You mean white americans

you mean white americans

you monkey

Other urls found in this thread:ław_Hermaszewski

While you white bois we're on the moon. Here down on Earth us blacks we're banging ur women ayyy

What is the point of this thread exactly?

White man proud of putting a man on the Moon... Black man fantasizes about white pussy he will never get.....typical nigger


>The first Kangz space mission reaches the moon

>Air Jordan prints
>Empty Schlitz Malt liquor cans
>Orange Crush bottles
>Used condoms
>Spent shell casings

Best not step to this! Tycho Crater Niggaz is cray!

>Whites create industrial steam engine
>Whites create Locomotive transportation
>Whites create the printing press
>Whites built first modern computer
>Whites create the modern staples of fist world luxury and comfort
What have niggers done? Beside steal other cultures history to fill their empty void.

fuckin rayciss as sheeit


>he thinks anyone has been to the moon
prove it faggot. never happened

we have to distinguish white from shitskin
white are human, and shitskin are only half human
even if colored don't wanna admit this, this is real
it's always white to make out something new
colored just copy white's inventions

shitskin BTFO

>white pussy he will never get

what are you talking about?
pic, typical nigger, related

Never forget that North Korea went to the moon 5 times and brought countless moon pebbles back to feed their nation with.

Peanut butter and lightbulb filament.


for this
>empty menthol cigs box

Shut your slanty fuckin gob you oriental fuck Show is how you're not even Anglo

Sheeeeeeeeet man we built pyramids and sheeeeeet!

inb4 #TheMoonLandingWasAConspiracy

>Tfw Slavs were first in space
Feels good.jpg

>niggers settle on the moon
>Moon goes to shit
>abandoned houses appear everywhere
>crime sky rockets
>liqour stores open up in every crater
>"WE ACCEPT EBT" on every store
>gangs appear and start having turf wars
>dark side vs light side

Sounds like a good movie pitch

>hey I can step on a thing, take a picture and call it moon
you Americans don't actually believe that moonlanding happened, do you?

not all of us m80

why don't we ever try to take advantage of the liberal progressive machine to get something we want. I would like nasa to get off its lazy fucking ass and get some moon action.

so why not appeal to the pro-nigger propaganda and send a moon cricket back to its home planet. on the bright side we can get into space again.

your country must be so proud to have done all the on board plumbing

>That pic
The difference is that the USSR no longer exists and the corrupt bundle of nations that exist in it's place are fucked. We won in the long run.
>first bitch in space is on there twice, with two different pictures
Why though?

Oh, it happened. Just not on television. They faked that shit to save face for being unable to win anything space related, convinced everyone else they got there first so others would stop trying, then got their shit together and actually went there in secret.

He still had to go back.

Of course they had to fake landing on it. The moon is a hologramław_Hermaszewski
at least the toilets were shiny and chromium.

That's why it's so peaceful.

Peanut butter wasn't invented by that nignog, it was patented by a white guy before him and made by the Aztecs

While yall wuz on da moon an shiet (we been der 4000 years ago btw, some black pride facebook page told me)
We wuz down her buildin CIVILIZASHUN N SHIET knowm sayn? Yall was on da moon we wus KANGZZZ 100 100


Your dubs concurs. We should fund it.

>tfw a suuuper ironic blaxpoitation about a spacechimp gang war sweeps the oscars


Give it a few years and a Congolese will walk on the moon for real.