What is the Rick n Morty of music?

What is the Rick n Morty of music?

My vote is for Queen

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Nope. Queen can actually be good.

death grips

I could see it
>loved by reddit
>plebs think it's deep and act superior for liking it

Talking Heads

My vote for music in general

some pseud surface level bullshit overrated by redditors

Death Grips seems about right. Hot topic core, nihilistic aesthetics and cliches that dorks look up to, without any actual thoughtful content

Agreed. It's Queen


Don't really care about Queen either way myself and I dislike Rick and Morty- but why? Do they have anything in common? Death Grips is a way better answer. For one, Queen is from the 70s. Death Grips and Rick and Morty are both very much of the present day

Queen is stereotypically loved by redditors and is always used as an example of how old music was better than new music by pseud teenagers online and it makes them superior to their justin gayber listening peers. The same kind of reddit using pseud teenagers who use Rick and Morty as an example of sophisticated tv so much better than all the other shows and how watching it puts them above other people.

Death Grips
You need a very high IQ to understand "HAVE A SAD CUM BB"

I really want to ask those plebs if they've ever listened to a full Queen album or if the only thing they've heard is a greatest hits album.

It's run the jewels and nothing else comes close

So same as Death Grips for the fanbase, only the actual content itself has nothing to do with R+M

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ween. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical listener's head. There's also Gene's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ween truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dean's existencial catchphrase "I'M WAVING MY DICK IN THE WIND," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ween's genius unfolds itself on their record players. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Boognish tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Opposite problem as Queen- the content is probably kind of similar between R+M and Ween, but the Ween fanbase seems too chill and passive

Someone earlier compared R&M reliance on le random humor like WUBALUBADUBDUB, PICKLE RICK, GAZORPAZORP MULTIDIMENSIONAL 3D CABLE to Queen songs like Bicycle or Fat Bottom Girls that have kinda goofy "random" lyrics.

That's actually fair

why is it that any musician who takes any political stance these days becomes a meme?

I don't know, I don't think Rick and Morty is nearly that bad

I'd say it's more like the Captain Beefheart, a meme fanbase, some legitimately great gems but also a lot of shit (though unlike with Rick and Morty, nobody praises Beefheart's mid-period albums and tries to pretend they don't exist but I suspect Rick and Morty will get that same treatment in future decades)


THIS x 1000

Something newer, like 21 Pilots.

Because politics is just another troll now.

rick and morty was pretty funny for a while but i kinda lost interest near the end of the 2nd season. i really liked the 1st season when i saw it a few years ago. i dont think it's super sophisticated or some great philosophical statement or the greatest tv show of all time like the fanboys say it is, but it reminded me of futurama and like a satire of back to the future and it could be entertaining. i dont know what happened though, i just didnt like the later episodes i saw and the most recent ones. the fanbase is ridiculous but that's to be expected with a cartoon show.

idk man

So basically mucore

How can you even hate Queen? I'm genuinely curious.

For me, Season 3 killed a lot of my enthusiasm but it also made me realize for every great storyline I loved in an early episode, there was a fucking awful separate storyline I never want to watch again

I don't think history will be kind to the series but it was fun at first, so maybe that makes it the Eagles or something?

I don't hate queen, I think they're ok. They're definitely talented but their "theatric" kind of style and bombastic sound isn't really my thing.

what do you mean anonymous poster

Probably because they are overrated, it's hard not to hate something when everyone shoves it down your throat as if they can't believe you listened to it and "didn't get it"...people hate being told what they have to like, that doesn't mean they hate the thing itself (though in a case like Queen you could reasonably hate it because of its negative influence on music)

Any hatred of a good thing stems from the audience surrounding it

King Gizzard

ICP, if ICP was at least somewhat enjoyable and its fanbase weren't so tight-knit

The theatrical style feels really on the nose to me, I don't find the lyrics super amazing or anything, not all of it resonates emotionally.

Queen is great, just not really my thing. I kind of enjoy it when I do hear it (which is constantly all the fucking time every single day, btw,) but I don't think I would ever put it on.

Freddy was a god tier vocalist, the things I don't enjoy about them are mostly stylistic and due to the hype and how overplayed they are

nailed it




This. Literally.

Weird Al.
As in... it's cancer.

It is Primus. Without a doubt.

All of you faggots dont want to admit it.
But its for sure to be nothing other than:
> radio head


Except no one really gets Primus

That would imply there's something to 'get'


Queen is genuine, emotional and positive.

R&M is pseudointellectual cynicism 101.

I. for one, still enjoy Rick and Morty

and the Rick and Morty of music is Electric Six

Rick and Morty is unironically great, I hope youre factoring that into your comparisons, like yeah I get that reddit like it too and it attracts some undesirable people but I cant think of a comedy as content dense since the original Office.

Sunny In Philly is more dense than R&M. I love both, but Sunny In Philly is more subtle with what it's trying to say than R&M.

philly also turned to trash for a solid 4 seasons there, season 2-5 philly sure but it doesnt get considered the same when they sell out, if we're trying to talk about peak comedy dense then the simpsons get that during the golden period but again they fucked themselves

Queen is a a good band who made catchy hits as well as big impressive pieces and experimented with many different styles.

The answer is King Crimson. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand King Crimson.

R&M's latest season felt pretty flat to me personally. Sunny has managed to keep a fairly good amount of episodes coming, though I'll admit the last season was pretty dull.

Daft Punk

No you dont get to pull out that old chest nut of "yeah it dipped a little in the last" its been trash for years now, purely coasting on its earlier jokes, i mean i still watch it too but its trash mate.