China Creates World's Fastest Computer Without Relying on US Hardware for First Time

>The Sunway TaihuLight is indeed a monster: theoretical peak performance of 125 petaflops, 10,649,600 cores, and 1.31 petabytes of primary memory. That’s not just “big.” Former Indiana Pacers center Rik Smits is big. This is, like, mountain big. Jupiter big.
>TaihuLight is faster than anything scheduled to come online in the US until 2018, when three Department of Energy sites will each receive a machine expected to range from 150 to 200 petaflops. That’s ahead of where China is now—but two years is half an eternity in computer-time. That the lead has gotten so large galls some lawmakers for reasons both political and practical. Legislation exists calling for a supercomputer funding boost, but has spent the last year mired in the Senate.
>The other significant TaihuLight achievement stings US interests even more, because it’s political. China’s last champ, Tianhe-2, had Intel inside.

It's over, America is finished.

Cool. maybe they can use it to place orders more quickly for bottled air.

For what purpose, other than bragging rights? For better hacking and stealing corporate and state secrets?

First post best post

Bets that it will break for less than a year

No CIA hardware backdoors, for example.
Russia seems to develop some domestical hardware as well for same reason, but not in such dimensions.

But you may be right, for cyber warfare possibly.
CIA gathers our data and chinese steal it piece by piece.

For what reason? user, you dont seem to realize we are using computers for everything today. So faster = better. People will probably be able to rent parts of it for experiments, physics, weather, math... well I guess all stem fields will make use of it.

That's actually pretty based. The Chinese aren't stupid, and I can respect that.

Meanwhile the west doesn't really have any choice, we could never make our own hardware like that.

I think the British have ARM though, so they don't have to become CIA/NSA's bitch if they don't want to.

How do I become a l33t h@xx0r???

Many things you can do with that much computing power. Why the US is so pissed is probably because you can use it to design miniaturized warheads. Besides that they'll probably use it for physics calculations, at my university the guys always need to beg for server time

Join an0manous

We have 12 supercomputers in top 500.

You have a billion hungry and poor people you need to take care of before thinking about super computers.

What do you mean? They use those computers to post on Sup Forums for advice.

They are finally coming to the conclusion to poo in the loo, maybe.

And yet we built our first supercomputer in 1980s. We are good at neglecting the poor.

These poo jokes are so mean.

Didn't they have a demonstration in India the other month where they supported Trump?
That was pretty nice of them.

why in the fuck do you want to save billion of people when you're trying to solve your population problem.

the chinamen really know how to make an aesthetic computer desu that looks sick

ducky puts similar leds in the special edition keyboards

Lame clickbait article. The Chinese may have a huge cluster but I'm pretty sure the USG has a bigger cluster hidden away in some windowless building.

Well, the Chinese know how to use their 1 billion productively.

Why can't India?

kek dope vending machine China, but how am I supposed to see what am I buying?

pic related

If you're renting processing time, it doesn't really make a difference.

You're not going to be using the entire thing.

their elite dont give a shit about the poor though, bringing the masses out of poverty and civilizing them is too great a task.

China forces its people to work, you can't do that in democracy. Things were easy when almost all people were uneducated, now everyone knows their rights.

How long until it burns down? Chinese brand quad core tablets are house fires waiting to happen.

Useless for a few reasons:

1. This computer has 20 times the physical cores of the next in line, but only produces 5 times the power.

2. This thing pumps out 125 petaflops (CLAIMED). Intels' 2018 supercomputer is already set to near DOUBLE it. So it's more or less outdated.

And lastly...

Who gives a shit? Supercomputers are yesterday's news. The industry isn't needed in creating these things because they're just building on old tech. The US still has the world's only Quantum computers, and that's not looking to change any time soon. THOSE are the future.

>China forces its people to work, you can't do that in democracy.
I think this is an efficiency problem with democracy.

The Chinese who spent every day on a factory city building my keyboard, mouse and Playstation might not do it out of joy.
But at least they are well fed, they get a salary, and get to have children who can go to schools.

This seems to be preferable than being one of the hundreds of millions of Indian children who lives in the slums and have to find food in the trash dumps.

>This computer has 20 times the physical cores of the next in line, but only produces 5 times the power.
Performance per watt is more important than performance per core.

Install Gentoo

>This seems to be preferable than being one of the hundreds of millions of Indian children who lives in the slums and have to find food in the trash dumps.

There are also hundreds of millions of Chinks who do this

Hundreds of millions? Really?
You don't hear about Chinese slum cities the way you hear about Indian slum cities.

Anyway, maybe their parents refused to work in such slave factories. I hear they are also bad for your sanity in the long run, many Chinese factory workers commit suicide.

Classical computers don't scale like that you fucking moron

Intel provides chips for 91% of the computers on that list.

It's only going to get worse all those corporations like Jewgle or Amazon are only concerned with cloud computing.