists into good and bad ones as well as connecting the war on terror with their own goals, that are often non-declared yet strongly present on the political agenda,” the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church said.
Bugger off
is over there
fuck off stormfag salvation is open to all people
The Glorious Revolution infected England with death, even if it took hundreds of years to do its job
Are there any Orthodox hymns which are as good as Agni Parthene?
Or do the Catholics REALLY have the best tunes?
Daily reminder, Jesus is the official God of Reddit and Kek is the Lord and Savior of Sup Forums and no they aren't the same
Post Vatican II Catholic hymns are awful
Sure there are other great Orthodox hymns
Then what is r/atheism on Reddit then?
Worshiping Kek sounds pretty reddit to me
Can't really convert Muslims as they can't convert us unless they hold a knife to your throat.
Also I don't think you're Christian as Christians don't pray to the Virgin Mother, Mary - but Jesus. Catholics pray to Mary.
I pray (as in prithee or plead as in please) to her to pray for me, no more.
could someone recommend me a good bible publisher and translation?
my old one fit in my pocket, had references to other verses as well as jesus's words in red and neat little maps of the holy land. i would like something similar. it was kjv, published by holman
i hear people say kjv is bad but i'm not sure why. i guess other translations are easier to get the meaning from, but i like kjv because i find the language aesthetic
going to bed so ty in advance for any (you)s
KJV is very, very good (especially if you understand what words mean, and I say that as an Orthodox Christian. It's obviously not perfect, but it is very good and a very sincere translation.
>(especially if you understand what words mean
By this I mean the difference in word meaning in Early Modern English compared to today. "Charity", for instance, was much broader back then, it meant "caritas", it's not used to mean merely giving alms.
Don't get it.
we will never convert to you cuck religion
you must live under our feet, the beta must serve the alpha thats how the world works
Canada's lack of religion doesn't seem to be making it alpha.
I kind of want to go to a church just to make friends.
The thing is, there's only One true savior, and that's The God Emperor of All Mankind.
Are you referring to pic related?
Discipline of one's thought life is the ultimate habit for any Christian. It's truly the path toward righteousness. Pic related.
"If you sow a thought, you reap an act; sow an act, you reap a habit; sow a habit, you reap a character; sow a character, you reap a destiny."
Blaming muslims for your own problems is exactly the thing Christ hated the most. Hypocrisy.
"I love interacting with people from cultures that an effeminate Harvard sociologist would consider “hopelessly backwards.” These cultures, though often deeply alien in many ways to our own Western/European tradition and civilization, nevertheless share large similarities with the old Western world one reads about in history books. Though I doubt this fine site’s astute readers will need the point of the anecdote explicitly repeated, I will repeat it for the sake of the stray left-wingers who sometimes stumble into our territory: in Egypt, a girl living alone is immediately and automatically assumed to be a prostitute. And, hilariously, by the standards of Islamic Egyptian society, single girls living alone in the West are invariably precisely that: whores. And, distressingly, single girls living alone in the West are invariably whores by the standards of the Western society of 1950, of 1850, of 1750, 1650… and every century of Western society all the way down to 50 BC, and earlier. Women have four lifetime sexual partners on average, says The Telegraph. I will venture a guess that this figure is far below the actual amount — nobody wants to admit to being a slut or a whore, after all, even anonymously to a researcher. Despite abysmal modern sexual mores, even four is about three more than millennia of human civilization would have considered appropriate for a properly-reared young maiden. I can hear the protests already: “Not all women are like that! Some women who live alone aren’t whores!” Averages, baby, averages — I’m not here to talk about outliers, who always exist. The strong, independent, feminist woman high off women’s liberation sleeps around like a man, and this makes her a whore by any standard of civilization."
"Average age at marriage for Western women only ever increases, and the divorce rate likewise only slowly climbs upwards and upwards. More fornication, more adultery, more divorce, more bastard children, more fatherless children, more broken families, more pornography — not to mention more public (and even state-backed) sexual perversion of all kinds of vile multicolored stripes. The only related metric that is decreasing is total fertility rate. To maintain a stable population, a nation’s fertility rate would have to hover around 2.1 children per women — enough children to replace the parents, and an extra 0.1 children to make up for all the people who die prematurely from accidents, war, disease, excessive masturbation, and what-have-you. A nation with a fertility rate below the magic number of 2.1 will steadily shrink in population until it disappears from the Earth. How is the West doing with fertility rates then? United States: 1.97. United Kingdom: 1.88. France: 1.98. Russia: 1.53. Spain: 1.50. Italy: 1.48. Germany: 1.42. Tiny Iceland is managing 2.08, but Portugal a dismal 1.32. Poor Bosnia is at 1.28, one of the lowest in the world. Austria, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Cyprus and Slovakia are all below 1.50. These countries are quite literally slowly disappearing from the map. For a sobering comparison, the smoldering crater known as Afghanistan is at 5.00, war-torn Iraq is at 4.06, and the dysfunctional Congo is at 5.98. Even North Korea is managing a 2.00 fertility rate — the same country where amassing a nuclear arsenal and luxurious liquor cabinet for the Supreme Leader is more important than preventing mass starvation and widespread famine. A North Korean family could probably survive for a year on one of their Supreme Leader’s many chins, and they’re still reproducing more than Americans ostensibly living in the vast land of plentiful bounty and limitless opportunity."
"This 21st century Bacchanalia is flashy and fun, bursting with a vibrant hedonism of clubs, bars, festivals, conventions, easy sex, easy drugs, easy booze, easy desserts, easy work, constant novelty and stimulation from the Internet, the television and from Hollywood, but it will end us all. If everyone is avoiding family life and child-rearing so that they can spend more time doing what our grandparents (and great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents, and great-great-great-grandp…) would have called “mortally sinning,” we’ll all be gone without a legacy before the end of the century. When one speaks of “mortal sin,” one must remember that the very English word “mortal” is derived from the ancient Latin word for death, mors. Our forefathers are looking down on us as we commit the most pathetic and protracted suicide in history. Rather grim, innit?"
"Quite simply, if we put every woman back in the home, back next to the hearth, and gave her one son and one daughter to educate, civilize, inform, teach, nourish, protect, cultivate, cuddle, cherish and love, what would happen to our society? What if we gave her a fit, cultured, intelligent and loving husband who could teach his son baseball and read Cinderella to his daughter? A husband who didn’t spend his boyhood drugged out on ADD medications, his teenage years drugged out on cannabis, and his young adulthood drunk out of his mind? A husband who was taught to appreciate Beethoven, recognize Van Gogh’s Starry Night, recite a little poetry in French, and recognize a Biblical quote in Ancient Greek? A husband who was taught to shoot a gun, punch a drunkard, row a canoe, and hike up a mountain without complaining? Who kept a library where the television might’ve been, and who knew who his father was, his grandfather, and their fathers and grandfathers before them? Who worshiped the same God as his most distant ancestors, and lived on the very same land they conquered long ago? Who maintained and honored the inheritance bequeathed to him by his forefathers, both material and spiritual, and left it in better condition than he received it, and passed it on to his own sons and daughters? Might we see a resurgence of the stable, loving family? Might we actually see — trigger warning — a better society?"
Great contribution, thanks user!
Well said
Christian generals have been a thing on this board long before /his/ existed.
>Christian generals have been a thing on this board long before /his/ existed.
And generals are not supposed to be posted on /his/ according to the sticky
Can someone tell me how Mary was a Virgin but got pregnant anyway?
The Holy Spirit
Why was she called a virgin?
That guy sounds like a pimp.
She is called a virgin because she didn't have any intercourse, the conception was wholly miraculous.
Did he cum in a cup and pour it into her vagina?
babies are pretty miraculous things from mother nature but how they are made is -very- well understood.
Her egg was miraculously transformed into a zygote.
Where did the other chromosomes come from?
I have a somewhat weird question.
I was baptized in an Orthodox Church, but had first communion in a Catholic Church due to going to a Catholic school.
I feel I like Orthodoxy a bit better, but could I still be considered Orthodox even after a Catholic first communion?
The Holy Spirit miraculously bestowed them.
If you're asking about Christ's human genetics, they were probably identical with Adam's (1 Corinthians 15:45,
Is there any proof or evidence in recorded history of anyone ever being porn through a miraculous zygote or only Jesus Christ?
Yeah, you just have to Confess having taken Catholic Communion before you take Orthodox Communion. Maybe make a formal renouncement of Catholicism, depends.
No one but Christ was conceived this way according to Christianity. Christ is literally God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, incarnate as man only once.
Can you prove any of this?
Because a lot of what you believe is about the same as black magic. As in to say, absurd.
You can see the argument for the historicity in the pastebin in the OP, it's too long to post here
It's not evidence.
I think it's an interesting story that is taken way too seriously.
You don't miraculously impregnate a zygote. It's safe to say Mary had sexual intercourse.
>It's not evidence.
It's an argument. Are you asking for archaeological evidence?
I don't think this gets posted enough. Proper response to ">jewish religion" posters.
No, evidence of women having children without sexual reproduction taking place in the human species.
You do realize that contemporary Judaism comes directly from Pharisaic Judaism?
But Christians don't believe anything of the sort ever happened but with this case. So I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Do you personally believe Mary gave birth to Jesus and did so miraculously?
If so, how do you believe in something so absurd?
I'm sure you can understand why i don't buy it.
>Do you personally believe Mary gave birth to Jesus and did so miraculously?
>If so, how do you believe in something so absurd?
I believe in Christ's Resurrection (which you can see the argument for), which makes me accept the rest
>I'm sure you can understand why i don't buy it.
Accepting only one part of something doesn't mean the rest isn't flawed.
The resurrection is even more absurd than the conception of Jesus.
Medically induced Death is possible, and many people have woken up from the dead before, but you're also asking me to believe he went into the sky and joined the space God.
It's all a fable user, it was never meant to be taken literally. That should be obvious to you, an intelligent human being.
What's your point?
After growing up in various Baptist churches and going pretty regularly (except during college - multiple bad experiences with Christian groups), I'll be getting baptised soon (still going to a Baptist church).
Don't have much more to add, just thought I'd share.
Are you suggesting he had a medically induced death from crucifixion that he woke up from?
No, i'm saying there are accounts of death on the medical table and through other ways and people getting up later.
You can't just say Jesus got up later, if anything the way it explains he died should give you red flags, there is no way anybody is getting up from there if we are to take the bible literally.
It's impossible from a purely naturalist point of view, of course. That's the point. The Apostles themselves think it's nonsense at first.
It's not a naturalist point of view. I'm agnostic.
You'd be a hypocrite to believe in what the bible says but not in the legend of king arthur.
>Pray to Mary
We only recite what is written in the Bible.
And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. luke 1:28
The legend of King Arthur was written a long time after the fact, not by promulgated by Arthur's direct followers who were willing to die to stand up for the truth of their story.
Just because the bible attracted a cult following and garnered fanaticism doesn't mean it's more valid than the legend of king arthur. If you believe in miraculous birthing, resurrections from the dead and all the other stuff in there then the legend of mithra and all other identical Jesus fables through history are things you should believe in. If you don't, it's hypocritical to only believe in one.
There is a much, much better argument for the historicity of the Resurrection.
Jesus is the key to dealing with Muslims.
He is in the Koran and did miracles unlike Mohammed
Not enough to say it happened.
And certainly not enough evidence to elevate it from absurd. The apostles are not eyewitness accounts.
If you reject all the other things in history like Mithra then i have no idea why you choose to only believe in Jesus. It's just a story user, if you believe in it with such little evidence and not other stories then you're picking and choosing.
What the fuck do you want. First you destroyed the West, now you want to destroy Sup Forums with your cuckary.
>Not enough to say it happened.
Not enough to prove it, but at least to make is a decent possibility.
>destroyed the West
>Any tips on converting Muslims? We should get a project going
You won't be able to convert anyone except traitors.
Jesus (pbuh) will return and kill Dajjal soon.
i am greeke
Traitors to Mohammed, but loyal to God.
Again, i don't understand your mindset. Surely you are aware of all the other practically identical Jesus stories in history?
It's a story that has been retold hundreds of times. Because it is a good story, it's not supposed to be literal, it's a philosophical story about morality. Aristotle's Atlantis has more historicty, we understand and know today that the ancient greeks didn't actually practice magic or have heroes, it was their way of explaining things they didn't completely understand.
We know that heroes from the bronze age were those that could afford a full set of bronze armor, someone like that would be a hero on the battlfield. We know that their pantheon was a way to explain various aspects of the world they didn't have the science to immediately explain. They were by no means stupid. They invented these things to help give people a moral compass.
In 2016 you should know and understand that in the year 0 human beings had very little to live for, and this concept of an afterlife and more being out there than themselves was vital and beneficial to their existence.
Humans now live around 80 years and are educated (for the most part). Your moral compass is what will ensure you either live in harmony with modern society or live in jail, a completely different situation from Jesus's time. You never needed validation about what happens after you die, it should be obvious the whole point was maximizing your effectiveness here on Earth.
>Surely you are aware of all the other practically identical Jesus stories in history?
No there are not.
He had 12 disciples.
One was born of a virgin in a cave.
Like Jesus, his birth was announced via a star.
And three wise men showed up!
He was baptized when he was 30 by Anup the Baptizer.
He rose a guy from the dead and walked on water.
Lastly, he was crucified, buried like Jesus in a tomb, and resurrected.
Healed the sick
Walked on water.
Fed 500 men from one basket of cakes.
Taught a lot of the same things Jesus taught, including equality for all.
He spent three days in jail.
Was resurrected when he died.
Virginal birth on December 25th.
Swaddled and laid in a manger.
Tended by shepherds in the manger.
He had 12 companions (or disciples).
Performed miracles.
Gave his own life to save the world.
Dead for three days, then resurrected.
Called “the Way, the Truth and the Light.”
Has his own version of a Eucharistic-style “Lord’s supper.”
A Hindu God.
Born after his mom was impregnated by a God.
Angels, wise men, and shepherds were at his birth.
Guess what gifts they gave him? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
A jealous bad guy ordered the slaughter of all newborns, just as happened with Jesus.
Baptized in a river.
Performed miracles, including raising the dead and healing the deaf and blind.
Rose from the dead to ascend to heaven.
Is expected to return to earth someday to fight the “Prince of Evil.”
Killed and the resurrected after three days in hell. WTF? A common theme here!
Performed miracles
Had 12 disciples.
Taught rebirth through water baptism.
I can go on for awhile.
Are you seriously quoting Zeitgeist?
I never watched that film, but are you saying any of that is inaccurate?
It should be obvious the fable of Jesus is a retelling of the same story. You can say it's divine coincidence i guess.
the West refresh will come now with Muslim
>I never watched that film, but are you saying any of that is inaccurate?
I'm saying virtually all of it is.
The burden of proof is on you, not me. I can't find anything supporting what you said about Horus, and I'm not going to keep going after that.
Christianity is Cuck™: the religion.
You are delusional if you think otherwise.
One thing that makes me admire the scientific process is how thorough it is. The the Big Bang Theory was shit until they found the cosmic background radiation. Science wanted to discredit it until certain proofs were found, and they were, and the theory was accepted. Extreme claims require extreme evidence. This is the scientific method which was handed down by philosophy. A lot of people need evidence like yourself, and that is fine. Perhaps one day you will see a miracle, and you will believe. Perhaps you won't.
Some of us have. I'm sure a miracle can be broken down using classical arguments to be found to be quite understandable in the mind of science, at the very least, a decent hypothesis can explain it.
To some of us, though, a certain clarity is there. You may think it a placebo effect and that is understandable. That is faith, though. The religion speaks to us like no other, and the words of God and the Son are personal to us, and our own experiences in life have led us to be this way.
Maybe if we were born in India, we would be Hindu, Jain, or Buddhist. Perhaps we would be Sant Mat, Islamic, Jewish, or anything else had our birth been elsewhere and our lives led down a different path.
I understand what you are saying. The thing is, we have faith. I know it's hard to understand for someone who needs to follow a healthy level of skepticism. Perhaps faith is ignorant to you, and that too is understandable. Nobody is holding a sword to your throat and asking you to convert or even think us rational. Just know that the door is open if you have genuine questions about The Gospel.
Whatever your walk in life, I wish you happiness.
I find the burden of proof argument amusing coming from someone who believes in the miraculous conception of Jesus and most likely God.
But sure.
Doesn't corroborate anything you said.
anything to back this bullshit?
You're asking me to hope something exists.
I hoped unicorns existed when i was young, i grew up watching legend, and many muppet+David Bowie movies, maybe that is what is wrong with me.
A story is easy to discern from reality, i know that's a difficult thing to accept, but i have faith in mankinds ability to find answers.