Is this picture true?
Is this picture true?
It's a strawman made by a butthurt numale.
You often see it posted on Sup Forums.
It's funny
>"I've accepted I will die alone"
It hits home.
"I'm not racist. I just look at the facts."
Nah, I am racist.
Very much so. Who else is a big enough loser in life to spend every waking hour shitposting on an anime board?!?!? Oy vey!
Racism is simply a pathologization of a very normal instinct, preference for your own kind. All biological life forms breeding in and out groups, all the way down to bacteria. It is a function of nature itself.
>I-It's just a strawman, I swear!
This is the main crossover board for /r9k/ for a reason bud
Fuck off normie
It's a picture of a nu male made by another nu male.
It basically throws a bunch of contrary quotes made by several different kinds of people that a feminist wouldn't like.
Yes, we certainly do have many types like you.
What exactly is your purpose in this kind of shitposting anyway.? Are you a cuck or non-white? It would be interesting to sample.
How to know if you are brainwashed by your (Rothschild / Jewish controlled) educational system, media and Hollywood:
1) You compare people who love their Nations and countries with Hitler.
2) You compare people who have the same beliefs and ethics as their ancestors had for thousands of years, as Nazis and Fascists.
3) You think pedophflia and homosexuality is normal.
4) You think racism is the most disgusting thing in the world.
5) You think cultural marxism and the Marxist/Jewish frankfurt school is a conspiracy theory.
6) You think Hitler wanted a blonde-haired blue-eyed Germans.
7) You think the Nazis killed 6.000.000 Jews.
8) You think dictatorships always equal to tyranny.
9) You think Putin oppresses his people.
10) You think the russian created communism and were the one's behind the 1917 bolshevik revolution.
11) You think that Democracy is equal to Freedom and that its the best system.
12) You think all races are equal.
13) You think the Arabs caused 9/11.
14) You don't know that ISIS is funded and controlled by the U.S and its allies.
15) You are against the 2nd Amendment.
16) You think Jesus Christ never existed or that he was a Jew.
17) You think that world government is a great idea.
18) You think that Nationalism is an evil ideology.
19) You compare racists to Hitler.
20) You want countries to have "no borders".
Congratulations!!! If you are realted to one or more these traits, are brainwashed by your (Rothschild / Jewish controlled) educational system, media and Hollywood !!!! :D
Pls no smiley.
Did I hurt the virgin's fee fees?
>if you're not an edgy autistic you must be a cuck or non-white
That's Sup Forums logic for you
There's a time and place for every idea.
Don't be mad cause you had yours already.
>implying 17 and 17 aren't true
World government doesn't mean countries stop existing or that their borders disappear. It means a single government runs all the smaller ones, like a federal running the state governments here in US. But states still are their own things with their own laws too.
As for Christ, let, gimme a fucking break
>my undead zombie is more legit than your child fucking warlord
16 and 17*
How about answering the question?
Are you a cuck or non-white?
I'm guessing cuck.
Fedoras have already been claimed and attached to a group. Doesn't work here.
Roastie detected, off to reddit or the ovens.
You're just digging yourself further in a hole.
>look mom, I called someone a cuck on Sup Forums!
kekked so fucking hard
Little does he know that is what girls really look for in a man
>This is the main crossover board for /r9k/ for a reason bud
Do you have even a single fact to back that up?
>"I've accepted I will die alone"
Let's be real, most of you know this applies to you.
>implying the US states wouldn't be much better off running themselves as independent entities
World government would increase bureaucracy tenfold and make any sort of grassroots movement totally impossible.
Even with the US size they're pretty much impossible.
Still dodging the question boys. Why is that? Not that you haven't given the answer already.
Go back to jerking off to your cuck porn and leave Sup Forums to the adults.
You're considered edgy fedoras because you're tryhards when it comes to being edgy.
>Every1 I don't like has a shitty choice in headwear!!!
>Your views make me uncomfortable so I'll just call you edgy
>Just accept my strawmans and shut up please
>Look mom, I called him a cuck again!
>1 post by this ID
That hurts man.
it was /leftypol/ tier.
>posting a comment that isn't even from this forum
You can do better than that cuckboy.
It's literally not hard to post a comment and then screencap it.
Even most of your type are smart enough to do that. Are you really that dumb?
>Look mom, I posted an image of a strawman calling someone a cuck again!
>getting this angry about the word "cuck".
Must really hit close to home.
Try /r9k/ if you want to talk about it.
He thinks it's just a strawman
>he likes to watch as other men gangbang his crush
See help friend. Coming here to b8 won't help you.
We care about you want want you to be better.
Don't forget about the lolbertarians
Lefties have been hitting this board hard lately.
They must be awful sore with UK earning it's freedom and Trump preparing to build the wall.
Well said.
Yes I'd wager that Sup Forums and /r9k/ have the most amount of crossposters
you look like a rural sissy boy
From what I've heard it's mostly /leftypol/ from eight-chan that's behind the recent shitposting flood. I assume most of them are just Bernouts working through the intense butthurt they feel knowing that their dreams have been shattered and no one is ever going to pay off their student loans for them.
We can't have those lefties interrupting our infograph memes!
I'm pretty much this, except I have a job and I'm a Jew.