If Jews are so powerful they can pull off the greatest hoax the world has ever seen...

If Jews are so powerful they can pull off the greatest hoax the world has ever seen, then why do a bunch of neckbeard NEETs think they can defeat them?

Your move, pol

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews are going down with their Muslim ship

we literally have nothing better to do

we can't, shit's fucked. buy gold, canned food and ammo.

The holocaust was real, but the 6 gollirion was not 100% jews.

They think Trump will order shoah 2.0, but he seems like a Zionist to me, so who knows.

Never underestimate the power of a bunch of autists

Reminder that the Holocaust did probably happen but the Jews are feeding you with lies about what so called "Holocaust deniers" actually think. The Sup Forums narrative has been so subverted it's almost scary. One person sees something posted by JIDF and think it's a redpill and then they spam it in every holocaust thread they see, thinking they're teaching us something even though they don't know shit about ww2.

The Holocaust (with capital H of course) was invented as a marketing brand in 1972, before that no one had ever heard about the atrocities during ww2 being referred to as the Holocaust.

Now the Holocaust is a hundred billion dollar industry. Auschwitz looks like Disney land. The Holocaust did happen though, and many many Jews were killed, some were gassed even, not many were gassed but some were and it didn't happen in the gas chambers, it happened in 2 small houses, but it has all turned in to a big joke now. The gas chambers were built by the Poles in 1948. Hitler had no idea about any of this. Himmler carried out the extermination orders behind his back.

The whole Holocaust industry is a big joke and the mountain of lies are starting to crumble and the Jews have no other choice than to try to get people used to the idea that everybody lies for monetary and political gain, which is just not true. Only Jews are morally depleted enoug to do such a thing, but they're trying to make it seem like it's a normal thing to do, that it's just a big game that everybody plays a part of and that the Jews won that game because they're so much better than us. And we shouldn't condemn all these crimes, rather we should all be impressed that the Jews managed to pull this whole thing off.

In reality, Jews aren't smart. The only thing they have over us, the only thing that's impressive about them is their ability to not have any regard for human life.

>David Irving - Talking Frankly

This story I'm about to tell starts at 51:00 but you should watch the whole thing. It's essential Sup Forums viewing. Biggest redpill you'll have this month

>David Irving's eldest daughter, Josephine, was a lovely girl but she suffered from schizophrenia, and the Jews loved to make fun of David Irving for this because they thought that it was so ironic that a nazi sympathizer like David Irving ended up with a daughter that Hitler would've euthanized.
>In 1996, she tried to commit suicide by hurling herself out of a building, luckily she survived, but she ended up with her back and all of her limbs completely crushed and had to have them amputated.
>She lived with schizophrenia and no limbs and a broken back for 3 years, until the Jews threw her out of a 2 story building which successfully killed her.
>Her funeral was set 2-3 weeks before his big holocaust denial trial against Deborah Lipstadt and the Jew World Order
>1 hour after the funeral was over a courier came up to him and delivered him a fancy and very expensive wreath with a letter attached to it.
>The letter read "Truly a merciful death" and it was signed by "Phillipp Bouhler and friends".
>If you know the history of the third reich you know that "Merciful death" (barmherzigen Tod) was the German euphemism for euthanasia, the killing of the disabled. Philipp Bouhler, who had apparently signed this card had been dead since 1945. He was Hitler's left-hand man. He was head of the euthanasia programme
>This letter was sent to destabilize David Irving before the big trial that he lost, not for holocaust denial but for "Portraying Adolf Hitler in a favorable light" and for "being a racist". Yes that's what the ruling said. This was in 1999-2000

>5 years later in 2005, he was tricked by the Austrian gestapo (which still exists btw, in an identical form, it's just called "Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism" now) they invited him to go to Austria and speak in front of an audience at a university there. But before he could enter the building he was jumped and arrested by gestapo officers.
>He was sentenced to 3 years in prison but he only spent 400 days there and it was all spent in solitary confinement so that the other inmates couldn't kill him.

>s their ability to not have any regard for human life.

That are the Chinese and not the Jews, jew shave a little compassion towards their own kind.

They're making a movie about him now called "Denial" where he plays the villain and Deborah Lipstadt the hero. They just can't stop stomping on that poor old man's head.


No they don't. Everything the Jewish leftists does hurts the rest of the Jewish tribe. They fuck everyone over, even each other

Thinking that you can beat somebody and actually beating them are two very separate things.

I don't think I can defeat them. I feel I want to fight them.

The letter

The director of the movie


Watch this video and while you watch it, write down all the documents that he mentions and then look them up for yourself

I think, if you look at....all of history, you will see that they kind of always end up beating themselves

>The Holocaust did happen though
>some even gassed
>Himmler carried out extermination orders

nice try, kike

>Muh Holocaust.

Never fucking happened.

Watch the Irving talk that I linked. Start at around 1:53:00 to around 2:13:00 I think, I'm not entirely sure where it ends. Look up all the documents that he mentions. Hitler had no idea about the exterminations, but Himmler did and Himmler kept it hidden from Hitler.

General Karl Wolff: "Why are you depressed, chief?"

Heinrich Himmler: "I am doing something of which the messiah of the coming 2000 years must never learn."

He's talking of course about Operation Reinhardt, the killings of the Jews in the Bug river camps, Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor

There's tons of proof of this

Finally, mainstream Jewish holocaust historians like Peter Longerich are coming around to David Irving's viewpoint that Hitler himself was probably being kept deliberately out of the loop. Peter Longerich writes in his latest Himmler biography. "If you read Heinrich Himmler's speeches carefully you see that he is very careful not to claim that he's acting on orders from Hitler and the language that he uses leaves strongly the impression on historians the fact that he was acting on his own." At one point in his speech in October 1943. Himmler actually says in a speech to SS Generals. He says "I know a lot of you understand why we are killing the Jews but a lot of you don't quite understand why we're also killing the women and children." And he says, "I'm doing this. I've taken this decision myself, because it would be wrong to leave coming generations to deal with this problem all over again." So again, he could so easily have said "Hitler has taken this decision or the Führer has taken this decision." But he says "I have taken this decision."

Auschwitz was a labor camp but when the train came with new arrivals they picked out the old, sick and frail, in other words those who couldn't work and they were sent to 2 small cottages, 1 red and 1 white, where they were gassed, sometimes up to 200 people at a time.

This is from the deputy commandant of Auschwitz, Hans Aumeier's writings. He was taken as a prisoner to Norway after the war ended and they interviewed him extensively. Watch the video

I'm going to walk my dogs. Please, don't let the thread die. Bump the thread while you watch the video.

Bumping to keep the thread alive. Come back soon bork bork.


Because that topic is on sites that can't be easily monitored by jidf

Irving is a sick and disgusting being.
The holocaust happened.
He should rot in jail.

Watch his other talks too and read his books, especially Hitler's War. I think you can download it for free on his website. No one knows more about world war 2 than him. He has worked on this for over 55 years and he has gone through pretty much every diary and every document that exists and gone through over a hundred thousand decoded messages that the brits caught.

>David Irving 2014

Fuck off Merkel.

Weren't they making a movie about him called 'Denial.' From what I saw it was just a bunch of ass blasted Jews who try to prove their 6 bazillion.

Irving has never denied the Holocaust and his contributions to WWII historiography outstrip any by any mainstream academic.

He never denied it. He only asked tough questions and proved that the numbers and atrocities are exaggerated and he also said that there's no proof that HItler knew what was going on.

He even says that only 5.000.000 Soviets died during ww2, but the official record says 20.000.00.

From 1:32:45
>British archives there's a private record taken by the interpreter of a meeting between Joseph Stalin, the Russian dictator, and Winston Churchill on July 19, 1945 when they met in Potsdam. And they're talking in private over dinner about who should get what in the dismemberment of Germany. And each side is boasting about the damages they suffered and Stalin says to Churchill "We're entitled to far more, because you've got to realize that we lost in the Soviet Union many many lives, nearly 5 million Russians are dead or missing. He would've had no reason to minimize the figure, but he would've had every reason to exaggerate the figure, and he said 5 million. But you see how it has ballooned since then. 5 million to 20 million to 40 million. And it's exactly the same with the holocaust figures.

>How many died in the holocaust? I hate that word "Holocaust". I mean you're falling for their salesmanship when you use that word. Well the answer is... a lot. How many died in Auschwitz? I think the best figure you can get is an estimate figure given by the Polish authorities. Poles, you see, in Krakow in 1947 put on trial all the Auschwitz top dogs. Rudolf Hess the commandante, Hans Aumeier his deputy, Arthur Liebehenschel the successor of Rudolf Hess. 22 of them were put on trial in Krakow and a lot of them were sentenced to death and there's a video showing the actual judgement being handed down on them. The judgement says "These people who are guilty today had been the principal officers of a camp, Auschwitz, in which up to 300.000 people of all nationalities met their deaths. It doesn't say they were killed, it doesn't say they were gassed. It says they died. Up to 300.000. Now these, you've got to realize were the Polish courtroom which had all the documents, they had all the Auschwitz prisoners to interrogate and the figure they used in their judgement as they sentenced these men to death was up to 300.000, so how suddenly did the figure balloon to 4 million on the memorial in Auschwitz in the 1970s and the 1980s? The communist director, the Jewish director of the Auschwitz state museum, Franciszek Piper, he eventually had that figure chiseled down and a new monument erected to the 1.2 million killed. It's rather like monopoly money the way they play around with these figures.

thank you for this picture

>I'm sorry for any individual person who was killed in war or out of war, that is the real crime in my mind. The real crime really isn't genocide which is this invented word used by our opponents. The real crime is what I call innocenticide, the killing of innocent people. It's a crime because the victims were innocent, not because they were Jewish innocent people. Do you see the difference? But once you start talking about innocent people being killed being a crime, the disadvantage for our opponents is that suddenly all the global sympathy and treasure, the money becomes entitled to a larger number of people who are not Jews. The victims in Hiroshima, the bombing victims of Dresden, the Australians who suffered in Japanese prison camps, they could start claiming compensation.

If you continue watching from 1:32:45, he mentions that there's a lot of proof that 1.24 million Jews in total were killed during the war.

Remember to write down the documents that he mentions and look them up for yourself

>the bombing victims of Dresden

>muh Dresden

this meme needs to die.

Tanned new Germans like you should really learn your own history

wrong gif. it's supposed to be the one where they're in the car