Pic related.
New anti-HIV campaign in Europe
Nothing could sum up the EU better
Is this admitting that the refugees have AIDS?
IF you live in Europe, riot now or be destroyed by sjw hitlers.
Germany and sweden, the two biggest cucks in the EU
Post the Belgium one
>Germany starting to rot from the core
Like pottery.
>escape the invasion of refugees to New York like my ancestors before me
>mfw I realize my mistake
found it
Is this real? Just fuck my shit up
Jesus Christ.. stay crass, Europe.
The Germans face is so fucking funny
why is Sweden sucking germanigger penis?
How do Europeans except this?
At least it shows you the scum who most likely have AIDS.
Is this fucking real?
Love how they put the white woman on her knees below the black man, demonstrating subservience. Yet, if it were a white man standing over her like that there'd be a public outlash against the obvious sexism...
Liberal logic everyone! Fuck this gay earth.
Her nipples look...strange.
At this point, I just hope Europe gets nuked.
For people who don't speak french:
Melangez-vous literally means mix yourselves.
I wonder if that dude's top is even painted
Niggers in Germany have aids? GOD BLESS YOU SWEDEN, get checked, stay safe, use protection.
Europe really needs to rediscover its christian roots. Ever since they started this whole progressive campaign they have become more and more degenarate.
Oh my god did a Sup Forums poster made this?
I guess they do, is there a protest of any sort?
I don't know, this is pretty to the point, niggers carry AIDS, the Swedish chick should think twice. Fags carry AIDS and since the Belgian was a bottom his ass is rotting green, he should have used protection, I don't think he did cause the green covers his inner ass crack, if he used protection it would be yellow.
Of fucking course it's Germany and Sweden.
you can't even get AIDS from a blowjob. There's basically only 2 ways that people get AIDS, butt-fucking and sharing needles.
I don't even know how to respond to this
It's so blatant
I know >Sup Forums is satire
This is literally everything Sup Forums has been ranting about, condensed into a single image
Holy mother of god this has GOT to be a parody to incite riots
Jesus fucking christ
Between THIS shit and the #proudtobe on fucking youtube, I honestly don't know if I can even go outside anymore
pic related, mfw the liberal jew decides to force feed me >ALL THAT in the span of two hours
Sup Forums is always right.
That's what I'm beginning to realise, and it terrifies me
qt gif
that was an Sup Forums meme we stole
had a great laugh
10/10 lulzpropaganda
I feel the same too, I'm so conflicted now
After no word on Sweden for awhile I was almost willing to not consider them a meme
And now...cuck springs eternal
>he fell for the satire meme
Nigga kids need toy gun licenses in Australia now
I don't understand this. Is the point to be careful when sleeping with people from other countries? You should be careful when sleeping with ANYONE whose history you don't know. Someone interpret this seriously please.
>Hire a black guy.
>Save 33% on the paint budget.
That's smart.
Are you Jewish?
welcome in real world, kiddo
oy vey, now thats a saving
im dying over here
Sup Forums alway right
I can't read whatever fucking language that is.
I'm confused
Is it advertising not to fuck Germans or niggers ?
t. alberta barbosa
It's HIV/AIDS awareness, it's also in US aswell but not this weird
it took me a minute of confusion to realize
>swedish blue mouth + german red cock = purple on both
>icelandic blue cock + belgian yellow ass = green
>russian red cock + english white pussy = pink
>romanian (?) yellow cock + portuguese red pussy = yellow???
why isn't it orange?
Google translate says:
Make Love, Not War
If you mix, you're protected
Seems like it would lead to less contraceptive use imho
Looks orange to me m8
look at his mouth
his mouth is orange, but not her vag
all the others got mixed
How are they even supposed to stop AIDS when they advertise sex with niggers?
I saw the image yesterday, this time is the second time I see it and I just noticed the purple colour on the nigger's crotch and arround the woman's mouth
ok, now im sure that anybody pro-EU as it stands, is mentally ill
Massively underrated post.
>Make Love, Not War
>If you mix, you're protected
Not exactly:
"Make Love, Not War
Mix Yourselves, Protect yourselves"
Looks more orange than yellow
1. 'syrian refugee' that's german with a swedish whore
2. belgian and islandic faggots
3. english girl(cant tell if its asian) with a russian male
4. romanian male with moorish woman
atleast they are spot on with which nationalities carry the most AIDS
Moortugal and Russia are the highest in Europe, and whores and fags from western Eu are also infected
Not sure you know where the vagina is located, but it's orange.
>Bunch of niggers
Adolf, wake up, EU needs you, you must save it from sand niggers and african scum
Where are these ads being displayed?
the romania-portugal is the best with the anglo-russian one imo
This is what memes are made of.
Europeans are such cucks that I get mad about it what the fuck
I come home from my 9th successive day worked and see this shit
off yourselves you incapable spineless cunts I seriously hope you all get fucked in the ass by an aids ridden turk
really makes you wonder who's behind that propaganda piece... uhhhh....
The EU is cancer
Hence Brexit
>mfw Iceland raids Europe with nothing but wooden ships and battle axes in revenge for insulting them
We need to rid ourselves of the marxist cancer before we shoot off our mouths m8
Half of me worries for my own continent and the poor families that will be ravaged by Islam
The other half joyfully laughs at the misfortune of the German and Swedish peoples
hahaha nice
because you are color blind daltonanon. It is orange
This is fucking gold. My god, I'm laughing.
first post, best post
fucking kek
>belgium ass is green
>green is muslim color
>AIDs campaign
Spain when
That picture proves that racism isn't about skin color. You can still tell they're nigs.
look at this shit and people still give you shit when you decide to drop out of society.
RIP germoney
Why is green a muslim color though? Is it because they will never see it in sand lands they live in?
Meme magic
The dark side of magic
There was a promise to make the desert green with vegetation.
Also green is the color of Satan.
o dont get it. so xmen characters are simply present and this is making a statement about aids how?
and why do they spell it aides? my god you eurofags are hopeless. go back to Sup Forums
>Sweden kneeling down having sucked niggers dick
>this is how you get AIDS
Wow so progressive and so tolerant. Swedecucks are going to get aroused by this picture.
my digits confirm it though.
we had a good run.
oh mein gott! what have i done?!
oh fu-
Third reich reunion confirmed.