Can anyone think of another example of a band putting out a great album after 3+ mediocre records?
Can anyone think of another example of a band putting out a great album after 3+ mediocre records?
death grips
Self-titled is their only mediocre release, though.
flaming lips
imo first 3 tracks were good, rest pretty shit (woefully mediocre or just lifting stuff from elsewhere and putting it into a blend) and ending on some good finishers
its a very good album. wouldnt call it great tho
Absolutely not
Good call
Fuck yourself
Iron Maiden
X factor
Virtual XI
Brave New World
Dance of Death
>LDA>Entire back catalog
You are a true faggot.
though they certainly had hits, The Eagles didnt have a good start to finish album until Hotel California
Radiohead. The only decent album they have is Kid A.
Big Krit - 4eva is a Mighty Long Time
Weezer - White Album (relatively speaking)
Denzel Curry - Imperial
Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion
Joy Division
>Denzel Curry - Imperial
nah you're wrong
TSLAMP and One Thing Left to Try are the best tracks
All of mgmts albums are good, especially self titled. Such an awesome sounding record.
lou reed - new york
TSLAMP is the worst on the album.
how does it feel to be so wrong :)
How does it feel to be a faggy highschool kid who looks at his phone too much?
This was a rotten post and I would like to formally retract it.
Rolling Stones - Some Girls
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
David Bowie
and the list goes on...
>checked spacing
What is it like to be handicapped?
Congratulations is pretty great.
EWBAITE is better than White tho
X Factor was pretty damn good desu
tylr the crator
This, but their were a couple of decent songs on self-titled.
Did seem a bit mean
ew, bait
thiis so much... wouldve been a classic if they kept up the pace of the first 3 tracks