"Canada is spending over 10 million dollars on ads "fighting Islamaphobia" by using photos of white males saying racist slurs against Muslims. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is hoping this campaign will shed light on the problem of white males in Canada so he can get legislation passed that will allow up to 5 million Muslim refugees in to the country over the next few years."
Canada's war on white males has officially begun
We all know Weedman will do it whether or not permission is granted.
Lurk more newfagglet
how did he get elected? this dude is literally and figuratively up his own ass
identity politics, just like obama
He won on total non issues like fags and weed and who the fuck knows what else, its all a blur. The main thing was antiHarper sentiment, as well as Harper's poorly executed campaign. Fun fact, Liberals had barely any seats after the previous election, now they have a majority with less than 40% of the popular vote, and its gonna stay like that for another 4 goddamn years
what the fuck is going on with this world?
>The purpose of the campaign is not to lay blame or point fingers but to provoke meaningful discussion. The message is clear: “Torontonians need to examine their privileges and their own assumptions about others, in this case Muslims and refugees,” says Debbie Douglas, the Executive Director of OCASI.
Everyone hated Harper, and his campaign constantly talked about how young Trudeau is and how nice his hair is. Really great way to get the young people out to vote against you by saying how none of them have any real world experience and just aren't ready for the big stage.
Harper and whoever the fuck was in charge of his campaign should be embarrassed. I don't know why the Conservatives didn't find a new leader, Harper was pretty clearly never going to get reelected.
he has name recognition with the boomers who elected his dumbfuck of a father who is an icon among that generation in Ontario and Quebec.
I know we were never anything special, but I can really say from the bottom of my heart i have never been so disgusted,ashamed and resentful of being a canadian in my life.
Its the current year, thats whats fucking wrong. This asinine notion that society should be at a certain place because of current year has become prevalent, and people dont seem to see just how retarded that is. We can compare our current selves to the past because the past cannot be changed, but trying to dictate how our future will write about us, and trying to make it so they wont write anything bad otherwise it'll hurt our poor dead feelings, is driving this madness over the edge and its beyond retarded. This is tied to that bullshit 'right side of history' meme that makes be scream internally whenever I see it.
harper didn't bow out and let someone else take the reigns, even when it was obvious most of the country was voting against him and not the party
i-its okay my neighborly syrupnigger. Trump will le-save you from al-Trudeau bin faggotry
if Trudeau hadn't been elected party leader, the CPC would have won at least a minority government in 2015. They have a solid voting block of 30-35% of the population and all they need to win is the LPC and the NDP to split votes to win, as happened in 2006, 2008, and 2011.
it's crazy, his father got cucked left and right
what's a canada
who cares, fuck off. it happened in Europe first, stop bandwagoning
Trudeau won literally because he said he'd legalize weed.
There's a reason why Sup Forums calls him weedman.
To add to this, I pray with all my heart that future historians look upon us with disgust, because if they don't it means that they succeeded.
My question is how the fuck do these people live with themselves?
I hope so, because we all know Shillary wont help anyone but herself
Bullshit, all the rich white people live in Etobicoke.
That bitch is from Scarborough with the rest of the trash.
Justin Trudeau's ruining my life
Glad I haven't seen any of these stupid ads yet lol
Source faggots
Your proxy is showing.
how quaint
scarborough is also a shithole in britain
D O E S N ' T M A T T E R ; S T A R T E D C O N V E R S A T I O N
Ah yes, thank you for reminding me to never enter the anus of Canada again amerifriend. Have a rare.
But Trump will not win the elections.
I'm honestly more worried about Canada than I am about Mexico at this point.
You guys elected a guy who ran a campaign that was literally just "legalize weed". And despite that, he still hasn't legalized weed yet. Instead he's legalized more syrian refugees and sex with dogs. Also your country is on fire and he insists on only using somali bulls to put it out.
What the fuck is gonna happen to canada?
It's amazing how leftists make Soros hip.
He destroys nations for a living.
>White males
>personification of pol
Based Canada strikes again
stoners wanted weed, queers and women think he is hot, old people liked his dad, and people wanted anybody but harper as prime minister
>Instead he's legalized more syrian refugees and sex with dogs.
Canada, be proud of your tolerance, going the Swedish way for sure is progressive
>sex with dogs
What are you talking about? That was not part of his platform. Although dogs will hump just about anyone's legs so why not.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.".
What I want to know is, where are we progressing too? What is this progress that liberals speak of? All I see is MORE devision and segregation happening in society, not less. I'm 34 and I can honestly say society has gotten worse as the pendulum has swung left, not better.
Communities were more cohesive and people had a sense of hope when I was a kid. All that seems to have dissapeared.
Anti-immigration 'stances' are a code word for genocide.
I'm more worried about the US. Go see a movie - get shot, go to a club - get shot, go to school - get shot, go see the cops - they shoot you.
>that was literally just "legalize weed"
it was actually just "get harper out", and harper was a moron and stayed anyways instead of doing what was best for his party
fuck off and die
you aren;t welcome on this website
What if white men stopped giving them tax?
Above all else, Canadians strongly believe in the rule of law. Otherwise we'd be just like Mexico.
Have the most peaceful, liberal country in the Americas.
Invite millions of violent anti-liberals to immigrate and give them welfare.
Expect everything to work out.
Good luck my Canadian friends.
>tfw it's a Sup Forums goes reverse-sjw episode
i'm in north york right now laughing at your fragility
Liberalism works in Canada. At least for now.
I hate this world
do we need 2 walls?
No it doesn't you dumb fuck.
Every province is deep in shit as a result of dumb fuck liberal stink policies.
>I can honestly say society has gotten worse as the pendulum has swung left, not better.
This, almost everything got worse and society as never been more divided, but that's only the logical consequence of multiculturalism and "muh every children raping women hating monkey "culture" is as good, if not better as da evil western culture" There can be strong states with multiple ethnicities with ONE strong culture or there can be a non-functioning shitpile with multiple "equal" cultures, often directly opposed to each other. I am just glad that the people that pushed so hard for this are now also reaping the "benefits" of the diverse environment, get ready to get literally BTFO even more faggots and women, I will be in the first row when they start stoning some feminist cunts. KEK will grant me this pleasure.
yeah yeah, i've seen le epic maymay before. but how are you not being like sjw's to say that ads like this are an attack against all white men?
Yes. We'd happily build it for you. Except we have planes.
That hijabi looks pretty cute, she can stay with me.
That is why I said good luck. I like you guys. I don't know if I like you guys + 3 million conservative muslims.
you think there will be a poster of an asian or black person telling them go home?
Fucking leaf.
immigration isnt a new thing here, why are we pretending that we're just now on the road to this imaginary breaking point?
would you be #triggered if there wasnt?
Nope. We're all doing pretty good. Except for Alberta because of past Oil-cheering conservatives.
>"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been."
North York? Wow Canadians can't even come up with original names for places, had to name some tundra after an American state kek
Because "white men" is literally what makes the country run. It's where all the taxes come from. Taxes being used to fund campaigns that turn everyone against them and openly mock them. Are you telling me this is the only time you've ever seen it? You've never noticed how happy everyone in Canada is willing to shit on the white Canadian male?
i suppose another ten feet wouldn't work
A raccoon had babies in my garage. Does that mean they're really cars?
Because the examples specially paint white people as the antagonists
Chinese immigration is very different than Syrian immigration. California has the vast majority of Chinese immigrants in the US and they are generally awesome. They don't get guns mostly, but they add to society. Poor Syrians and Iraqis who think gays should be put to death? Good fucking luck.
no but you're just dodging the question because you're an sjw faggot
Best edit.
>when the weed king is a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>You've never noticed how happy everyone in Canada is willing to shit on the white Canadian male?
nope, it's almost as if you have a victim complex or something lol.
>this representation of one specific white person is an attack against ALL white people and you should be more sensitive and appropriate in the way you depict white people but remember that we're totally not acting like sjw's
Social justice vs social hatred - no wonder Trudeau won.
He's fucking a white male.
Anyone else see where this is going to go?
>whites become a minority in Canada
>whites will face Zimbabwe threat tier
>continue to tell non-whites to go back to their own country
>non whites will reply with "You had your chance, you can't make us go back now, we own this country and we own you"
>they'll ignore the hypocrisy of what they just said about "owning a country"
>they'll keep murdering whites
Hello darkness my old friend..
still dodging the question faggot
as a white male i can only say you to sit back and enjoy this little show
it will be fun when all craps up - trust me
still dodging the fact that asking the question in the first place makes you a little #triggered bitchboy
I hope we get this in America!
inb4 butthurt trumpkin
>over 5 million
Isn't the population of canada only like 25 million?
We've have so many immigrants and from many generations, you point has already been proven false. The white male is doing just fine.
I asked you a simple question and you just cannot answer because it actually triggered you, you're showing classic projection
your androcentrism never ceases to amaze
>The white male is doing just fine
>doesn't realise white people are still the majority
>you think there will be a poster of an asian or black person telling them go home?
you think it matters? lol why? because you're a reverse-sjw who gets triggered every time TEH POOR WHIET PEEPLZ are depicted badly lol. literally how is this any different from some tumblr rant about how x character on a tv show is offensive to x group of people?
still dodging, take off your mask sjw you're not fooling anyone
>you wont jump through my hoops so it's really YOU who is triggered every time us poor defenseless white people are the victims of this cruel discrimination!
user you have a good point. the pendulum is just swinging the other way now. get ready to be #oppressed by white brothers. handouts are coming! right? surely the nignogs will give to us what we gave to them now that they are in power. Because that's just fair right? :)
*my white brothers
Australia's effort was more retarded.