If European men are butthurt that immigrants are fucking their women, then why aren't we fucking theirs? That's what we do here.
If European men are butthurt that immigrants are fucking their women, then why aren't we fucking theirs...
I'm not though, I don't give a shit what roastie cunts do.
>Implying I am not getting rich Chinese commi pussy
European men suck at getting away with rape and muslims arent stupid/cucked enough to embrace feminism
Because there are very few Muslim/Immigrant women in Europe. The numbers are pretty much 67% male.
Because a Muslima who fucks an infidel is brutally murdered by her own family.
>Checks flag.
I don't think he needs to imply you don't.
but i am. i grew up with turks only dated turkish girls until i was about 20 since i had a long term relationship with a macedonian girl and currently im banging a croat. Only dated 2 German women and had maybe sex with 4-5.
Why are you guys so mad about interracial dating. Gosh, grow up. Anyone, and everyone can date whoever they want regardless of their race without being insulted and discriminated, but yet you guys make such a big deal out of it. Deal with it, my sister is dating a black guy and I don't care.
The refugees were almost 80% male OP.
Why do Americans sometimes seem less cucked in practice tho?
Is it the general right-wingness of 'Murica that causes us to prevail?
>implying i didn't
Fucked a muslim babe in the ass because she wanted to stay virgin, lmao. Her brother is a coworker of mine and he never stops saying how western women are all whores and muslim ones are all pure and shit. If he only knew
Gosh gee golly we sure do user. You're so gosh darn right leaf yes we are all equal and cetra and we can do want we want.
Our countries will drop even further into double digit IQ average and the future will be a flesh pit gosh we just have to deal with it /pol its the future and gosh
Majority of them are not even syrian.
>USA flag
>Pic background from from Arabic Country
>You don't get away with rape as European
>Their women are incredible inbred
>Their women have an IQ in the low 80s or high 70s
On the positive side you would never have to pay child support. They'll kill them when they find out you banged them. On the negative side, they might try to kill you also for dirtying their family honor. As if they had any.
>yuropoors will never know this feel
Back to tumblr with you, you fat ugly landwhale. There's good reasons for this such as how incredible inbred they are, how their IQ is absolutely subpar. You not caring isn't much of an argument, it merely shows you're a lost cause all around. Embracing something that in most parts of the world would cause a violent and aggressive backlash as people very much have healthy in group preferences and know what is at stake.
>a fucking leaf
This has to be b8.
A Canadican cuck is too stereotypical.
Halal in the streets haram in the sheets once you convince them that Islam is just a bunch of nonsense they'll be just like western girls that don't care about religion and are more liberal and open to dating outside of their ethnic group. OR be like me and show interest in religion and interest in learning about Islam in college. Once I visited the Islam club for the free food and sermons tons of hijabi girls knew me by name and would greet me and hang around me all over campus.
Muslim women who are actually cute like in your pic are rare. They're usually fucking fat, ugly, dumb, stink and have a mustache.
because theirs are staying in sand countries
white girls do it better
Bullshit nigger. Those are all the old bitches. Majority of Muslim chicks I see my age are hot as fuck, and give Latinas a run for their money.
>racemixing is disgusting
>let's solve it by racemixing even more!
American intellectuals.
Very true. From what I've seen they're usually either attractive and pretty or female versions of Azamat from Borat. Which is odd since white girls are usually either qt, average, or really gross looking. With ME grills it's always 50/50.
Was she a based eastern European or was she a westernised one?
what is this, a picture from the 90's?
Did you stick it where it doesn't choke?
really makes you think
>white girls do it better
Do it better with a lot of different better males then you, hence the start of Sup Forums NHND movement...
>Not wanting to shove your face in their assholes
It's almost as if you're a faggot
I'd argue that Arabs are variants of white peoples and wouldn't be race mixing. imo if we both have not dark brown or black skin and our children still have pale skin, we're white. But I could understand blonde or red haired whites not wanting to mix with Arabs or Asians since it would lead to the children potentially losing the unique hair colors.
Take a trip to morrocco and do a "Belguel."
I delivered the scimitar they craved.
>why aren't we fucking theirs?
Bestiality laws prevent that. Mostly.
>I'd argue that Arabs are variants of white peoples
Of course you would, American. That's what your government does when counting your 62% white population after all. I bet they love that there are people even falling for this nonsense.
>1 post by this ID
Damn. That really made me think.
She wasnt red-pilled in the pol sense but she was traditionalist which is what eventually ended the relationship. She wanted to marry and i refused.
how do I find this so called "bleached.com"?
Yay let's racemix more. That surely won't destroy our race in two decades
The last thing we want to do is create more sandniggers.
I want to live in a place where there's only white people. How do I immigrate to Russia legally?
Racemixing is degenerate.
70% ADULT male, around 15-20% male "children" . Women are only 10-15% and men are 85-90%
google Belguel and find his photos.
>fighting jewry with jewry
it doesn't work like that faggot.
i had some turkish grills who probably wanted my dick but i didn't want to get shot so
their women are not going to europe or america really. its like 90% men . women cant travel by themselves in muslim nations. so she is either already married or not coming
We're already all mixed here anyways, so it would make no difference to us. I can understand Europeans not being into that, which is good because I'd rather they keep pure genes going and not get spoiled like us here. I'm jealous that Europeoples can be born as just one thing, rather than having multiple ethnic and racial backgrounds like all Americans.
>only white people
1 i am not Russian. 2. Russians are very mixed with mongoloids 3. The country is known for it's jewrly so you can expect cucking soon
Just bring back seggregation and lynching. Lynch every nigger criminal and you ll be fine
you mean raping right?
pakis are the least desired race in this country
nah bud im looking for the real fuckin deal
wheres that fucking white guys cucking non-whites porn hub at
other than a history text book of course
Muslim men treat women like dirt. Not only will the not fuck us due to the fact that they have been trained to be slaves for their husbands but Muslim men also use women as meat shields when running from conflict. This is why muslims want in on the west so much, they literally have been killing off all their women so they need to go to where there are some.
>Be me.
>Sign up to Muslim dating website for lulz
>Have loads of muslim women contacting me.
>Wealthy Muslim women who are desperate for Western males.
>Only demand is you convert to Islam.
I'm serious. QT Muslim women love white guys and I'm not even that great looking.
I want to tongue punch her fart box of you know what I mean senpai
did you bother looking? He fucked like 80 arabs and took pictures, a bunch of them are dead now from honor killings or in jail for it.
Are you going to find the jews pushing it? No. Belguel has like 100 pictures up if you want them, also had video that never got posted supposedly.
Look on "world sex guide" for pervs talking about fucky-fucky trips to muslim nations.
I can see why Jewhan would hire him
I can't post the good ones bc they change the rules on "Bannable offense" depending how many hotpockets the mods have had.
Look and just be careful of bad links. Better than any porn, these girls actually went to jail or got stoned for it.
I like knowing the girls I've fapped to have died because they made a video like that.
sounds like a good deal if you don't mind giving up pork and alcohol.
those are actually romanians, and by Sup Forums "standards" gypsies too
decide already
Stop bullshitting, Most of these hedious hoe's were actual street hoe's or desperate mid aged widows...only couple of them were even remotely bangable. no one got stoned there you freak, it's fucking Morocco not Saudia.
>no one got stoned there you freak
No asshole, the jewish media made up an entire scandal and there really is no price on his head. I made up the "Belguel" scandal by myself, you caught me:
"At least one of the women filed a complaint to the police in Morocco, after a CD-ROM of the pictures began circulating in marketplaces in Agadir.[3] The police arrested her, as well as many of the other women pictured, as posing for pornographic photos is a crime in Morocco.[3][7][8] At least two of the women attempted suicide while in prison, and several have disappeared, either in hiding or murdered by their families in honor killings.[3][7] "
Kekeke, all your muslims wear the hijab. Most muslim girls in France don't wear the hijab and suck big white cock all the time. That's why ISIS hates us so much.
Muslim women are whores and would fuck any semi-decent White guy in a second. Remember that while at mosque 5x a day.
you are as dark as a nigger, and you are saying they are trash? don't look trashy to me.
They don't fuck our women. They get married at 19 and have 5 kids on well-fare,
Def was a "street hoe."
Because I don't know what they look like over their stupid thing.
Anissa Kate, French arab porn actress
It's not the women searching for that.
Seems legit since you went to all the trouble of posting a Pornstars picture there, it must be true for every regular person.
paki men search beast tube
>White women are whores and would fuck any semi-decent Black guy in a second in US of A...FTFY
Because they kill their women if they do sleep with whites.
95 of them in a few months? not fucking likely. A crazy SJW.
This guy was pulling 3 a day of the street just by promising to take them to Belgium.
A Tunisian girl from my fb friends, good for you shitskin?
>Supposed Honor Killing by family
>State or Community Sponsored Stoning
pick one my dear Fatso
>immigrants are fucking their women
Have you seen our immigrants? Even black prostitutes don't serve them.
I know Sup Forums has a cuck fetish but maybe if you guys walked outside you'd see that that's not the case
They mostly suck BBC user
Haha true
What's the Paki word for goat? Or does the preference for animal vary by islamic country with goat being the Syrian/Afghan thing?
And Paying Them with mint $, the most important part you forgot, that would mean Prostitution in every legal book.
I didn't major in sharia and how stonings are meant to be carried out, sorry.
>Paying Them with mint $,
No one was charged with prostitution. He documented it all online as he was doing it.
Dude ever seen our immigrants? They are scrawny somalis with deformed heads and almost starving
>Swiss Italian mother
>implying Swiss Italians aren considered Italian
completely different mentality
Once a white woman has been browned or blacked, she is tainted forever. It's not a matter of "hurr let's fuck their women", it's a matter of them greatly reducing our chance of finding a potential mate that hasn't been tainted.
>my fb friends
OMG a fagbook friend, that absolute hoe, stone the bitch...
Srsly man, I'v got some White and Some Indian ladies in my page, does that mean I'm ever gonna meet & bone them?
>some White... ladies
Oh, white women just love goybook requests from Indians and other assorted.
Know how many good FB and YT videos you stalker retards have had taken down bc you can't look without writing creepy love letters?
I can't read frog, what does your pic say?
My bad.
>muslim women so pure meme
people don't understand that Sharia laws, and the conservatism of the european south are a backlash of men against the fact that mediterranean and middle eastern women are the biggest mudsharking sluts out there.
Did any of you motherfuckers actually know what Arabian Nights are all about? bunch of Cuck Tales
How can white women even compete?